Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Ramses II

Chapter 462 Ramses II

The sky had gradually darkened, and the eyes of the statues in the manor fountain also lit up with colorful lights, so that everyone would not wander in the dark.

Most people had left, only the Weasley family, Draco and others stayed.

The adults and children sat at two tables respectively, and had dinner accompanied by the misty lights in the fountain.

Harry and Ginny were among them.

However, Fred and George had disappeared.

After Mrs. Weasley discovered their selling behavior, they took the food and a few bottles of butter beer and hid in the house.

Percy said he was going to find them, but he also disappeared.

"Finally, I can finally eat something properly." Harry took a big sip of pumpkin juice and breathed a sigh of relief. Ginny nodded on the side.

"This is the first time I know there are so many Weasleys." Draco had eaten a lot in the afternoon, and he sighed after drinking a sip of pumpkin juice with Harry.

He knew that Weasley had many relatives before, but he didn't expect there were so many.

"Of course, wherever there are wizards, there are Weasleys."

"But in the UK, we are the only ones with the surname Weasley."

"Like my father's two older brothers, and other branches, they are all in other countries." Ron took a bite of a chicken leg.

He had eaten a lot in the afternoon.

But for some reason, at this time, he was hungry again.

"By the way, Draco, what did you talk about with Hagrid, Charlie and Bill this afternoon?"

"I noticed that in the tent, and after the wedding speech, you were talking about something." Harry ate a few bites of pie and said after his attention was no longer attracted by the food.

"Yes, you, Charlie, and Hagrid, I can guess that you must be discussing the Pluto dragon that Harry summoned yesterday."

"But what did you talk about with Bill?" Ron was also curious.

Ginny also turned her head and looked at Draco.


"He kept asking Harry about his news in a roundabout way."

"He also told some stories about his time in Egypt."

"It is said that they had dug up a living mummy in the pyramid before."

"But unfortunately, they didn't have time to ask the local wizards who knew ancient Egyptian. Maybe the mummy dried up after leaving the pyramid." Draco shrugged disapprovingly.

He didn't know that Bill had any objections to Harry and Ginny's engagement, and even thought about interfering with it many times.

In the end, Bill was scared when faced with Mrs. Weasley's blood suppression.

"Dried up?" Harry asked curiously, not even caring about what tricks Bill was holding back.

"It means literally - he dried up. The original mummy was said to be very full and not tangled, but you can also see the shiny auburn hair."

"But after death, it dried up completely." Draco explained.

"What happened later?" Ron was very curious about the identity of the mummy.

It is said that those who can become mummies are wizard emperors named Pharaoh.

In ancient Egypt, wizards there claimed to be descendants of God and ruled the Muggles.

"Bill is a curse breaker at Gringotts."

"They have a special agency to investigate and sell it to museums in the Muggle society."

"According to the investigation, he is Ramses II, the third generation pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, the wizard emperor at that time."

"His sudden death seems to be because the magic of his "living" is very sophisticated, and the pyramid where he lives cannot have any flaws."

"Now if you go to the Muggle world to check, you will find that his unearthed time has become 1886. On June 1, Ramses' mummy was unwrapped at a public relations party held by some celebrities in the Muggle world." Draco sighed.

A great wizard emperor who ruled a country, a great wizard who lived in his mummy after his death, his body was studied like this.

"But why change the time?"

"Why not sell it to the Muggle world yourself and say it was unearthed recently?" Ginny was confused and felt that this was unnecessary.

"It seems that they wanted to keep him in Egypt."

"The Muggle World Government in Egypt is too weak."

"They just made up a history that the mummy was dug out in the 18th century, not well preserved, and then sent back to Egypt after maintenance."

"Gringotts seems to have made two fortunes at once, one from the Muggle Museum and the other from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic." Draco's eyes flashed with memories.


"Isn't the history of Ramses II in the Muggle Museum fictional?"

"Also, why did the Egyptian Ministry of Magic buy it?" Ron, who was barely considered a businessman, discovered a blind spot.

"The history is fictional, but Gringotts still took the money from selling the mummy."

"And Gringotts did not violate the protection law. The excuse for his taking the money was to sell the research data of the mummy - Ramses II's hair color, height, and state before death."

"As for the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, it was to study Ramses II's magic that could still live in his own pyramid after his death." Even though Draco mentioned it again, he still couldn't help but marvel at Gringotts's operation.

"So, those Muggle museums thought they bought mummies, but what they actually bought was the data they thought they obtained from their own research on mummies?" Ron's pupils trembled, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"But why are you so interested in what I talked to Bill about?" Draco looked at Harry with the same curiosity.

He found that Harry was most interested in this, followed by Ginny.

So, Harry and Ginny talked about Bill's attitude and what he did.

Especially the excuses he made to postpone his wedding with Ginny.

"I said why he kept trying to get to know you in a roundabout way."

"That's right, if he is a relative of the woman, there are some information he shouldn't be interested in." Draco nodded thoughtfully.

"What did he ask?" Harry's mouth was a little dry.

"Nothing, in addition to the normal ones, you are also interested in those girls."

"Those that I think are a bit too much are actually some physical data." Draco's eyes began to hesitate.

"Physical data?" Harry couldn't believe his ears.

"What physical data?" Ron, who came to his senses, stretched his head.

"Nothing, just asked if we had been to the bathroom together."

"Do you have any tattoos, and the size issue." Draco said awkwardly.


"Why did he ask that?" Harry looked at Ginny, who was a little uneasy when talking about tattoos.

"I-I once boasted that you had a Norwegian Spinosaurus tattooed on your chest." Ginny lowered her head and poked her finger.

But she quickly thought of her blind spot, "Bill also asked about the size? He's too much!"

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