Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 60 The Hearth of the Castle

Late at night, the evening wind was whistling.

Ryan in the wooden house suddenly appeared in the air of the zombie trail.

Ryan was chanting a strange and long spell while using Smith's natural magic (unnoticed).

In this case, the zombies in the cemetery of the zombie trail were still very quiet, as if they did not notice the appearance of a wizard and needed to greet them.

This also avoided waking up Kate. Ryan's invisible magic gently entangled the spirit that was about to be born, and like a precise scalpel, it cut the unnecessary parts of Ryan's plan, such as the fear and excitement of tourists.

It took about 15 minutes, and a silver sphere appeared in Ryan's hand. The next second, Ryan's figure appeared again in Smith's castle thousands of miles away.

The lights suddenly lit up, and the elf Jack also appeared respectfully at Ryan's feet.

"Jack, don't worry, I'm leaving soon." Ryan's voice sounded in Jack's heart, and the awkward spell was still in Ryan's mouth.

Ryan held the silver ball of light in his hand, and used the authority of the Smith family to communicate with the entire castle, the garden, and the most important alchemy hut.

Like the surging waves of the sea, the hidden magic buried for thousands of years was awakened by Ryan one by one.

At the same time, Ryan Smith's name began to slowly disappear in the Hogwarts admission book; in Ollivander's memory, Smith's transactions and purchase records also disappeared like the wind; finally, the bottom entrance of Smith's vault in Gringotts began to be forgotten by the goblins.

The invisible magic waves began to surge towards the silver-white metal Smith's alchemy hut.

With the surge of magic, Ryan solemnly held the sphere in his hand and walked step by step towards the ultimate weapon of the Smith family, the most important inheritance.

Click, countless magnificent and strange runes began to outline the sphere in Ryan's hand, and Ryan had entered the alchemy hut at this time.

Then, from the center of the hut, the beating of the heart appeared, and Ryan wholeheartedly outlined the shape of the spirit in his heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The magical energy wave that only Ryan could sense suddenly stopped, and a sphere with white light appeared in the house made of silver-white metal.

"Lord?" Ryan gently stroked the sweat on his forehead.

"I'm here, what can I do for you?" The sphere made a voice similar to a robot, ruthless and stiff.

"Let everything return to normal." Ryan left the last order and disappeared on the spot.

So, in the Hogwarts admission book, Ryan Smith's name reappeared; in Ollivander's memory, Smith's transactions and purchase records seemed to have never disappeared; finally, the bottom entrance of Gringotts Smith's vault also reappeared.

Ryan put on pajamas again and lay on the sofa in the wooden house, while Kate was still lying on the side.

A smile could not stop appearing at the corner of Ryan's mouth.

Smith's castle is truly alive, just like Howl's moving castle. From the garden to the canyon specially used for receiving letters, it can move with the castle. The magic power required is just easy and harmless for Ryan.

Now the furnace core of the castle has been replaced with an active and immortal spirit, which is born from the love of alchemy by all Smiths and Ryan's magic.

Ryan's current thoughts can connect to the castle at any time and observe everything that moves.

In this castle, in a powerful position, no wizard can defeat Ryan now.

Even the magic of apparition can be paid by the castle, but it is useless for Ryan.

As for the remains of this spirit, its remaining parts were left by Ryan on the zombie trail. After all, if you dig something, you must at least leave the roots for others.

With a heart full of joy, Ryan deliberately relaxed and fell asleep again.


Itchy, this is Ryan's first feeling.

Then there was the burning feeling of the sun on my face, and the sound of my breathing.

He opened his eyes and it turned out to be Kate. She had finished washing and was poking Ryan's cheek with a piece of hair.

"Haha, bad breath attack!" Ryan spit out a breath at Kate like a prank.

"Humph, there is no smell at all." Kate seemed to have expected it, and did not dodge or evade.

"Oops, I forgot that I have no breath at all." Ryan rubbed his hair helplessly, floating in the air, and his clothes automatically changed into ordinary clothes like running water, and his shoes and socks also flew out automatically and were put on Ryan's feet.

Kate looked accustomed to it, and took out the Prophet's Daily sent by the owl to pass the time.

It's a bit bad to be strong, the waste of body metabolism, bad breath, these will not appear on Ryan now.

After the second person in the house woke up, the wooden house seemed to sense something, and the romantic and brisk music began to sound, and the sound of water flow came from the window again.

"It should be breakfast?" Kate guessed.

"On the water again." Ryan didn't care. This kind of dining experience is rare for ordinary wizards, but for Ryan, it's just a matter of hands.

Huh? Even though Ryan didn't care, the Lamora fish in the early morning showed gorgeous colors under the sunlight, and the water seemed to be filled with sparkling gems.

The "gems" did not form an arch bridge this time, but swam freely on the lake.

A huge parasol appeared in the center of the stone platform, and the chairs turned into lounge chairs, and the table was filled with a sumptuous breakfast.

This time, Kate took the lead in walking to the stone platform and sat down on the lounge chair.

Today's breakfast is red curry chicken, a large pot of pumpkin juice, and a stack of cakes.

The curry on the plate, the cakes, and the pumpkin juice in the pot will be refilled as soon as they are almost finished, until Kate said she couldn't eat anymore, and then the curry and cakes slowly disappeared, leaving only the pumpkin juice that remained cold.

After dinner, Ryan was bored and found two wooden chairs from the wooden house.

Kate pulled out her magic wand, and Ryan and Kate moved the two wooden chairs that were about to be broken to fly on the water, hitting each other, and each chair wanted to knock the other off the air.

Under Ryan's control, Ryan's chair was like a clever bullfighter, always narrowly avoiding the impact of Kate's chair.

At the same time, it suddenly turned from time to time, and one leg of Kate's chair was half-broken and about to fall.

"No more! No more!" Kate's chair suddenly lost control and was thrown to the open space in front of the cabin.

"You can't hit me when playing with Ryan. I'm almost exhausted, and you haven't even sweated." Kate wiped her sweat and puffed up her red face.

"Kate, you have to pay attention to your skills."

"Don't just use brute force, pay attention to changing direction. I just used a level similar to yours. Logically, you should be able to hit me." Ryan crossed his hands and did not move. Kate's chair returned to its original state and flew back to the cabin together with the chair Ryan had just controlled.

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