Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 The Cause of Everything

Chapter 517 The cause of everything

Everyone let go of Ron's matter.

Because no matter what Ron is like, at least Harry is normal.

And Ron has a girlfriend, Lavender.

Even if Ron is really bisexual, he is bisexual.

But this also made everyone quickly focus on Neville.

Because they didn't quite believe the reason why Neville came to the Burrow.

And this was the beginning of this farce.

In this regard, Neville never gave a direct answer on the way home.

After entering the garden, they saw the gray, round owl Juvijun that Sirius had given them just a few steps.

It jumped around in the garden in a hurry, making a shrill cry.

The gray feathers stood up high, just like a hedgehog with wings. It turned out that it was chasing something.

The thing was covered with mud, just like a potato with legs.

Harry recognized it as a goblin at a glance.

The goblin was only ten inches tall, but its horn-like feet clattered as it ran very fast. It crossed the garden and dove into a Wellington boot lying by the door.

Juvijon stuffed its head directly into the boot, trying to catch the goblin.

Harry heard the goblin cackling wildly inside.

"Go, go, this is not good, Juvijon!" Ron trotted to the door, lifted Juvijon by the calf, and pulled it out.

Seeing that it was its master (in the real sense) who had arrived, Juvijon seemed to be excited and crazy. While it kept making deafening noises, it would occasionally put its head, which had just touched the shoe, directly into Ron's face.

"Clean it up!" Ron patted the pocket of his robe, and a beam of magic light shot out of his pocket when he was touched by the wand, and hit Juvijon directly.

He then gave his face to Juvijon with confidence, letting it stick to him!

"Juvichon is just too lively." Ron let go of his hand, and Juvichon pecked Ron's finger affectionately before flying away noisily.

"Not at all like Scabbers." Ron said, and took out a fat mouse that was sleeping soundly from another pocket, and skillfully stroked Scabbers' fat belly and the lower part.

As the oldest Weasley family member, Ron's first real pet.

Ron often took Scabbers out of his pocket from time to time and played with him from time to time.

Everyone had long been accustomed to this.

After all, Ron had mentioned in front of them many times what Scabbers meant to him: "Errol belongs to our family.

Juvichon was placed in our house by Sirius.

All I have is Scabbers."

"How old is Scabbers?" Harry couldn't help but look at the ugly appearance of Scabbers due to the stroking, and asked while looking at the ground.

"I don't know," Ron said, "very old. It was Percy's."

"It must have some strange magical bloodline that makes it live a long life.

Look, look at his sleek gray fur. If it weren't for the missing toe, it would be just like a newly grown mouse.

Just like my Leff.

It's very good at hide-and-seek, and disappears when you're not paying attention." Ron's words reminded Neville of Leff, who was far away at home in Devonshire.

In order to avoid getting lost (the Weasleys lived outside the village, surrounded by mountains and wilderness), Neville didn't bring Leff with him.

"You weren't discovered by your parents when you were practicing magic, were you?

And then--" When Neville's eyes flashed with memories, Ginny on the side showed her true colors at Harry's signal.

Another guess was made.

Neville nodded subconsciously.


Neville, you should have told us earlier, now we all know that you were driven to our house because of practicing magic!" Ron laughed triumphantly.

He stuffed Scabbers directly into his pocket, and touched his hair with the hand that had just touched the indescribable part of Scabbers' lower abdomen.

"If that's the case, I can understand it.

Seeing my son shirtless all day, waving a sword around, I would also doubt whether he is a psychopath.

If I don't have time to accompany my child for the time being, let someone else accompany him.

After all, the Weasley family, which has produced many prefects and many children, is undoubtedly a good choice.

And Mr. Weasley is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

There are also Neville's roommates here - me and Ron." Harry, who knew the inside story of Neville's magic practice, nodded.

There is something he hasn't said yet.

That is, when Neville practices magic, he will also put a bunch of Billywig bugs around his body.

But you know, this is very dangerous. Too many stings can cause uncontrolled floating for several days. If an allergic reaction occurs, it may also cause permanent floating in the air.

"You won't really do this and be discovered by your parents." Draco couldn't help but be surprised.


Just think about it.

You know, my dad and mom just woke up. What kind of thing would cause them to send their children to another place the next day?

Even if that other place is trustworthy, they don't have time to accompany the children." Neville took a deep breath.

The memories in his mind kept turning forward, and came to the first three days.

It was a pleasant night, and mom and dad came back.

The usually deserted home was also very lively.

Grandma also dressed very simply for the first time.

No longer walking around staring at worm-eaten fur or eagle specimens all day.

After he secretly overheard Dumbledore and the others talking, he hid in his room after being discovered.

After almost half an hour without anyone looking for him, he put down the weight in his heart.

He began his daily practice.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, hundreds of Billywig bugs, about one foot long, blue in color, and with a bright luster like jade, buzzed around him.

Because of the hot weather, he took off his robe and only wore a pair of shorts.

The bladeless giant sword that he usually placed on his knees was also put aside.

But the scorching air, the joy of his parents' return, and the news he heard, like huge stones, fell into his calm heart.

The indigo reflected in the lake of his heart and the strange sword with flowing cloud seals also became blurred under the disturbance of these waves.

And in the end, his mother's door opening was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Her exclamation and his restless heart led to the riot of the Billywig bugs.

In the last moment when he fainted from the ethereal feeling after being stung by the Billywig bugs, his eyes showed his mother's face, which was entangled with worry and sadness.

There was also a particularly rough voice, "I am familiar with this. Professor Kelburn often relies on these cute little guys to drive away illness.

After being stung, there will be a sense of ethereal forgetting all physical and mental troubles."

When he woke up and realized that it was Hagrid who said that, he was notified to go to the Burrow.

And his box of Billywig bugs was also confiscated.

But Hagrid secretly told him that he could go to the cabin to get it after school started.

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