Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 174 Political Mission

Chapter 617 Political Task

Let’s not talk about Ryan for now.

Because I found my own progress. To go further.

Except Ryan who was already beside Luna and Hermione.

In the Charms classroom, Ryan licked his face and appeared from the air between Kate and Penelope and squeezed in.

In the carriage of Beauxbatons beside the Forbidden Forest, Fleur, who was telling Gabriel a story with a storybook, was hugged by Ryan who walked out of the gray film.

In Smith Castle, Nagini wrapped around another freshly baked Ryan and turned into a human form.

At this moment, Ryan, who was lying dead in the copper coffin in Smith’s alchemy hut, controlled those Ryans who were equivalent to his hands and feet and began the road to progress.

On Harry’s side, the Care of Magical Creatures class officially began.

At this time, Harry was wondering, that was a group of puppies brought by Hagrid today.

Although they were all covered by a long piece of cloth.

But with his superhuman senses, the looming figure, the barely detectable smell, and the barking of puppies as soft as mosquitoes and flies all indicate that there are a group of puppies below.

However - looking at Ron, who was looking up and down at Neville, with an expression like Fang in heat.

It made him think of a possibility - could these puppies be the children of Fang and the three-headed dog.

The more Harry thought about it, the more possible it was. This would explain why these puppies only had one head.

However, it didn't matter even if they were puppies, as long as they were not cats.

Although he was chased and bitten by Aunt Marge's old bulldog Lippy.

But other dogs were not too bad to him.

Especially Fang, who was very affectionate to him.

And cats, the group of cats raised by Mrs. Figg left him with a deep shadow.

Ryan's Jerry always gave him a feeling of a wild beast.

For this reason, he even connected the lion and cat of Gryffindor when sorting. In the end, he chose to go to Ravenclaw.

Moreover, Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, is particularly annoying.

At this time, Hagrid, who was in front of all the students, had just finished his opening speech for today.

And he unveiled the cloth. There were exclamations in the woods.

Most of them were girls.

Their faces were full of blush, and their hearts seemed to be melted by these little guys.

And Ryan was following Hermione and said, "Oh! Hermione - are you sure you are not wearing makeup?

I want to call God to report that an angel is missing."

Hermione did not show a shy expression as usual.

On the contrary, her eyes wandered and kept moving towards those puppies.

And she said perfunctorily, "Yeah."

"What? You want to keep it?" Ryan's eyes rolled, "This little thing hates Muggles. It is a natural racist dog."

"Ah," Hermione came back to her senses, "No way."

"Listen, our Professor Hagrid is going to introduce it now." Ryan shrugged.

".This is a crup, a dog bred by wizards, very similar to Jack Russell terriers, but the tail of a crup is forked.

This dog is extremely loyal to wizards, but very ferocious to Muggles." (Hermione: "Ah, it's true.")

"Also, crup can eat almost everything."

"What do you mean by can eat everything?" Harry asked with his hand raised in cooperation.

Because he found that Hagrid deliberately put this sentence at the end.

He also emphasized the tone.

"It means literally. Look--" Hagrid pointed to his legs, a crup that had left the team was shaking its tails left and right, lowering its head and began to eat dirt directly.

The students around couldn't help but exclaim again.

But this time it was really a surprise.

"Student Longbottom, this little dog will be okay." Hannah, who was standing aside, pretended to be weak and leaned on Neville.

And used her eyes to stop Susan who wanted to get close.

Neville, who can tell lies because of his "sword heart", seemed not to notice.

He directly hugged Hannah and comforted her: "It's okay, the professor just said so."

This attracted the attention of Ryan, who was explaining to Hermione the story of the lapdog injuring Muggles.

Good guy. Neville, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can also lie.

And that hug was so natural.

It was very much like Harry hugging Ginny.

If the scene was filmed, Neville's head was covered, and the muscle contours were hidden.

People who are familiar with Harry would definitely think it was Harry.

And Hannah, for Neville, was fierce to her best friend Susan Bones.

People's hearts are really not as good as they used to be, and the world is going downhill.

It made Ryan suddenly feel that he was very pure.

Although he has four, no, six girlfriends.

But he is still a pure thirteen-year-old child after all!

A child who can't lie!

Well, not really.

Just when Ryan was sighing at his purity.

Neville, who was comforting Hannah, reluctantly raised his hand and let go of Hannah.

Because he found that Ron had been looking at him.

"Professor, this crup will be fine."

"Of course not, Neville, what do you think.

Hey, why are you blushing, let me see."

"Nothing, I just asked a question in class for the first time."

"Well," Hagrid stopped walking towards Neville, "I just said that it can eat anything.

The swallowtail has a stomach that can digest anything.

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From soft sand to hard steel, it can digest it. "

Neville's left hand was held by Hannah at this moment.

So in order to ease the embarrassment, he turned his body sideways, blocked Hannah, and asked: "So, how can we get such an easy-to-raise puppy? "

"Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures--" Hagrid froze in the middle of his sentence.

At the same time, Susan also froze.

They both blinked, not knowing what to say.

Because the reason why the cruppies were introduced today.

It was all a political task of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

In order to repay the dragon's kindness, Hagrid served as a promotion ambassador.

As Ms. Bones' niece, Susan was responsible for the position of supporting actor.

And the reason why the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures promoted it was entirely because the cruppies were bred by them.

They wanted to use this to attract wizards to buy them and spend money on testing to get licenses.

This way they can earn extra funds.

Their department Employees will also receive more generous bonuses.

But adopting a crup is a very troublesome thing.

Their ferocious nature towards Muggles certainly attracts the love of pure-blood wizards.

But this is difficult for more wizards who live in an environment with Muggles.

So much so that crup breeders must legally remove one of its tails using a painless cutting spell when it grows to six to eight weeks old to prevent attracting the attention of Muggles.

In addition, there is the test.

If the test is not passed, the money for buying the dog cannot be refunded.

Only by ensuring that it can control this breed in Muggle-inhabited areas can a license be obtained.

This is the reason why the crup sale plan was aborted and why this political mission was born.

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