Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 51: Unreliable wizard leaders

Ryan slowly stood up from the bathtub, and then the water droplets on his body disappeared silently, without any water vapor.

Seeing Ryan wash and change into pajamas, Kate also jumped to the bathroom.

Ryan lay quietly on the bed, and reviewed Dumbledore's layout in his heart.

In Ryan's opinion, Dumbledore's behavior was too strange. Why did he accept death so easily in the original book?

After crossing, Ryan found that Dumbledore's various behaviors clearly indicated that he would even create Horcruxes when he had no choice.

The ring in the old house of Gaunt, that is, the curse on the resurrection stone, only takes life, but has no effect on the creation of Horcruxes. How could Dumbledore, who has Horcruxes, die?

After Ryan really came to this world, he felt all this more clearly. The villains and black wizards all strongly pursued power and authority.

White wizards are content with the status quo, do not pursue power and strength, and even prevent others from pursuing them.

What you don't occupy, the enemy will occupy.

In the original world, after Scrimgeour came to power, although he did not know Voldemort's strength very well, he was proactive, while Dumbledore was very conservative and maintained the old plan.

What was the result? The Ministry of Magic was occupied by Voldemort, the Daily Prophet was also controlled in terms of public opinion, and it was closed down for singing a different tune. Voldemort also occupied Gringotts in terms of economy.

Although this was also related to the fact that Dumbledore knew Voldemort very well and was about to fall.

Dumbledore's fall was something he himself did not expect at the beginning.

He was so easily tempted by the Resurrection Stone, although it was his own character weakness. After all, the most painful thing in Dumbledore's life was the death of his sister, but why did Dumbledore, who was so cruel to himself, fall for it? It is very likely that he had already seen the ending that he could win even if he died.

Dumbledore knew Voldemort very well. Since he would not live long, he simply used his death to make Snape receive Voldemort's attention, save the innocent Draco, destroy the magic of the old wand, and make the situation, which might be more serious, smooth again.

After Dumbledore's death, Voldemort, who felt that the situation was good, really began to digest his victory slowly like a snake, instead of facing head-on and making sacrifices.

On the Hogwarts side, there was Snape, who was in a high position, and Voldemort himself did not actually value the so-called pure-blood declaration. He just hated Muggles, was afraid of death, and wanted to rule the wizarding world, so the young wizards of Muggle origin could only stop studying and lose their wands at most.

However, in the original plot, the Muggle-born wizards should still be in school, but they may not accept Muggle-born wizards for the time being. After all, Colin is a Muggle-born. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he was still wearing a school uniform, as if he was still going to school. Snape is really good at it.

The Muggle wizards also survived as Voldemort slowly digested the results of the war. After all, without the existence of Muggle wizards, how can the nobility of pure blood be reflected.

Although they were deprived of their wands and lost their property, they survived after all, instead of being attacked by Death Eaters.

If Dumbledore was still there, the situation might not develop in this direction, but would be more inclined to a head-on confrontation like the First Wizarding War, bringing more sacrifices.

And most importantly, the son of prophecy, Harry Potter, had already developed a new connection with Voldemort in the fourth grade because of the way he was resurrected.

Harry unilaterally gained an extra life. Even if Voldemort woke up and asked his men to kill him, it would only kill Harry once, and the Horcrux would also be destroyed by the way. What a bargain!

However, according to Voldemort's character, Dumbledore knew that he would not do this. In addition, he left a portrait and could remotely control Snape to change the plan at any time.

Harry, who has not yet lost his identity as a Horcrux, will also find the remaining Horcruxes and destroy them because of his relationship with Voldemort and the uncontrollable power of fate.

At this time, it is to tell Snape the identity of Harry's Horcrux and let Harry die, destroying the last Horcrux, Harry himself.

In fact, Voldemort's pursuit of the Deathly Hallows was beyond Dumbledore's expectations. He also didn't expect that Voldemort would catch up with Harry again and be defeated by the holly wand, causing Voldemort to start pursuing the Elder Wand, which also led to Snape's unexpected defeat.

After all, it was Snape who killed Dumbledore in the end.

In the end, Dumbledore did not create a Horcrux, probably because he found that Voldemort, a student, had lost his mind. Except for the decline of magic skills, the whole person lost his appearance and rationality.

The side effects of the Horcrux were so strong that Dumbledore later shelved his plans in this regard.

Dumbledore's original plan should have been smoother. If he had not been tempted by the Resurrection Stone, he would probably pretend to compromise, which was similar to the original plot, but he would take Harry to find the Horcruxes together. After finding them, he would take Harry to fight face to face.

In the crisis, he would use Harry to block the killing curse, destroy the last Horcrux, and then give the last blow to Voldemort's surprise.

Don't ask Nagini. In this case, Voldemort can't protect Nagini. After all, it is possible that Dumbledore will even call Grindelwald to fight together as a couple.

"So, in this case, I guess I don't have to do anything, as long as I go to deal with the Horcrux of the Resurrection Stone?" Ryan thought in surprise.

If Dumbledore had not been cursed, Voldemort would have died faster, and Harry would have died in the fifth grade.

After all, Harry was mostly right about finding Horcruxes. Harry confirmed more than once that a Horcrux was in Hogwarts, but Hermione denied it many times.

Even the destruction of the Holly Wand and Harry's near capture by Voldemort at Godric's Hollow, Harry was also right. Wasn't Nagini a Horcrux?

With Dumbledore by his side, as long as he followed the place Harry sensed, the finale would come soon.

"No, I still can't be too extravagant." Ryan tried to wipe the corners of his mouth that couldn't stop rising.

After all, what if there is something like fate? Dumbledore was too extravagant after Voldemort used Harry's blood to revive him, and he went to destroy the Horcruxes by himself.

If there really is something like fate, at least Neville should have been brought along. It was too bold to dare to go to the Horcruxes alone without the son of prophecy.

After Dumbledore was cursed, he had no choice but to try to share the burden with Snape and Harry. Before that, he was probably prepared to handle it alone.

On both sides, Dumbledore and Voldemort are unreliable, speechless.

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