Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 201 In the Administrator's Office

Chapter 425 In the administrator’s office

When the blue sky slowly faded into blue-purple, the wandering sun slowly replaced the sky full of stars.

With the last ray of sunlight before the sun disappeared, a snow-white paper crane seemed to fly out from the enchanted ceiling, vibrating its paper wings gracefully, turning into a graceful arc, and fell into the sky. Harry held it in his hands with an expectant face.

"What did Draco say?"

"What did he investigate?" Ron, who was sitting opposite Harry just now, jogged around the end of the table and came to Harry's free right side.

"Draco said wait a minute, he will try to ask at the dinner tonight - while there are so many purebloods gathered." Harry hugged Ginny and looked at the parchment that the snow-white paper crane turned into, He rolled his eyes at Ron.

"That's it."

"What does 'Cat Man' Steven say?" Ron asked immediately.

"He was not found."

"What about you? You didn't do anything but spend the afternoon with Lavender." Harry shook his head and looked at Ron again.

"Hahaha, I, well, you know, Lavender and I just got together, we, so, you know, you and Ginny should both know that." Ron said with an uneasy smile.

He had always found it strange that he and Lavender had endless topics to talk about every day, but until now, he had only held Lavender's little hand.

"Lavender, if you don't want to make the same mistake again, you have to learn to communicate more with Ron. Don't talk to Ron in your dreams except for kissing all day long."

"You also need to learn to control the progress. It's best to just hold hands in the early stage and don't let him go."

"Boys of this age are devils in that respect." Professor Trelawney, a perennial bachelor wearing glasses, said.

"Really!" Ginny curled her lips disdainfully.

She had long noticed the scene where Ron tried to hug Lavender many times, but was avoided without any trace.

"Then Draco said when he would be back."

"Cool!" Ron just asked, when he saw Harry's fingers burst into flames and burned the parchment completely.

"It's nothing serious," Harry said lightly.

"Draco said he'd be back on Monday morning."

"The banquet will be held for two days."

"He said that he saw many Slytherin classmates at their engagement dinner, as well as some strangers of different ages who should not be in their circle."

"He said those people all smell like Muggles."

"At first glance, it looked like he had lived in Muggle society." Harry recalled.

"It seems that it's not just Roel who recalled those members who were expelled from the clan because they were squibs."

"It's no wonder that not only Slytherin, but also the pure-blood wizards in other colleges are missing this time."

"There are so few people."

"It seems that Draco's engagement party has also become a party for these wizarding families to lead those squib members who have been away from wizarding society to reconnect with each other."

"No wonder it takes two days." Ron curled his lips disdainfully.

"Also because so many purebloods have gathered, Draco is very confident that he can find Rolle's secret during this two-day engagement banquet - if it is really not that important anymore." Harry Smash it with your mouth.

He couldn't help but think of one thing, which was the engagement party between him and Ginny that was supposed to be held during the Christmas holiday.

He felt very uncomfortable.

It's not that he doesn't want to do this, but he thinks it's too fast.

He and Ginny had only been together for a short time, so they would have to be engaged for at least a year.

"Then we still need to find Steven the Cat Guy?" Ron asked.

"Of course..." Harry nodded.


It was an extremely dark and dirty room with no windows and only a lone oil lamp hanging from the low ceiling.

There was a faint smell of fried fish in the air.

Many wooden filing cabinets lined the surrounding walls.

There were so many labels on them that Fred and George once proudly said that these cabinets contained details of every student Filch had punished, and theirs took up an entire drawer.

This is indeed true. There are only two names on the wooden filing cabinet that you can touch when you pull it close to Filch's desk.

What is comparable to it is the drawer in the corner with only four names.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, and when he took a closer look, the most obvious thing was that the yellowed label read in scrawled handwriting: James Potter.

It can be seen from this handwriting that the anger of the person who originally wrote this can be seen.

Harry took a few steps back. He couldn't get any closer.

To avoid Filch's sarcasm.

Harry didn't know if he would be able to suppress his anger if he was being sarcastic about his father.

Today, thanks to the relationship between 'Cat Man' Steven, he managed to get a chance to be alone with Filch.

Harry had no choice but to turn his attention to the wall behind Filch's desk, where a set of shiny hinges, handcuffs, and shackles hung on it. They are well maintained and their owners seem to want to use them at any time.

Obviously, Dumbledore wouldn't agree.

Just as Harry was enjoying himself with the images of Filch being rejected in his mind, the door opened with a squeak, and then there was the sound of the door slamming shut.

"Harry Potter celebrity. Why are you looking for me through Steven?" It was Filch.

He narrowed his eyes and was looking Harry up and down.

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Harry couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

It was the first time he was alone with Filch, and for some reason, Mrs. Norris, who was inseparable from Filch, did not appear here.

He looked at Filch, his face was still pale, fat and loose.

His belly was slightly protruding, and his limbs were thin. It seemed that he had not been infected with the werewolf virus and then transformed into a wizard through Fenniel.

"Don't think that you are Harry Potter and I am afraid that you and Steven have nothing to do with this. This is the matter of the Weasley family's annoying twins. Don't involve him because you stand up for them." Filch stammered.

"I'm not doing this for Fred and George."

"They deserved to be caught and punished for violating school rules." Harry relaxed at once.

He didn't expect Filch to think so, and Filch seemed to really care about Steven.

"What about you?" Filch hesitated.

"I know that you can become a wizard through Fenniel." Harry said directly.

Filch's pale face suddenly turned red.

Filch limped to the table and sat down weakly.

"How come you - I said you - I'm a Squib?" he asked incoherently, twisting his hands with protruding joints.

"But it doesn't matter, I'm Rawl now, and I'm about to become a wizard!" Filch encouraged himself.

As the words went on, his body, which had just become hunched because of the words, straightened up again.

"You also want to learn Fenir's incarnation?"

"Through my channels?" Filch widened his slightly bulging eyes.

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