Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Mirror World

Chapter 454 Mirror World

This farce ended very quickly.

Because just after Bill asked the Black family's floo network number in a very wrong tone, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who felt something was wrong, also rushed over.

As soon as they emerged from the fireplace in the basement kitchen, they hurried to the third floor - in front of Harry's bedroom door.

Because they knew that their son was very opposed to this marriage.

Bill must have come here to find Harry.

Ten minutes later, Bill was pulled aside by Mrs. Weasley, "Why do you have the same temper as my brothers back then! You should learn to let go, Ginny is not young anymore, she is a student of Hogwarts!"

Bill listened to Mrs. Weasley's loud reprimand with an unconvinced look on his face.

"Harry, don't be nervous."

"Back then, I was also guarded by Molly's brothers like this, but in the end - it was me who eloped with Molly." Mr. Weasley comforted.

Before Harry could answer, he got excited again and asked, "Harry, Bill said you took Ginny away from the mirror!"

"Is it this mirror?"

"Can you let me go back this way later?" Mr. Weasley was dressed in a solemn black wizard robe with gold embroidered cuffs.

But he was still as lively as Harry had seen him before, full of childlike curiosity about everything he didn't understand.

Harry was simply trying his best to explain this magic to Mr. Weasley.

Because there was so much to say behind this magic.

He had to start from when he just returned to the Dursleys a few days ago and felt that something was looking at him in the mirror.

When Harry told his story, others, including Bill who was scolded and Mrs. Weasley who scolded Bill, couldn't help but prick up their ears.

There is another world in the mirror, which is simply a concept that subverts the magic world.

"Is there a Pluto dragon in it?"

"Charlie must be willing to sacrifice everything to go to the mirror world." Bill also regained his sanity and thought of his brother.

As the oldest brother, in the Weasley family, besides the youngest Ginny, he cares most about Charlie.

In Bill's eyes, Ron, who cares the least, is very angry about this.

"Why don't we -" This is Mr. Weasley and Sirius, they both said this almost at the same time.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley, who just sat down after scolding tired, yelled, stood up suddenly, and her eyes shone with a strange light, "I absolutely do not allow -"

"Didn't you hear what Harry said!"

"There is another self in it, your evil side."

"Harry is because he is a good child, and the evil side is easy to deal with."

"Forget about you adults!" Mrs. Weasley yelled at her husband and cousin Sirius.

Mrs. Weasley was particularly angry. She could see that it was because of their words that the children's eyes lit up.

Even the seemingly steady Bill was the same.

"I sign up!"

"My mother also called me Nymphadora!"

"I'm still a child!" Tonks, whose hair turned violet, jumped out from behind the door.

Behind her was Lupin, who looked doting.

"What kind of child are you!"

"You're going to marry Remus!" Sirius looked at Mrs. Weasley who was about to get mad and said quickly.

"Mom, I'm still a child!" When everyone else knew what was going on and didn't dare to do it, the brave Ron said so.

He raised his hand excitedly, as if he was holding the Quidditch World Trophy in his hand.

And he was the winner!

"Ron Weasley!" Ron was pulled aside by Mrs. Weasley.

Harry, who knew what kind of person Ron was, wanted to cover Ron's mouth in advance, but was stopped by Ginny, and was full of confusion.

"In this way, Mom and the others won't think of you pulling me over."

"Even if they think of it later, they won't be angry." Ginny covered her mouth, giggled, and whispered in Harry's ear.

"You passed!" Bill said coldly beside Harry.

He saw it just now. This Harry listens to Ginny very much.

After Bill walked out the door, Ginny made a "yeah" gesture to Harry.

"Why did they give birth to me--" Harry figured it out halfway through his words.

In the eyes of adults, he went out alone after discovering the dangerous mirror world with the Pluto dragon inside.

And he used an unverified magic to pull Ginny over afterwards, which would be severely criticized.

In this situation, even Sirius couldn't help him.

But Ron stood up bravely and attracted attention. And his performance of listening to Ginny happened to be seen by Bill.

"You thought of it." Harry's throat was slightly dry.

Ginny blinked mischievously, kissed Harry on the face, and then skipped out of Harry's bedroom.

This is Ginny? !!! !

Harry, who always thought Ginny was a naive and simple girl, was a little uncomfortable.

"Girls are never as simple as they look on the outside."

"That's why I'm still single." After everyone else left the room, Sirius said to Harry.

He has a handsome face, excellent grades and a wealthy family. In school, including until now, there are too many scheming girls around him.

Now he only has his brother in his eyes. Regulus who sleeps in his bedroom almost all day.

If it weren't for Regulus, he would have planned to use the Black House as the place where Harry and Ginny get engaged.

He would even inherit this house to Harry.

"Mirror World?"

"Did Harry Potter come into contact with it first?" In Smith Castle thousands of miles away, Penelope looked at Ryan and asked.

Her attention just now was focused on the "Harry Potter and the Otherworldly Journey" that was cut off in the middle.

She only now noticed this world that Ryan had released from the town of Axminster in Devon not long ago and has been integrated with the existing world.

"As far as I know, the mirror world is divided into three layers."

"The first layer is a reflection of the real world that exists alone. Everything inside is the opposite of the real world."

"The second layer belongs to mirror beasts. They feed on human thoughts and live in the mirror world of the mirror world."

"The third layer belongs to the opposite side of the human heart. It has no concrete entity. The entry of intellectual life will revive the other you in this layer and enter the first layer."

"Did the Potter kid enter the second layer?"

"I'm talking about the one in the real world." Kate touched her round, almost invisible chin and asked.

"This is a spoiler."

"The show "Harry Potter and the Resurrection Stone" will not be broadcast until Voldemort is defeated."

"At the same time, our Skywalker Alchemy Workshop will also launch a TV show about the magic world, as well as an exclusive large-scale TV show "Death Eaters' Wilderness Survival." Ryan said with a sly smile.

It will be very interesting at that time.

Thanks to my classmate Jio Shit Stick and Jiang Dong Zhihu for their monthly tickets, and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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