Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 93 The Heir of the Pig's Head Bar

Chapter 536 The Heir of the Pig's Head

The black tea that suddenly appeared just now was made by the Lord God.

The Lord God is so convenient.

Because the Lord God was refined by Ryan, he is equivalent to his clone.

So, as soon as Ryan thinks, the Lord God can immediately provide the most perfect black tea that Ryan likes the most.

But Ryan doesn't do this often.

In order to consider the pitiful self-esteem of the house-elf Jack.

This time he just chatted with Kate and Penelope.

What he likes most is to be a teacher.

Of course, the students should be his wife, or the characters that he is interested in in the seven Harry Potter novels.

So, even if he thinks Ron is too talkative.

He still looked at his face, who was once moved by Ron's behavior in the novel, and picked a suitable magic book for him in Moon City.

Harry and Neville naturally need not say much.

And Ginny, the magic she learned is just a gift.

Ryan just thinks that the other two have it, and it would be inappropriate not to give it to her.

Because Ginny's behavior in the original world line made Ryan feel a little uncomfortable, and her appearance did not meet Ryan's aesthetic standards.

After drinking the last sip of tea, Ryan put aside the above complicated thoughts.

The empty teacup disappeared into the air.

He looked at Kate and Penelope and continued: "You should all know the story behind.

Because of his battle with his brother and Grindelwald, his sister Ariana died.

After graduating, he lost his ties and went to the Hog's Head to be a waiter.

After his brother became the principal of Hogwarts, the former boss officially made Aberforth the owner of the Hog's Head because of this bonus point."

"Bonus point?" Kate tilted her head, put her index finger on her moist lips seductively, and looked puzzled.

"You don't think the Hogwarts headmaster doesn't know about the Hog's Head Inn's unusualness.

The secret of the Hog's Head Inn is also known by every headmaster after he takes office.

Just like the secret of Peeves and the news of the huge farm under Hogwarts." Ryan rolled his eyes.

But he couldn't help but look at Kate.

This guy just knows how to seduce a gentleman like him all day long!

If it weren't for Kate.

Maybe he is still a single and innocent boy!

"You just deserved a beating." Penelope looked at Ryan, who was looking righteous and didn't know what he was thinking.

She just felt that Ryan seemed to be very offensive to her.

"Nothing?" Ryan closed his eyes subconsciously, and in order to change the subject, Ryan quickly said: "Oh, there is one thing I forgot to mention.

At that time, Dumbledore had just become the principal.

Aberforth was still a waiter.

At that time, Voldemort hid his Horcrux in Hogwarts and applied for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

He and his servants temporarily stopped at the Hog's Head to rest.

So, before Voldemort arrived at Hogwarts to meet Dumbledore, Dumbledore knew about Voldemort's arrival through Aberforth.

And the information about those servants who followed Voldemort.

To be honest, when Dumbledore made it clear, Voldemort was really scared.

He also boasted that he had a good relationship with the waiter at the Hog's Head.

You know, Dumbledore, this guy, can even say that his brother can't read.

You still say that you have a good relationship with him? Che——"

"I know this, I was there at the time.

It must be the Room of Requirement, and the Horcrux made of Ravenclaw's crown is hidden!" Kate said proudly.

Ryan's expression eased.

And Penelope's expression was very interesting.

Ryan just changed the subject, and he even thought of testing whether Kate was still a fan of Dumbledore!

This bastard!

No wonder he can become a master of time management!

"Yeah, not bad. Kate, you are really great!" Ryan said with a double meaning.

And hugged Kate into his arms.

"That Abusforth is also old, right?

Who will be the next owner of the Hog's Head?

You know, Hogwarts has a vice-principal-Professor McGonagall." Kate raised her little head and looked at Ryan.

"It has not been decided yet.

There are three candidates for Aberforth in total.

You may also be familiar with these three names.

Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Mundungus Fletcher.

Kate, Penelope, think about it, why are they three?" Ryan smiled.

"I know! Professor Snape must be because of his dignity and hygiene habits." Kate broke away from Ryan and almost jumped onto the carpet.

"Oh? Hygiene habits?" Ryan couldn't help but be curious.

Kate's answer was completely different from what he expected.

"Hehehe! I have heard all the gossip about professors.

According to my investigation and argumentation, I know one thing.

That is, Snape's hair is not only greasy.

He has the same bad hygiene habits as the crying boy Rocky - his pants are black, and he doesn't change them." Kate grinned evilly.

"Is it true?" Penelope looked at Ryan.

"It's true.

Snape's bad habit is no secret.

He was once hung in the air by James Potter with a golden hook, revealing his black pants.

It is worth mentioning that the golden hook spell was invented by him.

But Kate, your answer is wrong.

Aberforth saw his own shadow in Snape.

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Licking his wounds like a lone wolf, fighting James Potter or the four robbers alone.

But on the other hand, because of Snape's excessive desire to stand out, he was excluded by Aberforth.

Because he definitely can't sit still.

And he also joined the Death Eaters. "Ryan replied.

"I got it!

Professor Lupin must be because he is a werewolf.

A marginal person in the magic society.

Even if he can't sit still, his identity can only keep him in the bar. "After listening to Ryan's analysis of Snape, Penelope guessed confidently.

"That's right! You are worthy of you Penelope.

Unlike some people, guess what pants are black and don't like cleanliness. "Ryan squinted his eyes and said sarcastically to Kate.

Kate, who was standing by, was so angry that her face turned red.

"Let me add that besides these, Lupin is also very good, and he is also a class leader.

But because of his identity as a werewolf, Lupin can just become a spy for the Order of the Phoenix on the werewolf side.

Plus Lupin's own wish - he wants to go back to Hogwarts to work.

And Lupin is not single now.

So he was also rejected by Aberforth. "Ryan added.

"The last one! Mundungus is mine, and no one can snatch it from me!" Kate wanted to avenge her previous shame.

She almost shouted: "Mungdons' advantage is that he is single!

And he has been hanging out at the Hog's Head.

You can even say that he grew up there. "Kate looked at Ryan with hope.

"It's a pity! You guessed right. "Ryan said with a regretful tone, almost scaring Kate.

After Kate retaliated against Ryan by punching Ryan's chest with her little fist, Ryan finally said: "But unfortunately, Mungdons' own magic level is too poor.

So he was also rejected. "

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