Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 209: Lupin is found

Chapter 433 Lupine was found

"When did you become so good at Potions?" Ginny couldn't help but ask.

"Wait, Aunt Muriel?" Before Ron could answer, Ginny thought of her aunt who she thought had vampire blood when she was a child.

Ron was silent, and Draco and Harry, who knew the inside story, were also speechless.

In a long and awkward silence, both Ginny and Draco successfully reduced to the size of a fingernail.

Their belongings were also shrunk just right by Harry using the shrinking spell in time.

Their wand, which would affect the effect of the shrinking spell, had also been given to Harry in advance.

And Ron, after turning into a baby three times in a row and being laughed at by Harry repeatedly, he came across the shrinking potion's body-shrinking function.

"Armor for protection!" Harry took out his wand and read to the three of Ron.

"This way you don't have to worry, you will be squeezed by other things in my pocket." Harry shrugged and put the three Rons who were standing in his palm into his pocket.

Then the journey to the Shrieking Shack began again.

"Oops, Draco, your wand hit me in the stomach!"

"Harry, why can't I stay in the other empty pocket with Ginny!" Ron couldn't help complaining in his pocket.

"Sorry, we are going up now, and we may be there soon." Harry explained to Ron.

Ginny is his girlfriend, so Ron and Draco should squeeze in together.

Draco understood this very well and remained silent, waiting for the end of the road.

And Ginny, because she had never been so close to Harry, was covering her red face and thinking wildly.

"I-" Ron pushed Draco's wand away and when he wanted to continue to rant, what he just said stopped abruptly.

Just when Harry was wondering why Ron was suddenly quiet, Draco's words explained everything, "What is the situation now? Why did I tremble? My butt sat on Ron's." face."

"You hold on, the tunnel is suddenly twisting and turning, but there is good news - I saw a little light, maybe we are almost there." Harry's words just fell, because of his speed, a room full of mess and The dusty house appeared before him.

The wallpaper had fallen off the walls, there were stains all over the floor, every piece of furniture was broken, as if it had been vandalized, and the windows were all boarded up.

"Quietly!" Harry quickly drew out his wand and pointed it at himself and others, confining their voices in a small circle centered around him.

To avoid being discovered by Lu Ping, who has been transformed and has sharp eyes and ears.

"Are we there?"

"Malfoy, move your butt!" Ron's voice came from Harry's left pocket.

"I wonder if I'm in the wrong place."

"There are clearly no traces of anyone living here." Harry said as he tapped the pockets on both sides with his wand.

Ron and Draco were entangled, and Ginny covered her face and slowly flew out of his two pockets and slowly fell to the ground.

He waved his wand again, and a potion bottle in his pocket opened automatically. Three drops of potion fell on the heads of the three people, covering them completely.

The potion seemed to suddenly vaporize and seep into their bodies.

Under the influence of the potion, the shrinking spell on their clothes and the effects of the shrinking potion in their bodies disappeared immediately.

The three people's bodies stretched out like noodles, and then elastically shrank back into a ball. The next second, they appeared in the same place before taking the shrinking potion.

Ron wiped his face in disgust while Ginny squatted on the spot.

Draco looked at the ground, thoughtfully.

"Maybe we're not wrong. Harry, please take a few steps and take a look." Draco suddenly raised his head and said.

As Harry walked, he looked at the ground that Draco had been paying attention to just now, "There are no footprints."

"Yes, Lupine seems to be very nostalgic. He used magic to deliberately preserve the dust and damage."

"Look at this chair. It's very stable. There's no dust in your hands when you touch it." Draco sat on a wooden chair - it seemed to be covered with dust, and a large piece of wood had been torn off. One leg was missing.

Harry handed the wand back to the three.

"That's okay, otherwise I would have gone crazy."

"I didn't come this far just to smell Malfoy's butt!" Ron pointed his wand at himself and used it one after another to clean it up.

"In other words, these traces just make people think that no one lived here."

"After all, the Shrieking Shack is a famous attraction in Hogsmeade." Harry looked at the room, and there was no sense of life in it.

"The door on the right is open," Ginny said, raising her face. Although her face returned to normal, her ears were still slightly red.

Everyone looked to the right, which led to a dark corridor.

Combined with the cold wind blowing from time to time and the creaking sounds coming from the roof, it seemed particularly scary.

At least Ron's expression changed and he swallowed.

"Go upstairs, there should be someone up there." Harry pretended to be calm and wiped his cold sweat.

So, even with the sound of Harry's magical restraint leaking out, the four of them tiptoed into the hall, and then climbed up the stairs that seemed to be about to collapse.

Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the four of them stepped on the dusty carpet and walked to the dark landing.

There were four doors that appeared in front of them, and the creaking sound came from one of the half-opened doors, which leaked warm light.

"Right there." Harry waved, and they looked through the gap in the door: it was a luxurious four-poster bed. It was the only thing in the room that was not dusty. The curtains around the bed blocked the shadow on the bed. .

But judging from the black fur exposed through the gap in the curtain, the person inside was obviously not human - or not now.

Its tail kept knocking down the bed unpleasantly, which was the origin of the sound they heard downstairs.

Seeing this, Harry's eyes suddenly widened. Lupin in wolf form, his sense of smell——

Harry opened the door directly and waved his wand, as if commanding a piece of brisk music, and the magic that bound the sound was released.

And the creature on the bed opened the curtain. It is a giant black wolf. Its long and narrow head is pulled back. The black fur slowly recedes like a tide, and the beast's claws become slender and slender.

Before everyone could be surprised, a man with gray hair appeared on the spot with his chest half exposed.

He had a pained look on his face and empty eyes. After a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Congratulations on finding me, Harry."

"I thought this day would take a long time to come." Lu Ping pulled his hair and smiled unnaturally, looking like he was making a face.

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