Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 166 Discussion in the Cave

Chapter 609 Discussion in the cave

"I finally understand now why you built this." Draco slumped down on the tatami and patted it, "Well, I feel like it's massaging my butt.

Harry, you want to have a place to rest after climbing the mountain.

However, why is this straw mat so soft and so relaxing for the body? "

“Magic, it adds magic.

This is a way of life called Xiju passed down from an ancient country. Now it is popular in another island country in the Far East.

You can call it tatami. "Harry paused.

“However, I didn’t build it just to rest after climbing.

Instead, he wanted to build a secret base. Just like Luke Skywalker (Nobita) in "Doraemon". "Harry tapped his wand on the small table in front of him.

A porcelain bowl that perfectly coincided with the depression appeared on the table. As if by magic, clear liquid kept pouring out.

"You all should try it, the canyon water with the fragrance of osmanthus.

I felt good after drinking it.

There are almost a hundred bottles in stock here.

After you finish drinking, it will be automatically refilled.

If you don’t want to drink anymore, tap the table again and it will disappear. "

Seeing that there was something to drink, Draco, who was already sweating, quickly followed Harry's actions and tapped the table with his hawthorn wand.

After the bowl and canyon water appeared, he quickly picked it up and poured it into his mouth. Ginny and Neville followed suit.

But Ron didn't. He just kept staring at Harry, as if thinking about something.

When Harry felt that he was about to get mad at him. Ron finally spoke, "Do you have a door key?

After we climbed up so hard, you told us we had a door key? "

Ginny, who was slowly tasting the canyon water, couldn't sit still.

She first looked at Neville who was indifferent, then looked at Ron and said sarcastically: "'We' work hard and climb.

But I remember you were carried up by Neville.

And Harry's original words were 'it passed during the acceptance inspection and the door key came'.

Maybe after finishing here, the door key was simply destroyed for the sake of the employer's privacy. "

“No, there is indeed a portkey.

Only this key doesn't lead to Hogwarts. But No. 10 Qiangwei Road. Seeing that Ron, Neville, and Draco were a little confused, Harry added, "It's where Ginny and I got engaged." "

"That makes sense." Ron muttered, then immediately raised his head, "But are we just sitting here?

What to play? Will there be any other toys to pass the time here? Wizard chess? Thunderbolt explosion card? Gobstone? "

"Wait a minute," Harry quickly interrupted Ron's question, "There are no toys."

Harry said as he waved his wand again.

Five stacks of parchment appeared on their respective tables.

"Is this?" As a non-Ravenclaw, Draco was very unfamiliar with this.

"Haha, this is the strategy we Ravenclaw gave Harry!

Personal information about warriors, useful spells and tricks, weaknesses of fire dragons and simple magic to deal with them, etc., are all available to help Harry! "Ron said proudly. It was as if he came up with these strategies.

"Fire dragon?" Draco's pale face couldn't help but flush with excitement when he heard this, "The first project is related to the fire dragon?"

"Hagrid told us.

Draco, didn't you already know this? Which dragons to choose is still your suggestion. "Harry asked doubtfully.

Draco shook his head, "I originally thought that the Fire Dragon would be the finale contestant and would not appear until the last event!

Wait, Hagrid told us—could it be that the last time he asked us to go to his cabin was to reveal the news of the competition?

If this is the case, then Hagrid is really enlightened. Learned the cleverness of our Slytherins! "

"Is it true?" Neville, who also did not go to Hagrid's cabin, asked.

"That's not the case!

Hagrid didn't mean to cheat! He is not such a person.

He just wanted to tell us that our contract tree has been transplanted to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Last time it was to show us the way.

So that we can always be with the contract tree.

Awaken your abilities early. There's something you don't know. Harry has awakened his ability, the ability to control magic with high precision! "At the end of her speech, Ginny showed an expression of pride.

Neville scratched the back of his head, "Then you-"

Ron was acting a bit ironclad.

It's like an old father treating a hopeless son.

Sighing deeply, "Oh! What else can I say?

Hagrid slipped up again.

But Draco, you are happy this time.

There are four dragons in total in this competition. " ("Four heads!" Draco seemed about to faint.)

“And the second project will use them as well.

It is said that Harry and the others will become dragon knights and ride on dragons to fight. "

"What is that extra dragon? The largest Ukrainian Iron Belly? Chinese Fireball Dragon? Swedish Brachysaurus?" Seeing that he didn't guess right, Draco took a breath and looked at Harry, "Is it possible? It’s Pluto Dragon!??”

Harry shrugged helplessly, "You almost guessed it right.

Hagrid did consider using Pluto Dragon.

But it was too dangerous to be used by Dumbledore.

As for the extra dragon. Its scientific name is Australian Opaleye. "

"What? A vase dragon? It's pretty good for nothing!" Draco seemed a little indignant.

But Neville touched his chin and thought: "This is going to be broadcast live.

The dragon's appearance will also be a plus. If you draw an egg white eye, Harry, the data will definitely be very good."

"Let's look at these parchments first." Ginny looked at the parchment in her hand, and then looked at the one in Harry's hand, "Harry, why is mine the same as yours?"

"I used the copy spell and copied four copies." Harry rubbed Ginny's head lovingly.

The other three people lowered their heads at the same time and looked at the parchment in their hands.

However, Draco quickly raised his head, "Wait, am I right? This guy with a ridiculous name can read minds?

No, this is crossed out.

Hmm, is it foreseeing the future? Is it a tree shepherd?

The handwriting, um, is obviously different.

This-this part was added by you, Harry, right?"

"Well, I..." Harry talked about his previous analysis again. He wanted to hear what Draco had to add.

"So, Harry, your guess is indeed good.

Let me see what the next one is-" Draco turned to the next page, "This is Krum.

Is he so unpopular?

Grindelwald is so powerful now?

A world-class Quidditch star, there is actually no student who talks to him.

Let me see again, where is the French girl named Fleur?

I noticed that most of the students at your table are drooling.

Why is there no information about her at all?"

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