Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 The Great Skywalker

Chapter 603 The Great Skywalker

Harry's mind is now full of the name Skywalker Alchemy Workshop.

His boss Skywalker is undoubtedly a great wizard.

He invented audio books.

The strange props in "Doraemon" and the books they contain are the ladder of human progress, and the progressive thought that only by studying hard can we make progress every day.

His Skywalker Alchemy Workshop has realized the props in the book one by one.

The emergence of the door almost replaced the door key. It allows wizards who are not very good at using flying brooms to fly in the sky with bamboo dragonflies.

The underwater breathing tube allows wizards to play freely underwater.

Not to mention these, after the prop transformation law in the Muggle world was passed.

He built a cinema far beyond the Muggle world, where real people can enter the movie.

Enriched the spiritual world of those wizards with low magic level and unable to YY themselves.

In the past, this was a privilege that only wizards with advanced brain occlusion and alchemical tools such as the Pensieve could enjoy.

He also encouraged and supported his employees to start their own businesses.

With the help of Skywalker Alchemy Workshop, Steven Walter established Walter Construction Company, which used self-developed new magic and technology to create materials.

The mansion at 10 Rose Road that Sirius gave him was the work of Walter Construction Company.

Now, the buildings in Diagon Alley that have been almost completely renovated and now look like the future world of science fiction writers are also made of their company's materials.

In short, Skywalker and his companies are undoubtedly great.

And now, this great company is going to participate in the championship again.

Now, even Harry, who is a little repulsive to the championship because he thinks it may hinder his mother's resurrection, can't help but look forward to this competition.

But there is one thing Harry is a little confused about. Why doesn't the team competition use the live broadcast routine.

It is only used in the individual competition.

And just when Harry was immersed in his own world.

Mr. Weasley also finished saying the same thing as Professor Dumbledore outside.

When did the first event of the team competition start?

And its specific content was a secret, it was a cliché to test the warriors' courage and magical skills.

At this time, Mr. Weasley began to talk about the individual competition.

In addition to the basic inside information such as dividends, "The first project will be carried out on November 24th and will be completed in front of other students and the jury.

When completing the competition project, the warrior, that is, you, shall not request or accept any help from his teacher.

When facing the challenge, the only weapons in the warrior's hand are his own wand, the blessing of the war magic of his own school wizard, the potion and alchemical props he made-the warrior suit specially used for the competition.

Facing the first round of challenges, the first two will be used as the warrior's weapons.

You will not learn about the second project until the first project is over.

Because the competition is very demanding and lasts for a long time, you do not have to take the annual exam.

The homework on weekdays will also be exempted, but it depends on the opinion of the professor of the course."

As soon as Mr. Weasley finished speaking, the door behind them was pushed open, and a large group of people rushed in: Professor Dumbledore, followed by Madam Vulcanova, Karkaroff, Madam Maxim, and Professor Flitwick.

Before Professor Flitwick closed the door, Harry heard the buzz of hundreds of students in the auditorium next door.

"Arthur, are you done?" Dumbledore asked as soon as he came in.

The principals of the other schools, except Karkaroff, walked towards the warriors of their own colleges and pulled them aside.

Harry saw this and hurriedly shook Krum's hand. He wanted him to feel that he was not alone.

"Great friendship!" Professor Flitwick, who was about to greet the children of his own college, was moved and his eyes were red.

Mr. Weasley yawned, "That's all, Dumbledore.

The content of the contract, the time of the competition, and the fact that they don't have to take exams and are exempted from homework are all explained."

"Then I have nothing to say to these children," Dumbledore said, looking at Mr. Weasley with a little concern, "Will you stay at Hogwarts tonight? That way you can see the children by the way."

Harry could see that Mr. Weasley was a little tempted, but he still refused: "No, Molly has already made onion soup at home waiting for me.

Percy and the others are very independent.

Ginny and Ron have Harry to accompany them."

(Harry, who was standing aside, heard this and inexplicably thought of Ron's reaction to this.

He must have shouted that he was also independent.)

Dumbledore sighed regretfully, and he looked at the principals of other schools, "Do you have any doubts about the competition?"

They all shook their heads.

Madame Maxime walked out of the room with Fleur in her arms.

Harry could hear them talking quickly in French as they walked towards the hall.

Madam Vokhanova followed him out of the room, one step behind Elvas.

The face that looked tough actually showed respect.

The last Karkaroff.

Due to the presence of Dumbledore and other professors.

He gave Krum a look and walked out of the room on his own.

Krum let go of Harry's hand and followed him out silently.

Professor Flitwick also left the room after telling Harry that he should have a good rest.

Mr. Weasley followed and disappeared into the green fire.

Finally, only Dumbledore and Harry were left in the room.

"Harry, I would like to suggest that you go back to bed." Dumbledore said, looking at him with a smile, "I believe that all the Ravenclaw classmates are waiting to celebrate with you.

They finally had an excuse to make a fuss, and it was really inappropriate to take this opportunity away from them.

But, today is Saturday.

Our lessons will continue. "

Dumbledore waved his wand, and without the floo powder, the fire turned green.

"Read it after me, Headmaster's Office," after Dumbledore whirled out of sight in the fire.

Harry followed closely behind.

Then there is the familiar sense of rotation, the furnace doors and the vaguely emerging rooms outside the fireplace.

Wait until he opens his eyes.

He had landed firmly on the floor.

After all, with his current physical condition, these feelings cannot make him lose his balance.

However, the vague burning sensation coming from behind made Harry turn his head.

It was a green flame floating in the air.

It is gradually losing its green color.

"Stand still Harry.

I was going to help you down.

This flame was something I had conjured before.

Serves as an entrance to the Floo network.

After all, I don't need it every day.

Fox is here. "Headmaster Dumbledore said.

He waved his wand and the flames dissipated into the air.

"So you already knew I was a warrior?"

"Of course, who else could it be besides you? Hagrid is not considered a student now."


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