Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Secondary Magic Transformation

Chapter 541 2.3 Magic Transformation

Ryan was actually very surprised.

These wandmakers actually peeked into some of the secrets of the Elder Wand.

Because the Elder Wand pledged allegiance to different masters at one time - the latter master defeated the previous master, usually by killing him - so it has never been destroyed or burned.

It has accumulated a lot of wisdom, power and magic, far surpassing ordinary wands.

This is also the origin of the "old" in its name.

In fact, ordinary wands can also do this.

But this is very demanding.

Because the second-hand wand cannot absorb the wisdom, power and magic of wizards of different styles like the Elder Wand.

The second-hand wand is affected by the first owner and can only absorb the power of wizards with similar styles to the previous owner.

If you are unlucky and meet someone who is not compatible, you can only force the running-in, so that the wand will eventually "die".

Only in very rare cases will you meet a compatible owner and grow with him.

But as the number of masters increases and the style becomes more specialized, although it becomes stronger, it will become a point where almost no wizard can use it.

It is completely different from the old wand, which can be used by anyone.

This is also one of the reasons why second-hand wand shops exist but cannot develop further.

What's worse is that although second-hand wands have more things to learn, they are still made of wood, which is not stronger than other wands.

Just like Harry's holly wand in the original world line, it absorbed Voldemort's power in the duel, so that it can independently repel Voldemort without the control of the owner.

However, facing Hermione's thunderbolt explosion, it was easily broken.

This is definitely because Harry's wand is a special attack on Voldemort, but there is also a reason why the wand itself is not stronger than other wands.

To be honest, against Voldemort. If you don't consider the indestructible nature of the old wand, Harry's holly wand that defeated Voldemort many times is more powerful.

The advantage of the old wand is that it can not only be used to fight Voldemort.

It can replicate the achievements of the former owner in the field of magic and greatly increase the effect of the spell. Harry relied on the achievement of an unknown former owner of an old wand who reached level 6 (demigod wizard) in the repair spell to repair the broken and "dead" holly wand.

"Little brat?" Kate pushed Ryan out of his thoughts, "Isn't the tree shepherd very useless?

I remember you said that the ability of wizards to cast spells without a wand through their own hard work is actually equivalent to the weakened ability of magic transformation.

But doesn't it only require hands to cast spells without a wand?

I have several spells!"

Kate snapped her fingers, and a wisp of flame appeared at her fingertips.

She did this without any connection to the gesture magic of Vagadu.

The wandless in her words is in the context of the European magic world.

It means that there is no need for spells, wands, or gestures to create magical phenomena.

This is just like the silent spell, which means casting magic without reciting spells, rather than a specific magic.

It is not literally speechless.

Penelope on the side couldn't help but say: "That's only for you.

I know many excellent Hogwarts students who can't cast spells without a wand.

If you don't have Ryan, you can only use your natural wandless magic that hides your presence."

Ryan nodded to Penelope approvingly, "Tree shepherds are indeed not useless.

The flow of magic between tree shepherds and contracted trees makes up for the disadvantage that their hair is not as good as that of powerful magical creatures such as dragons and phoenixes.

And your own hair is the most suitable for you.

Just like Grandma Furong's hair is far stronger than other The magical material of magical creatures is more suitable for her.

In addition, the contract tree is a living wand tree, which is more advantageous than the wand wood that relies on various crafts to form a cycle with the magic of the wand core to maintain its activity.

This is also why tree shepherds are more likely to transform their magic than wizards.

Except that it is possible that magic has not transformed after a lifetime of hard work, and wizards cannot control the birth of magic transformation ability, there are no major disadvantages. "

"It's good to be able to give birth to abilities, what kind of disadvantage is this." Kate drooped her face and blew out the magic flame on her fingertips.

"The ability of magic transformation is indeed born in combination with the area that wizards are best at.

This also means that this is often what they like.

From this point of view, you are right.

But some abilities themselves will cause trouble to the owner.

A wizard who likes evil curses and is good at it does not want to curse people all the time.

But the uncontrollable ability of magic transformation is likely to produce a permanent ability to harm others.

If this permanent ability is combined with one's own indispensable ability like eyes, then-" Ryan didn't finish his words.

Kate on the side said with an ugly face: "Just like Medusa, turning everyone who sees herself into stone?

Fortunately, recently I have not been able to transform twice because of your phoenix incarnation."

"You transformed twice? When? What ability?" Penelope was very surprised.

Because she and Kate entered the phoenix incarnation at the same time, how come Kate has transformed, but she hasn't?

At this time, Penelope selectively ignored the fact that she didn't like drinking "magic potions".

"Kate, this is considered 2.3 times of magic transformation.

You have the magic that can naturally reduce your own presence, which is 0.5.

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Later, due to various reasons, it reached 1.5. This allows you to shadow, to move through shadows.

Phoenix Magic brings you to 2.3, and now you can lurk in the shadows for a long time instead of just a few seconds like before. "Ryan immediately pointed out the errors in Kate's words.

But he seemed not satisfied and continued: "However, Kate, you are different from Penelo. You are born with the ability equivalent to 0.5 times of transformation.

No matter how we develop in the future, it will be based on it.

What the hell are you worried about? "

"Why isn't it the third magic transformation?" Kate was speechless.

She didn't care at all about Ryan's ridicule behind her.

Ryan knows a hammer?

What if she is too shadowy to let out the sun?

Compared with the ridicule later, she felt that the 2.3 was very harsh.

She has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and desperately hopes to be a round number.

Regarding Kate's question, Penello felt very Versailles.

Ryan looked like he had heard the joke, "Three times?

That is the domain of demigod wizards.

That's not accurate.

Rather, it is a by-product of being promoted to a demigod wizard.

As the saying goes, 'all magical changes are self-contained'.

The demigod wizards who have awakened a trace of the essence of the ancient wizards called gods do not so much take the initiative to undergo magical transformation.

Rather, it is because the essence is awakened and its magic power is forced to jump. "

In response, Kate said she would not listen or listen.

He sat aside with his mouth pouted.

Penello blamed everything on his lack of reading.

She began to read books, exercise her awakened ability of photographic memory, and look forward to the early transformation of her magic power.

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