Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 47: Hagrid's Love and the Magical 'Monsters'

Chapter 490 Hagrid's Love and Magical 'Monsters'

"Monster Book of Monsters?"

"Is this the textbook for Magical Biology?" Ginny read as she looked at the gold-plated words on the book.

The next second, she looked up and down at Harry, whose hair was almost not messy, with a strange look on his face, "If you hadn't asked me to help you just now, you should have caught this book a long time ago."

"Maybe." Harry woke up his throat and began to change the subject, emphasizing in a deliberately loud voice: "Isn't it the point that Hagrid's letter mentioned that the principals and professors of the other three schools had already arrived at Hogwarts in advance?

Which college do you think Hagrid's favorite person is from?"

"Beauxbatons in France."

"Didn't you and Ron fall for it before?"

"It's probably a half-blood veela." Ginny said sourly.

She also glared at Harry fiercely.

Ginny said it randomly, but she guessed it right.

A minute later, Harry thought so.

Because Ron, who suddenly came downstairs, revealed the mystery.

He yawned, and was attracted by Harry's loud voice. He rubbed his eyes quickly and cleared his mind.

Then he said: "Ginny, how did you know?

But that's not a half-blood veela. It is said that she is a woman as tall as Hagrid, and seems to be the headmaster of Beauxbatons."

"She also has giant blood, and can be the headmaster?" Ginny blinked in surprise.

If there is a professor who is a half-blood giant in Hogwarts, it is estimated that he will be complained by many wizard parents and dismissed from get out of class.

"Hagrid told you?" Even the good-tempered Harry was a little speechless at this time.

Hagrid told Ron the specific situation of the person he liked.

But to Harry, he was secretive and didn't tell any information clearly when he consulted about emotional problems.

"Hagrid didn't say it."

"This is what Wayne told me." Ron shrugged.

"As for the headmistress, she didn't seem to disclose her ancestry, just like Hagrid." He turned to look at Ginny again.

After Harry apologized to Hagrid in his heart for a short while, he continued to ask: "How did she know? Through Filch? Did Filch accept her?"

Harry didn't know whether to be happy or sad for Ms. Campbell.

But everyone has different aesthetics.

This may be good for Ms. Campbell herself.

"She is also in Hogwarts, as a representative of Squibs."

"She is very powerful. Although she was just a Squib before, she was able to stay in the magical world on her own and found a decent job." Ron sighed.

Ron sighed and picked up the parchment on the table and read it.


"Hagrid doesn't believe me and actually asks Harry, but Harry doesn't know anything! He's pursued by Ginny!"

Before Harry and Ginny could get angry, Ron started yelling again, "Harry! It's your birthday soon!"

"This book is your birthday present!"

"When we go to Flourish and Blotts to buy textbooks, you don't have to buy this one anymore!" Ron looked at the green book that was pressed under Harry's elbow and still struggling from time to time.

"What day is it today?" Harry looked at Ginny.

"The 29th." Ginny answered accurately without thinking.

As a newspaper employee, accuracy of dates is one of her least noticeable specialties.

"So Hagrid gave me the gift two days in advance."

"It seems that he really loves that woman, so much so that he gave me the gift so early."

"You know, Hagrid's gifts are always delivered on time on the 31st." Harry sighed.

But Ron's attention was not on Harry's words.

He looked at the green book. "Professor Kelborn has never changed the textbook before. Combined with the recent changes in Hogwarts, and Dumbledore's mention of all students participating at the end of the school year, it can be seen that this book may be the textbook of one of the other three schools."

"Maybe--" Ron narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe this book will be used in the competition." Harry also said immediately.

Then the two looked at each other and opened the book with a strange smile.


"This is true!"

"Ginny, come and see!" Harry held down the "Monster Book of Monsters" with one hand.

"There are some dangerous magical creatures in it, at least XXX or above!" Ron also said immediately.

"Let me take a look, bird-shaped man-eating monster, hey, I saw it on a TV show, it actually exists. "

"This half-bird, half-reptile creature is a distant relative of bird snakes.

It can't breathe fire, but it has strong serrated fangs that can bite through its prey.

The bird-shaped man-eating monster is curious by nature and has bullet-proof fur.

The heart nerve of the bird-shaped man-eating monster can be used as a wand core. "Harry pointed to a page and read.

"Let me see, Kaba, this is a magical creature from Japan, it shouldn't be tested - but what if the organizers think so? "

"Harry, don't turn the page yet."

"Kaba looks like a scaly monkey with webbed hands.

There is a hole filled with water on the top of its head, and the water inside can provide energy for this creature. "

"They will attack unsuspecting people who wade through the pond and strangle them to death. "

"But how to deal with it?" Ron looked left and right, but couldn't find it.

"It should be at the back." Ginny also joined in and turned a page. "It's very interesting. Listen to it. 'If you throw a cucumber with your name engraved on it to Kaba, Kaba may not attack this person. In addition, if you trick Kaba into bowing, the water in the hole above its head will flow out, and it will lose its power.'"

"It's very simple. The levitation spell should be able to deal with it." Ginny breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why don't we look at it by nationality? We may encounter magical creatures from France, Germany, and Brazil."

"Warriors deal with dragons, and these are probably what we deal with, and they will be added to the group score."

"Let me see, this, golems - this is too disgusting!" Harry showed a disgusted but slightly angry expression.

"Let me see."

"Golems are creatures similar to elves, larger than goblins, with an average height of three feet, with long pointed faces, and they especially like the smell of children."

"What? How can such monsters live in this world!"

"If you ask me, they should all be eliminated!" Ron also showed an indignant expression.

"This creature mainly lives in the Black Forest in Germany."

"The shrill cackling sounds of the djinn will fascinate children. They use this method to lure children away from their guardians and then eat them."

"In 1927, the German Ministry of Magic strictly controlled the number of djinn."

"Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic has taken measures against them." Ginny turned to the next page and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Dark Night Miwei, Renzou Chaliang 321 for their monthly tickets and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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