Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 154 Hagrid's Concerns and the Fourth Dragon

Chapter 597 Hagrid’s concerns and the fourth dragon

Quite unexpectedly, all three classes scheduled for Saturday were cancelled.

A new message was added to the notice board in the lounge: In order not to affect the selection of warriors, today's alchemy, group potion, and war magic courses are temporarily canceled.

So Harry and the others came to Hagrid's hut after a long time outside Care of Magical Creatures class.

"Where are Neville and Draco?

Why didn't they come? "In the wooden house, Hagrid asked with a frown on his head, his hair looking like it was burning.

Hephaestus above his head waved his hand towards Harry and the others.

Hagrid just finished speaking.

Ron couldn't help but opened his mouth, "Neville, he is chasing the girl.

But who is he chasing after--Susan or Hannah. "

It seems to have been held in for a long time.

"Draco, isn't he engaged?

Pansy definitely couldn't let him go when he was finally free. "Harry explained immediately.

However, Ginny rolled her eyes and asked mischievously: "What about you, Hagrid? How is your relationship with Madam Maxime?"

"Relationships develop very quickly." Hearing Hagrid say this, Ron was about to congratulate him when he was stopped by Harry and Ginny.

They all discovered that there was no joy in Hagrid's words.

Under the messy hair, the thick and thick eyebrows are closer to the middle.

A very sad look.

Ron was very angry about this, "Did that woman cheat on you?

I knew it.

She must be trying to find out what the competition is about.

She must have heard from somewhere that the magical creatures used in the competition were all decided by Hagrid.

I still remember it, it seems to be the Black Dragon of the Hebridean Islands, the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon, and the Hungarian Horntail. "

Hagrid shook his head.

"Then how could you?" Harry was very confused about this.

He almost thought Ron had guessed it right.

Facing the doubts of the three people, Hagrid blinked his small black beetle-like eyes and hesitated for a moment.

He took a deep breath and said, “You all know.

Since last semester, I have awakened extraordinary abilities.

Almost all magical creatures have become obedient to my wishes.

Humanoids like giants are no exception.

And Maxime, she's - she's a half-giant like me.

Our relationship progressed very quickly.

I'm worried it's because of my abilities.

Not that she really likes me. "

"Then do you have a playful attitude toward Madame Maxime?"

"Of course not! I plan to spend the rest of my life with her - no, I should say marriage!" Facing Harry's question, Hagrid answered decisively.

Harry smiled and said, "That's fine.

Since you are serious, why do you think so much?

Hagrid, you should know that during this time, I have been taking classes from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore once said to me that all magic comes from the heart.

Your unsought affinity for magical creatures.

I think it comes more from your unstinting care for magical creatures.

Madame Maxime is attracted to you because you seriously want to spend the rest of your life with her. "

"Really-really?" Hagrid lowered his head shyly.

Faced with this, he said to himself.

Hephaestus transformed into a fire snake and gently rubbed Hagrid's face.

Fang also moved closer, wagging his tail and circling Hagrid.

A milky white spider thread hung from the ceiling, and the Acromantula Alaspad fell on the table (Ron: "Ahh! Why is it still there? I thought-"), clinging to it with its furry thighs The back of Hagrid's palm-sized hand.

Harry saw this situation and decided to pursue the victory.

He quickly said: "Hagrid, look, Fang and the others all agree with what I said.

And you don't believe me.

Don't you believe what Dumbledore said? "

Hagrid wiped away his tears and said, "Good children, they are all good children."

He rubbed his furry beard against the three of them.

Harry took a small step back without leaving a trace, avoiding the same treatment of having his face wiped by the beard.

Yaya's tail wagged even more happily.

Hephaestus shyly returned to Hagrid's hair.

Alaspad also followed the spider thread back to the spider web in the corner of the ceiling.

After a while, the hut returned to the way it was when they first arrived.

After a long silence, Hagrid was the first to break the silence, "Thank you.

If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have to keep digging.

But Ron.

The three-headed dragon you mentioned.

That’s the magical creature I chose.

It was initially prepared for the normal Triwizard Tournament.

Now there are four schools in total. "

Ron scratched the back of his head, "Is it a four-headed dragon now?

That dragon should be the Portuguese Longrosaurus. Hagrid, did you mention that you have never seen a living Portuguese Athosaurus? "

"That's not it.

I thought there were only three fire dragons.

After attending Harry and Ginny's engagement party, I went on a solo trip to Portugal.

I found a group of Portuguese Longrosaurus near Peneda-Giles National Park.

They all have light green scales and black eyes. The longest of them was twenty feet long.

You all know the rest.

I want to re-select a fire dragon to join the competition.

Originally, I asked Dumbledore to ask Harry to summon the Pluto dragon.

But I was rejected. "Hagrid sighed, "Dumbledore said that no student except Harry could subdue this dragon. So--"

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Hagrid was interrupted by Ron, "Subdue? Did I hear it right?

The content of the competition is not to take away dragon eggs or other things that the dragon cares about from the protection of the dragon?

But to fight the dragon face to face?

Subdue? Crazy!

My brother has worked in a dragon farm in Romania.

Like them, trained dragon tamers who have mastered a variety of magic against dragons, it takes seven or eight to deal with a dragon.

Not to mention students.

Harry can easily win the game by summoning the Pluto dragon.

What about the other warriors?"

Hagrid slapped his forehead with his right hand, very upset.

For accidentally revealing the content of the game.

He said helplessly: "Running Gorgon! Since you guessed it.

Then I will -

That's why there is a group competition.

With so many wizards' group magic, even a first-year student can remain intact in front of the dragon and guarantee his life.

The difficulty lies in how to subdue the dragon you draw.

This tests the wizard's magic level.

And this dragon is also the prop for the next game - the mount. "

"Is that so? Then Hagrid, what is the new dragon?" Ginny asked curiously.

"The Ministry of Magic gave me two choices, the Australian White Eye and the Norwegian Ridgeback.

As you all know, I already have Norbeta, the Norwegian Ridgeback.

And it is somewhat similar to the Hungarian Horntail, but there is no spike on the tail, and there is a black ridge on the back.

So it is not very suitable.

And the Australian White Eye.

It is the most beautiful of the dragons.

It has sparkling, colorful eyes. Although there is no pupil, it does not look weird at all.

It is also covered with pearl-like scales.

The flames it spews are also very bright red. "

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