Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 156 Harry's Lies

Chapter 599 Harry’s lies

The holly tree has gray-black bark and oval leaves growing on the tops of the branches.

It looks like a spire, with serrated leaves on the edges. The leaves get larger and larger from top to bottom, which is a cherry tree.

The tree has a straight trunk, brown bark, long leaves, and low-hanging branches.

The yew tree has long leaves that grow regularly on both ends of the branches like a cattail fan.

The hawthorn tree has small white spots on its trunk and small white hairs on its leaves.

Now, these five trees with different postures are located in the wide fence.

Each tree was about thirty feet apart.

"Five?" Ron thought of the origin of these books from the number of trees.

"I remembered.

Hagrid, you said before that you had already found a location for our contract tree in the Forbidden Forest. "

Then he sensed a vague connection from the willow tree.

"Hagrid, what did you bring us here for?" Ginny asked as she glanced at her own yew tree.

"Hey! It's good to stay with your contract tree often.

Those who are talented can awaken their abilities in advance.

After all, you all know what we will face next year. "

Hagrid rubbed the back of his head.

Then he winked at Harry, and his voice echoed in Harry's heart, "Harry, if I'm not mistaken, you have awakened your abilities.

Do you need me to help you hide it? "

Harry shook his head.

Then, Hagrid patted Harry on the shoulder, "Didn't you realize that Harry has awakened his abilities?"

When Ron heard this, he quickly turned to look at Harry, "What is it?

Wait, 'After the transformation of magic power, an ability will be born based on the field in which one is good at. ’

What Harry is best at, well, is dreaming!

Every time he prophesied, it was in a dream. "

"Dream?" Ginny sneered, "What do you think.

According to your logic, shouldn't Harry's birth ability be related to prophecy? "

"Harry, who do you think guessed it right?"

"It must be me." Ron and Ginny said at the same time, looking at Harry.

Harry hesitated for a moment and then said: "My awakened ability is not as cool as Hagrid's example of being able to create fire out of thin air.

Maybe it's because I'm good at Potions.

That is, magic is used as a binder and catalyst to combine the physical properties of different materials to create potions with various miraculous effects.

So my ability to awaken is also related to the use of magic power.

High-precision control of magic.

You can use every bit of your magic power on the blade. "

"Ah, that's it.

But it’s okay, Ginny, you’re not right either. "Ron was disappointed at first, and then beamed.

"I said you guessed wrong.

Ability is related to prophecy, but it is just a guess based on your logic.

I'm right! "After saying this, Ginny snorted softly.

He jumped down the stone stairs and turned his back to Ron.

He looked like he didn't want to be with him.

Harry jumped to her side.

As for Ron, he wanted to say something, but he remembered that this was his sister, and there was no point in trying to reason with girls.

He curled his lips and changed the subject, "Hagrid, if I insist on looking at my contract tree every day, will my magic transform and give birth to abilities sooner?"

"This is why I called you here.

This will definitely come faster than if you just ignore them all the time.

When you go back, remember to talk to Neville and Draco too.

Let them come over when they have time. "Hagrid said.

Then he led everyone back the same way.

Along the way, Ron seemed to have quickly forgotten the argument he had just had with Ginny.

"Hagrid, what use will Harry's contract tree have after he awakens?"

"Use? After the magic transformation, the contract tree will also change.

Can its branches be used directly as wands?

No wand core required.

But it's not as powerful as a wand with a core.

It can be used as a backup wand.

When the contract tree grows up, you can use it to make wood products that don't look like wands.

Combs, bracelets, eye frames and other things.

When necessary, it can serve as a substitute for a wand or as a sneak attack.

As far as I know, there is a wizard in Kastrubshe. He made a wooden sign from the branches of his contract tree, painted it with silver paint, and glued it to his glove.

For the stuffing of his gloves, he chose the same material as the core of his wand - unicorn tail hair.

I also asked the wandmaker to take care of it.

Because only a wandmaker knows how to combine the wand wood with the magical substance.

This greatly increases the power of this wand which is not like a wand.

He later became an Auror for the Brazilian Ministry of Magic.

Relying on unexpected sneak attacks, many dark wizards were captured. Hagrid said after thinking for a while.

Ron couldn't help but sigh: "So, it's quite useful.

I think Harry could use a bracer.

The wristband is so big that a phoenix feather can be stuffed into it.

How cool is that.

In the seventh volume of "Doraemon", Luke Skywalker (Nobita) got the Fairness Bracer from Doraemon.

With it, you can even have a 50-50 fight with Darth Vader (Fat Tiger). "

By the time Harry and the others returned to the auditorium, it was already 6 o'clock.

But it was obviously just dinner time, and it was almost full of people.

The three long tables next to Slytherin were also filled with students from the other three schools.

Even the staff table was almost full.

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Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, and Madame Vulkanova were also sitting there.

Grindelwald was absent, just like yesterday.

The Goblet of Fire had been moved.

It now stood in front of Dumbledore's empty chair on the staff table.

Tonight was a banquet, just like yesterday.

The dinner was very sumptuous.

But even Ron didn't like the elaborate and sumptuous dishes as usual.

Like the other students around him, he filled his stomach casually and looked at the staff table.

They all kept looking over their shoulders, and each of them showed an anxious expression.

They were all restless, and from time to time they stood up to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.

This made Harry, who was not interested in the tournament, inexplicably feel more urgent.

He wished that everyone else would finish the food on their plates quickly and find out who was chosen as the champion.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a century.

Finally, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and the voices in the hall suddenly rose a lot.

Then, Dumbledore stood up, and the hall suddenly became silent again.

Karkaroff, Madam Maxime, and Madam Vokhanova at the staff table looked as nervous and expectant as everyone else.

"Well, the goblet will make a decision," Dumbledore said, "It will probably take another minute.

Listen, after the champion's name is announced, I want them to go to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and enter the next room -"

He pointed to the door behind the staff table, "-where they will receive initial instructions."

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