Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 91 Aberforth Dumbledore

Chapter 534 Aberforth Dumbledore

“But Elphias Dorje also has his own problems, doesn’t he?

If he had not chosen to travel at that time, he would have gone to accompany Dumbledore instead.

How could Dumbledore be taken advantage of by Grindelwald?

He is too confident.

Thinking that Dumbledore must be his.

Seven years later, the little boy who grew up with Dumbledore was no longer the cowardly little boy because of dragon pox. "Kate, a fan of Dumbledore, is online again.

Looking at Ryan, who had the word "Sichuan" on his brow again, Penello decided to attract fire for Kate, "Ephias Dorje himself is not good enough.

Compared with Grindelwald, from looks to knowledge, none of him can close Grindelwald.

And he never got into Dumbledore's mind.

At that time, Dumbledore was an ambitious man who wanted to conquer Muggles through magic just like Grindelwald.

Sometimes love is not about the length of time.

For partners who are matched in appearance, knowledge, and ideals, just a heart-to-heart conversation can lead to a lifelong relationship. "

Seeing that Ryan was about to lose his composure, Penello added, "What you want to talk about is obviously why Elphias Dorje can become the founder, but how come you are talking about his relationship with Dumbledore."

Ryan clenched his fists and said angrily: "Why doesn't it count?

Harry Potter creates an organization, will Ron Weasley be absent?

The identity of almost becoming Dumbledore's lover was enough.

Especially since he has been waiting for Dumbledore without getting married. "

"Next, next." Kate rolled her eyes.

For this explanation, even if she talked about Merlin's beard ten thousand times, it still couldn't express the speechlessness in her heart.

"Yes, Albusford Dumbledore, he is the disgusting guy who was caught playing sheep.

Although this custom does exist in England, but - ugh!

He is clearly on the same level as Dumbledore. Why is he also a member of the Order of the Phoenix? "Penello didn't care about diverting Ryan's attention at this time.

Although she was not a fan of Dumbledore, she did not understand how such a great Dumbledore could have such a younger brother.

"I remember that Dumbledore and the others grew up in the Fertile Land, which is their hometown.

They later moved to Godric's Hollow. "Kate, who didn't know she was on the verge of death, corrected Penello's 'mistake'.

"You are a fake fan. Fertile Land is also a village in England." Penello said angrily.

She attracted Kate's attention in this way, but she didn't seem to notice.

Fleur is not here now.

If Ryan is really angry.

Not only will there be a few more characters like Gandalf in the mind game who stand up to Dumbledore.

Kate probably won't be able to get out of bed these days either.

"Okay, please be quiet.

Albusford Dumbledore is not a well-connected person like Ephias.

When mentioning him, you may only think of the story of him being caught playing with sheep.

Even as a young boy, when Albus Dumbledore was fascinated by The Legend of the Three Brothers, he was obsessed with Crumbu the Dirty Goat.

But he is Dumbledore after all.

Although he is not as knowledgeable as his brother, he is very powerful in combat.

After entering Hogwarts, he also behaved very independently, preferring to rely on duels to solve problems rather than through dialogue.

This also laid the foundation for Albus Fuqi's superb dueling skills.

So much so that he was able to fight back when Grindelwald cast the Cruciatus Curse on him before he graduated from Hogwarts, and evolved into him. Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald did not lose in the three-man battle. . " Ryan sighed.

"That goat guy is so powerful?" Kate looked disgusted.

“He was really disliked.

When he was at Hogwarts, he held a wand and hit almost all of Hogwarts.

Even Albus Dumbledore actually disliked him a bit.

I think you all know that in 1982, Aberforth was prosecuted by the Wizengamot for "excessive magic on a goat."

This incident was ‘covered all over the newspapers’.

Do you remember what Albus Dumbledore said when he was interviewed? "Ryan said with a bad smile.

"I know," Kate raised her hand confidently, imitating Dumbledore's words perfectly, "my brother? Albusford? He was not affected by these gossips at all and did not hide.

However, I don't know if he did this because he was brave.

I'm not sure Albusford can read yet! "

"Very good." Ryan clapped with a smile.

Penello broke into a cold sweat for Kate.

Finally, he couldn't bear to ask: "Ryan, why did Aberforth create the Order of the Phoenix with his annoying brother?"

"That's a good question," Ryan said.

Penello breathed a sigh of relief, and Ryan's attention was indeed diverted from Kate.

Ryan stared at Penello and said: "Penello, but what we are going to talk about is how Aberforth deserves the position of founder of the Order of the Phoenix, right?

But - since you want to know, I can mention it by the way.

The answer is simple, Aberforth simply had a bad relationship with Dumbledore and Elphias Dorje.

In addition to his identity as Albus Dumbledore's younger brother, Albusford also has another identity - the owner of the Pig's Head pub.

Many Hogwarts students like to come here, even though it is small, dark and very dirty.

The wizards here will wrap themselves up tightly, and all kinds of people in the wizarding world trade here. "

"Hey! Ryan, you are understating it.

As soon as you enter the Hog's Head, you can smell the strong smell of sheep. Several bay windows and the ground are piled with dirt left over from centuries. "Kate looked like she wanted to vomit.

She remembered her miserable experience in the Hog's Head in her third year.

"Then why can Aberforth become the founder of the Order of the Phoenix?" Penelope asked.

"Didn't I say that?" Ryan looked very surprised, but seeing that Penelope and Kate were still confused, he could only continue to say: "Okay, then I'll mention it.

The identity of the owner of the Hog's Head actually makes Abusford qualified.

The Hog's Head is a very old bar, it is the creation of ancient witchcraft and goblins.

That's why, in 1612, it was the headquarters of the goblin rebellion.

It is a living house, and only powerful wizards can control it.

But at the same time, his owner will be bound by the Hog's Head Inn and cannot leave for a long time.

Those dirt are not simple dirt, but magic dust accumulated over the years.

However, the sheep smell is not.

I guess Aberforth himself has not changed his hobby. "At this point, Ryan shrugged.

Isn't it normal for the Dumbledore family to be extinct like this?

Both the elder brother and the younger brother are abnormal.

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