Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 181: Ritual in the Secret Room

Chapter 624 Ritual in the Chamber of Secrets

It was difficult for Ryan not to know about Hagrid and the others' conversation.

After all, Hagrid even mentioned the names of Ryan's parents later.

So, even though he had returned to the Ravenclaw common room with Luna and was playing the pounce game with the blue-skinned catkin named Per, he still listened to all the conversations in Hagrid's cabin.

This made him discover one thing.

That is, Riddle and Dumbledore did not tell others about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk.

Hagrid only knew that it was the young Voldemort who reported him.

And Myrtle's death might be related to Voldemort.

It's really interesting that this matter was not revealed to Snape.

Obviously, the thousand-year-old basilisk skin was given to Snape by Riddle as a Christmas gift.

But neither of them mentioned further information.

Snape didn't even ask Riddle, who was considered his former boss, where did the basilisk skin, which was twenty feet long, come from.

Thinking of this, Ryan's sight passed through the lounge floor to the bathroom on the third floor, the complex pipes, and finally the room filled with green and mysterious mist.

The monkey-faced statue that was as tall as the entire room was still there.

But in a corner of the room that was originally an empty space.

There was a new decoration.

It was a shrine made of neat and deep oak.

In the shrine was a three-foot-tall miniature statue.

The statue was the most common crucifix.

But its face was carved into the appearance of Riddle.

In Ryan's eyes, a golden clock flashed by.

The image of that room began to rewind.

Rewind to last Saturday morning.

Tom Riddle, like an ordinary Muggle, crawled out of the pipe like a pilgrim.

Came to this room, in front of the shrine.

He was wearing the common black priest outfit.

With a silver cross.

The whole person stood in front of the shrine, chanting holy scriptures.

This is a wonderful magic ceremony.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Trinity are all represented by himself.

The pure patterns on his clothes, the statues, the cross, the adapted scriptures, and even his own body constitute this grand and mysterious ceremony.

Riddle's holy magic after stripping of original sin was transformed into nothingness with the scriptures, and was born again from the statues. As his eyes returned to the cross and returned to his body along the patterns reflected on his clothes.

Every time he passed through a round, it seemed to be shaped by iron and fire.

Just like iron is repeatedly forged into tough steel.

The holy and mysterious magic in the magic became deeper and deeper.

"I can't believe he abandoned science and turned to theology." Ryan couldn't help but sigh in the lounge of Ravenclaw.

Luna was keenly aware of Ryan's direction, "You mean Professor Riddle? He does look like a devout priest."

"Oh, then tell me about your feelings towards Dumbledore, and the man next to Dumbledore who was affectionate towards him at the opening banquet."

Luna frowned her beautiful brows, "Dumbledore?

He shows a pure wizard temperament.

Even ordinary people who don't know anything can associate him with him at the first sight.

As for that man?

He is more like a leader, a serious judge."

On the other side.

In Hagrid's cabin.

Harry and others are having many new questions about Hagrid's age.

Ron: "So, my parents were dating under your watch?

Ahem. Let me ask, was it really my dad who pursued my mom?"

Draco: "My question may be a bit difficult.

I also know that my parents should not be liked by you at that time.

But, were my mom and dad really not married to each other?

I mean, my mom is so beautiful. But my dad is bald at a young age."

Hagrid said that he was still a child in his thirties at that time.

He didn't know much about men and women.

When he got familiar with Arthur and the others, they were already a couple.

As for Draco's parents, he always thought they were bad guys, and they looked down on him, so they didn't know anything at all.

Seeing that Harry was about to speak, Hagrid hurriedly said: "I still can't say anything about Lily and James.

If I say it, it will probably affect the image of your father in your mind.

But I can guarantee that James is indeed a good boy later."

Harry was full of black lines.

He knew about the affair between his parents and Snape a long time ago.

So he quickly said, "Wait, my question is different from theirs.

I want to ask, are you and Myrtle classmates?

Although she has stopped following me secretly since I got engaged to Ginny.

But it is said that she still calls my name when she cries in the bathroom on the third floor.

What if she relapses and does that to me again--

Anyway, Hagrid, can you?"

"You might as well ask about your father and mother!" Hagrid blew his beard unhappily, "She is a student of Ravenclaw.

I am Gryffindor.

You all know that before the sixth grade, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have no classes arranged together.

I was expelled in the third grade, and she became a ghost.

I am not familiar with her at all.

Besides, as a professor, is it appropriate for me to go to the girls' bathroom? "

"If you want, it's not impossible. "Harry said with empty eyes.

He didn't want to be entangled by Myrtle anymore.

Especially now that Myrtle looked like a living person.

He was also a normal boy.

What if Myrtle took something she shouldn't have taken while he was sleeping.

That would be terrible!

If it was Helena, he wouldn't mind, but forget about Myrtle.

As for the protection of Ravenclaw's tower, it had been repaired and Myrtle could no longer enter.

He still had some doubts about this.

When Myrtle peeked at him taking a bath before, Ravenclaw's tower was still known to be inaccessible to ghosts (except Ms. Grey).

What was the result?

So, in order to eliminate this risk.

Even if Hagrid entered the girls' bathroom, it would not be a big deal.

"What you said--" Hagrid felt a little incredible.

This didn't sound like something Harry could say.

It was more like Ron.

At this time, Ron also spoke up, "Right! Hagrid, help Harry too!

I don't want the relationship between Harry and my sister to be ruined by Myrtle. "

"You guys--" Hagrid looked at Draco, the only one who didn't speak.

"You ask me?" Draco pointed at himself, "I think Harry is overthinking.

Didn't I say it before?

The reason why Myrtle can enter Ravenclaw's tower is because she is a Ravenclaw ghost.

Or a ghost who died when she was a Ravenclaw student.

Hasn't this loophole been plugged up long ago?"

Ron: "It's as easy as you say.

What if Harry is taken away from me? My sister doesn't want second-hand goods. "

Harry was very upset, "What are you talking about? Taking away from me is nonsense!"

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