Chapter 480 Veela

"Fleur?" Penello said in surprise.

Her friend actually came to England!

"Is that why your expression was so weird before?"

"Why did Ron Weasley offend you?" Kate looked at Ron, who pointed the wand at his throat outside Flourish and Blotts Bookstore because of Fleur, and shouted that he was a bastard.

"How can it be so simple?"

"Keep reading." Ryan shook his head.

In Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Harry pulled out his wand.

"What did you do to my friend?" Harry said looking at the strange girl in front of him.

The bookstore manager returned to his original state, but still peeked at Fleur from time to time.


"Why didn't you stop your friend when he spoke ill of my school and country?" Fleur, the strange girl in Harry's eyes, said with a smile.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, making Harry feel that the anger in his heart had disappeared inexplicably.

"But, this -" Harry didn't know what to say.

He could only stand there, staring at the ground.

He didn't dare to look at the girl in front of him anymore, he was afraid of forgetting Ginny.

But the more he tried to escape, the more he couldn't stop moving towards the girl in front of him.

When he wasn't looking at her, the unknown fragrance in the air because of her became more obvious and charming.

"This lady, you are a student of Beauxbatons."

"Are you coming to buy some Hogwarts textbooks to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament in advance?"

"I am not the only one. As the owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, I know all the textbooks very well."

"Do you want it?" While Harry was confused, the manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore began to be attentive.

I was still a little stammering at the beginning, but later I became very confident when I talked about my major.

Later, he even started to introduce outrageous information such as that he was single, had a good salary, graduated from Hogwarts, and his home address.

Just when Harry was getting more and more outrageous, thinking that the bookstore manager was trying to steal the limelight from him, so much so that he couldn't help but point his wand at the bookstore manager, the door opened.

The person who came in made Harry startled and returned to his original state.

It's Mrs. Weasley!

She pulled Ron's ear and walked in.

He looked straight at the charming girl.

"I don't think it's good to do this to a child." Mrs. Weasley closed her eyes and let go of Ron's ears.

"Mom, it's all my fault. I just said bad things about this lady."

"I deserve this." Ron said with a shy face.

He covered his red ears and looked at the girl evasively.

"Mrs. Weasley, it is indeed your master who took the lead in slandering this young lady's country and school." The bookstore manager stood up with his chest raised.

Mrs. Weasley's anger was mostly extinguished at once, and she looked at Harry.

"It's true."

"This lady is from Beauxbatons, France." Harry nodded.

"Get out here!" Mrs. Weasley hurriedly pulled Ron out, as if she wanted to teach him a lesson.

Harry followed closely behind.

But Ron looked back from time to time, "My name is Ron Weasley, a student of Ravenclaw, see you at the beginning of school!"

Mrs. Weasley slowed down as she pulled Ron almost to the Leaky Cauldron.

"That girl just now must have Veela blood."

"Fortunately, you are not like Ron." Mrs. Weasley said softly to Harry.

"What is a Veela?" Harry asked curiously.

This may be related to the source of that girl's charm.

"It is a humanoid creature. In its normal state, it is just like human women. They are astonishingly beautiful. Their skin is as bright and soft as the moon, and their hair is flying behind their heads even if there is no wind."

"And when angry, they will transform into terrifying bird-like creatures that can throw fireballs." Mrs. Weasley paused and spoke the last few words with difficulty, "Their charm can make men obsessed and crazy. "

"Can Veela and wizards have children?" Harry asked.

Harry couldn't help but think about it.

Half-blood Veela are like this, but if they are Veela, then it's okay.

If you think about it this way, it's nothing if you change into a bird's head.

Maybe even more exciting!

"What about the lady? Will she also turn into a bird-like creature?" Ron asked in an urgent tone.

"Hybrid Veela will inherit some Veela traits from their mother, such as stunning beauty and the ability to fascinate men."

Mrs. Weasley said to Harry, and then looked at Ron, "But it is unknown whether the hybrid Veela has the ability to transform into a bird like ordinary Veela."

"How could that happen?" Ron frowned.

When he just saw the lady, he even thought about the name of the child.

Mrs. Weasley's words made him worry, what if his child accidentally turned out to have a bird's head.

"Okay, there happens to be no one here." Mrs. Weasley looked around and said softly to Ron, who was still struggling.

Harry couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But Ron didn't seem to notice the danger yet.

"Ron Weasley!"

"You can tell me why I saw you and Harry in Diagon Alley!" Mrs. Weasley's voice was gentle.

But Ron, who had been frowning just now, suddenly turned pale and couldn't help but tremble.

"We are here to buy textbooks."

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"Yes, if it weren't for the lady just now, we would all be back after buying books!" Ron said hurriedly.

"It's true!"

"What we need is "Monster's Book of Monsters", "Intermediate Transfiguration", "Standard Spells (Level 3)" and "Clear the Fog to See the Future"."

"If you don't believe it, I'm going to have a pair when the book list comes."

"Harry, say something!" Ron shrank his neck and couldn't help swallowing.

"We're definitely going to buy books."

"The bookstore manager thought we were students from the other three schools in the Triwizard Tournament."

"Then Ron's old habit came back and he said bad things about those schools."

"You know what's going on next." Harry mustered up the courage to tell half-truths.

"Then how did you get here?"

"It would be easier to tell if it's Floo."

"But what if-" Mrs. Weasley's lips curled up slightly, but to Ron, it was like a tiger showing its fangs.

He fumbled nervously in his pockets, hoping to find the non-existent green floo powder.

"It's over! If mother knows that it's because of me that Harry used Diagon Alley in the Mirror World again, then I'm over!" Ron couldn't help but think.

"That's it!" Harry took out the floo powder he had prepared to return in advance.

Ron let out a long breath, he was almost crying just now.

"You're lucky!"

"Don't blame me for being too strict, Harry."

"I'm doing this for your own good."

"The world out there is too dangerous."

"Ron is lucky today. What if he meets not a mixed-blood Veela, but a dark wizard?"

"" Mrs. Weasley said earnestly.

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