Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 70: Mr. Weasley is tired

Chapter 513 Tired Mr. Weasley

Harry had expected Mr. Weasley to be back soon, as he hadn't actually been working today.

After the Order of the Phoenix reunited, Mrs. Weasley and Bill returned to the Burrow.

They happily shared everything there with Harry.

He also mentioned that Mr. Weasley had something to go to the Ministry of Magic and would be back soon.

But to Harry's surprise, even after the moon was under the moon and a dozen warming charms had been cast on dinner, Mr. Weasley had not returned.

Mrs. Weasley looked anxiously at the grandfather clock from time to time. The longest hand belonging to Mr. Weasley kept pointing steadily - work.

After an unknown amount of time, when Ron couldn't help but doze off, with a bang, the flames of the fireplace turned green, and Mr. Weasley walked out in embarrassment.

The elegant director's uniform was soaked with sweat, as if he had just finished a marathon.

At the dinner table, Mr. Weasley ate a large piece of chicken leg directly with his hands, and couldn't help but pour the bitter water, "The Ministry of Magic is very busy now.

The Auror Office is considering re-inviting Frank and the others.

The Experimental Spells Committee and the Magic Maintenance Department are at work again.

Molly, you know, what a troublemaker Gilbert Whymper was, who seemed to be born to take pleasure in the suffering of others.

Their committee is responsible for overseeing the development and use of experimental spells.

Two years ago, he wanted to issue a summons to Harry because of Harry's magical red spark spell. "

Mrs. Weasley frowned, "What about Ron's smoke bottle?"

"He didn't have the guts. He became much more honest after I became the director.

But this made him start to trouble people he had never looked down on before. Such as the Magic Maintenance Department. ” Mr. Weasley took another swig of onion soup.

Percy raised his hand and said, "I know it, Dad!

Members of this department, all wearing navy blue robes, are responsible for the management and maintenance of the Ministry, including deciding what weather the enchanted windows in the Ministry of Magic headquarters will display, and fixing magical errors in various Ministry of Magic facilities, such as offices. Rain, maintaining the elevators, making sure every fireplace in the main hall has floo powder, and some less magical maintenance like cleaning. "

"You're right, Percy." Mrs. Weasley kindly gave Percy a piece of meat pie.

She has always been more supportive of her children being like their father. Enter the Ministry of Magic and have a decent and stable job.

Mr. Weasley on the side continued: "In short, Wemple always makes things difficult for Reginald Cattermole of the Magic Maintenance Department within the rules.

Said that his weather modification spell is different from the universal one and needs to be reported.

There were all the other spells he could think of for Cattermole's work. "

"what else?"

"Say more, Dad!" Fred and George always liked to hear stories about the Ministry of Magic, but they were very reluctant to work in the Ministry of Magic.

Mrs. Weasley didn't understand this.

But Harry understood that the two of them were actually listening to the Ministry of Magic's embarrassing stories and getting pleasure from them.

This is actually not contradictory at all.

"Huh?" Mr. Weasley was a little confused, but he always responded to his son's normal requests.

"There's also the old conflict between the Muggle Concern Committee, the Muggle Liaison Office, and the Misinformation Office.

The Muggle Mediation Committee, whose duty is to think of some reasons to explain magical events to Muggles.

The Muggle Liaison Office handles relations between wizards and Muggles.

They are both part of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters.

The Misinformation Office deals with the most serious magical-Muggle conflicts.

Their job at this time is to contact the Muggle Prime Minister directly to seek a reasonable non-magical explanation for the events that occurred.

The work content areas of these three departments actually overlap with each other.

Under normal circumstances, the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee is a civilian body. They do not need to go out. They only need to explain magical phenomena in a way that Muggles can understand - natural science. Compared with the Error Information Office, it is only responsible for dealing with minor incidents.

The Muggle Liaison Office is out in the field, always traveling across the country to modify the memories of Muggles who know the wizarding world.

As for the Misinformation Office, it is a civilian job with a field nature.

Compared to the first two, while working as a civil servant, he went to a fixed location - the Muggle British Prime Minister's Office.

But the problem is, these are just established habits.

Their responsibilities actually overlap.

To make matters worse, the Misinformation Office, which has greater powers and overlaps with the other two departments, actually belongs to another department - the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic.

The Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters has been arguing with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic over this issue, and wants to abolish the Misinformation Office or transfer it to their department.

But for a department with such great authority, the Department of Biological Management and Control is naturally unwilling to transfer it. "

"Dad, why is the Misinformation Office affiliated with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, a department that has nothing to do with it?" Ginny couldn't help but become interested under Mr. Weasley's long talk.

"Because wizards were also classified as magical creatures in the past." Mr. Weasley shrugged.

"Also, within the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, the Muggle Mediation Committee and the Muggle Liaison Office often argued over who should go out on field work.

In short, I now understand how tired the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was at that time.

I didn't even have time to study those wonderful Muggle technologies."

"But Dad, except for the Auror Office, the things you mentioned don't actually belong to your department.

If they really need to be dealt with, shouldn't the boss of their superior department handle it?

Or the Minister of Magic." Percy, who is most sensitive to the division of responsibilities in the Ministry of Magic, asked puzzledly.

"That would be great.

Our department is also responsible for making laws, rules and regulations.

The Auror Office is considering re-inviting Frank and the others, which is not in compliance with the regulations.

I need to modify it, or give special approval.

Wimper is causing trouble for Cattermole, but he does not violate the rules and regulations.

This is obviously a problem with the system, and I and the Advisory Group need to make all the changes.

The overlapping work content of the Muggle Mediation Committee, the Muggle Liaison Office, and the Error Information Office also requires me to redivide it, and then notify their superior departments to hold a meeting," Mr. Weasley said tiredly.

Mrs. Weasley couldn't help but step forward and hug Mr. Weasley, and put his head in her arms.

Harry and the others consciously looked at the food on the table.

Even Fred and George did the same.

Thanks to my classmates, Taishi Yumihu for the monthly ticket, and other classmates for the recommendation and subscription!

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