Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 139 Expected Date of Birth

Chapter 582 Expected Date of Delivery

Just half an hour has passed.

After the other three schools turned in black bags containing processed sap.

Dean, who was sitting in the last row of the Gryffindor table, just finished the final processing and put it into a cloth bag.

Then Professor Pollach announced the end of the course.

And informed that the next group potions class will be scheduled from one to three o'clock at noon next Saturday.

The war magic class has also been postponed to four o'clock.

As soon as Professor Pollach finished speaking, Klum hurriedly disappeared from the spot.

Ron didn't even have time to react.

In response, Harry said: "Ron, why don't you just write a letter and explain clearly.

It's always like this, Krum doesn't know how long he has to hide from you. "

"No, I don't believe it." Ron took a bite of the chicken leg angrily.

"Stop making trouble! I think you are just causing trouble for Harry.

Harry is so good at Quidditch that he needs a world-class Quidditch star as his partner.

If only it had been explained earlier. Harry would also like to play more difficult Quidditch early and relax. "Ginny walked over slowly and glared at Ron.

She didn't expect to hear such stupid words from Ron just after she separated from Luna.

What's more, watching his brother follow a man like a fool all day long.

Does she still want to lose face?

And there's Ryan's on the other side.

"I think we are more like workers than students. I still don't understand how to make group potions." Hermione said angrily while looking at Ryan cautiously with her peripheral vision.

The person in her eyes who can answer this question.

However, Ryan did not respond.

He just looked at her with a smile on his face.

Until she saw her ears turned red and she shyly hit his chest with her small fists.

Ryan then opened his mouth, "Do you think these schools really teach serious knowledge?

At most, they think the competition is just for teaching purposes.

Where will the higher knowledge be spread?

Knowledge equals power in the magical world.

What you are concerned about is how to make it later.

He will tell it at the end.

You know now how boring that is. "

Seeing that Hermione was still thinking of saying something, he waved his hand, and a gray film of light flashed past.

The two men appeared again, already at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

The wizarding city called Atlantis.

And Hermione immediately threw the previous questions behind her.

He ran straight to the library.

Ryan, on the other hand, took advantage of Hermione's lack of attention to create another figure.

Went to Chum bucket restaurant.

He hasn't had a Krabby Patty in almost a week.

On the other side, Harry also said goodbye to Ginny and Ron.

Went to the principal's office - the place where there was a lone stone monster in the corridor on the eighth floor.

"Sour soda," Harry said.

The stone monster jumped aside, and the wall behind it split in half, revealing a moving spiral staircase behind it.

Harry stepped up, and as the stairs spiraled around, rising higher and higher, and finally came to the door of Dumbledore's office with a brass knocker.

Harry knocked on the door.

"Come in." It was Dumbledore's voice.

The door then opened automatically.

"Good evening, sir," Harry said, walking into the headmaster's office.

He looked around curiously. This is the first time he has come to the principal's office.

There is a tall gilded perch behind the door, which should be where Fox rests.

It's just that I don't know where it is now.

This room, like their dormitory, was domed.

There were also funny little noises and white smoke.

Harry almost thought Dumbledore was smoking from a wooden pipe.

After following the sound, I realized that what was emitting smoke and sound were strange silverware with unknown functions.

They are placed one by one on the slender table legs.

The walls are covered with portraits of old male and female principals, all snoring gently in their respective frames.

There was a nasty old man he knew with a goatee.

That was Sirius' great-grandfather.

He had seen it in the frame on the wall of No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Harry quickly looked away.

He didn't want to be ridiculed by this weird old man again.

He looked towards the center of the room.

There was a huge table with claw-shaped legs.

Dumbledore was sitting in the high-backed chair behind the desk.

He quickly missed Dumbledore's sharp gaze and looked behind him.

There was a shelf there, and there was a tattered, wrinkled wizard's hat - the Sorting Hat.

He kind of wanted to wear it again.

However, at this time, Dumbledore spoke up, "How about it, my little room isn't bad.

Harry, this is your first time in my office.

Maybe you are wondering why I want to teach you alone.

And why another mysterious professor is absent. Where has he gone?

I will tell you one by one later. "

"I-I said, is that person Grindelwald?

And "The Quibbler," which has - I'm sorry.

I mean, does this have anything to do with him not coming? "Harry was very upset.

He was just talking nonsense.

It was Ron who led him astray!

However, Dumbledore just smiled at this, "Xenophilius really has a keen intuition.

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Except for Tom and your content, there is no logical problem in it.

It is barely related to reality.

I wonder why you are so nervous.

Are you afraid that I will take action?

Harry, I'm just an old man.

I don't have that much energy.

My morality does not allow me to do this.

The relationship between professors and students is inherently unequal.

In such a relationship, professors should not create any additional weights with students to tilt the scale further."

"Grindelwald is pregnant?" Dumbledore's tolerance gave Harry a little budding of the reckless courage inherited from James Potter.

"You-blushed." Harry exclaimed.

"Congratulate me." Dumbledore blinked, "Although I am not ready to reconcile with Grindelwald.

But he did take the so-called male-to-male fertility potion.

To me, the name is just a gimmick.

It should be called the transgender fertility potion.

After all, in addition to male-male, male-female, and female-female can also give birth to children through it.

The only drawback is that this potion can only be taken once."

"So, he won't come?

I mean, when can Mr. Grindelwald-" Harry didn't know whether to continue.

He felt that this was too close to Dumbledore's privacy.

"You want to know when the child will be born.

Like a normal child, about 10 months." Dumbledore said.

"But didn't Voldemort resurrect this semester?" Harry calculated the time.

"Voldemort will be resurrected roughly at the end of this semester.

That is, the end of June next year.

Almost July.

It will be almost October at that time." Dumbledore replied.

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