Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 63: St. Mungo's - Smith's Estate

Chapter 506 St. Mungo’s—Smith’s property?

Time: 4pm, waiting room on the first floor of St. Mungo's.

Ryan, who was trying to persuade Kate to be a human being, suddenly froze.

Turning his head to look in the direction where there should be only a wall, his deep silver-white eyes suddenly turned into fierce beast eyes.

"What did you see again?" Kate skillfully activated the rune on her right hand, trying to connect with Ryan's vision.


A numb feeling from a slight electric shock came from her right hand.

Kate pouted, knowing she was being rejected.

Her round eyes rolled around, looking in the direction Ryan was looking at, and she began to mutter something.

"Aha! It's Hogwarts!" Kate patted Ryan proudly.

Although her transformation skills are poor, she has also learned many interesting spells through thinking games.

She had just used a spell to determine the magic magnetic field based on her own position.

In the direction Ryan was looking, there was an ancient magnetic field that she was familiar with.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded, indicating that Kate had guessed correctly.

In order to save his words, Ryan continued: "It's Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Their wizard intuition is really strong."

"Did they sense what I was thinking just now?" Kate let out a frustrated sigh.

After Ryan glanced at the long queue in front of him, he continued: "That's not all. They were all so frightened that they pulled out their wands."

"Ah, then they are in so much pain. For people as famous as them, there must be many wizards who have bad intentions towards them."

"Do you admit that you have bad intentions?"

"So what?"

"Not very good, but do you know what it means that the cicada wakes up before the golden wind moves?"

"Just say it."

"It means that the autumn wind has not yet arrived, but the cicada has a premonition of it.

Your bad thoughts just now are like the autumn wind, and they are like cicadas.

Cicadas are creatures that die in autumn.

The reason why they are touched is because your action can definitely threaten them. "

"you mean?"

"The bad thoughts of other wizards are just dust, how can they be compared with your autumn wind?" Ryan finally explained.

At this time, it was almost Ryan's turn.

A middle-aged wizard at the front of the team was holding his nose and pacing anxiously.

Kate jumped out of line curiously and took a look from the side.

He had a walnut stuck in his nose.

"Family dispute, huh?" the blond witch behind the information desk smirked, "You are the third person I saw today... Curse Injury Department, fifth floor..."

Kate jumped back behind Ryan and moved a few steps forward.

Next, there was an old witch with an absurd number of hairpins. She slowly moved forward at a speed that tested people's patience: "I'm here to visit Shirley Montgomery!"

"Ward Thirty-three, but I'm afraid you're wasting your time," the witch's fake smile couldn't hold back. "She's completely confused and thinks she's a rabbit...Next!"

Then a wizard suddenly jumped in front of the witch.

His legs turned into springs, making DuangDuang sounds on the marble floor.

"I - was - cast - a - newly invented - curse, I - used - the reduction spell, did not - work, and -" He bounced in front of the witch , His head hit the ceiling from time to time.

"The writing is very clear in black and white. You should be able to read, right?" The blonde witch pointed impatiently at the big sign on the left side of the table and said, "You have to go to the Curse Injury Department on the fifth floor. That's what it says on the sign. Next!"

"We're finally here." Ryan turned to Kate and said.

However, Kate read the sign:

Artifact Accident Department.........First floor (crucible explosion, wand misfire, broom collision, etc.)

Biological Injury Department.........Second floor (stings, burns, punctures, etc.)

Department of Biological Infectious Diseases...3rd floor (infectious diseases such as dragon pox, vanishing syndrome, lymphatic mycositis, etc.)

Department of Pharmacy and Phytotoxicity...Fourth Floor (Skin rash, nausea, endless laughter, etc.)

Curse and Injury Department...Fifth floor (curses that cannot be removed, wrong spells used, etc.)

Tea room and shop.........Sixth floor

If you don't know which subject to go to, can't speak normally, or can't remember why you came, our receptionists are willing to help.

"You are coming again -" the blonde witch just raised her head, her impatience immediately turned into a sweet tone, "Honey, is there anything I can do to help you?"

The witch brushed her hair and deliberately opened the collar of her robe wider.

He couldn't stop blinking at Ryan.

Just when the witch wanted to introduce the contents on the sign one by one and delay the communication, Ryan spoke: "We are here to visit Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom."

The witch's expression immediately changed. She straightened her waist and stepped back, pulling up her collar.

After struggling in his mind for a moment, he changed his tone to a more serious tone: "Do you have an appointment?

We have records of Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom's visitors, but I don't remember you two. "

"My last name is Smith, Lane Smith." Lane snapped his fingers.

The witch's eyes wandered for a moment, and then she focused again, "Shouldn't you come from the sixth floor——

Do you have—"

"You mean this?" Ryan took out a silver-white paper from his arms, on which was printed an eye with unknown runes flowing in the pupil.

"Please, fifth floor, fifth door on the right.

They are in the door that has been locked. Here is the key." The witch handed over a yellow key respectfully.

Ryan took the key and pulled Kate into the double doors next to him.


Look at the old woman's behavior just now, but as soon as you revealed your identity, Ryan, she changed.

Could it be St. Mungo?" Kate couldn't help but admire.

"It's just what you think. St. Mungo is also our industry. Mungo Bonham is just one of the founders. He and Vandon Smith founded it together.

But the lady didn't do it because of my identity.

It's because of her conscience and professional ethics.

Obviously she knew why the Longbottoms were hospitalized and their specific identities.

If it was Fudge, I'm afraid I don't need to show my identity at all, I can just scan my face." Ryan shrugged.

As they talked, they passed through double doors.

Soon, a shaky staircase appeared in front of them.

"Be careful, there is hell ahead." Before going up the stairs, Ryan looked at Kate, suppressed his smile, and said in a low voice.

"What?" Kate didn't have time to react.

She was pulled up the stairs. She finally understood what hell meant.

There were many portraits of hideous therapists hanging on the wall.

While climbing the stairs, the therapists yelled at Kate, diagnosing strange diseases (the sequelae were short stature), and coming up with all kinds of terrible treatments.

In short, Kate was very angry.

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