Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 Snape's New Target

Chapter 629 Snape’s new goal

The spell Shen Feng Wu Ying is actually of great significance to Ryan.

This is his first true ace to reach level 6 demigod.

That is to say, with it, Ryan gained the initial courage to face the outside world.

Although, its function was soon incarnated by the more perfect Phoenix,

And even though I was only level 4 at the time,

But relying on the panel’s once-certified, permanent certification and never-reverting characteristics,

Replaced by the mastered lv6 demigod level of chewing a big melon.

But it still has commemorative value for Ryan.

Especially at that time, the magic of Shen Feng Wu Ying relied on the substitution method to reach level 6.

That is, taking the place of Snape, the sufferer himself, and casting this magic.

Ryan relied on his imaginary Lily Prince, the Lily who married Snape in the possible world line.

He relied on love and regret to achieve this achievement that even its creator failed to achieve.

But this also means that if you think of magic as a living being, you can rely on your heart to identify the wizard's magic. At the moment when Ryan reaches level 6 of the Divine Blade, in the eyes of magic, Snape himself is the one who achieves this. .

Therefore, the upper limit of this spell that was born out of painful memories but has been shelved by the creator and has never been further exceeded inexplicably.

As a latecomer, Snape is still a pioneer in the eyes of magic. In fact, it is easy to replicate Ryan's achievement.

But until Ryan's third year, which is this year, Snape still failed to do this.

In the past few years, Snape has almost never used the magic of Shen Feng Wu Ying again.

So it was to watch the show, and also to take revenge on Snape for interfering with the Lane family's business.

Lane began a three-year campaign of non-stop photo bombing.

The picture of James Potter that shouldn't exist in the photo was added by Ryan, which greatly stimulated Snape.

In particular, he discovered that the photos that belonged to the restricted area between him and Lily (before Lily was 11 years old, when James Potter had not yet appeared in their lives), also had a childhood version of James Potter that should not appear. special influence.

In addition, Ryan specially added an indelible protective spell on these photos that can only be broken at level 6.

Snape's painful memories were relived.

And the Shenfeng Wuying, who was born based on this, showed its true power in Snape's hands.

A simple description is to launch a sword that can continuously split and contain 'poison'. The sword can repeatedly eject a single target.

This is the lv6 version of Shenfeng Wuying that is unique to Snape's version.

Ryan only provided some photos and gained another development tendency of a demigod-level magic.

This is completely different from Ryan's.

Ryan's is Shen Feng Wuying. To put it simply, there is only one description, and that is sharp.

It can easily cut through real matter, and it can also cut through the sharpness of invisible magic.

The 'toxicity' born out of resentment has been replaced by the determination to protect this beautiful dream, transformed from the regret of knowing that he could have been with Lily.

This is definitely the source of Ryan's invisible sharpness.

This is also the predecessor of Ryan's 'sword' magic.

After all, even with Ryan's level 4 'thinking' ability at the time, simulating other people's thinking was as easy as breathing and drinking water.

But every time he casts a spell, he has to be the master of Snape and have unrealistic dreams, which is too frustrating for Ryan.

Especially when there is a competing product later - a big melon with the same level of lv6.

So Ryan specially intercepted that piece of determination and created the lightsaber curse, "Sword".

It's also cooler.

The sword is no longer invisible, but has a visible glow.

The color can also be chosen at will.

Use it like a Jedi.

You can also play as a Sith if necessary.

All in all, Ryan was very happy.

Snape's version of God's Edge is shadowless.

Can cause perfect damage to both single targets and groups.

Although the single unit is not as good as the Ryan version.

But it's perfect enough.

After all, Ryan sometimes complained about his own version of Shen Feng Wuying.

Its single target damage is overflowing.

Not used for level-skipping challenges.

It's too much to deal with protection spells of the same level.

Halloween is here.

Today is Saturday.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, the smell of roasting pumpkin filled the castle.

Pumpkins with carved facial features can be seen almost everywhere, grinning from time to time.

At this moment, there is also such a pumpkin making a funny face at Ryan's feet.

Six days have passed since Snape's last breakthrough.

During these days, Ryan noticed that Snape was practicing from time to time.

However, when he used magic, he added negative emotions. In addition to James Potter, he also added hatred for Voldemort.

When he released thousands of swords to chop at the wooden rake, he seemed to think that it was Voldemort himself.

Curious, Ryan 'communicated' Snape's thoughts at that moment.

That was in Azkaban.

Snape relied on apparation from time to time to avoid Voldemort's turrets and cobwebs of gnawing melons.

The other side continued to wave magic, shooting out thousands of invisible swords, leaving bursts of black smoke-emitting scars on Voldemort's pale body.

Obviously, this sudden power gave Quinepu a new goal - to kill Voldemort himself.

Also, according to Ryan's observation.

Harry seems a little strange recently.

He has a vague aversion to Crookshanks.

This makes Hermione very unhappy.

You know, although Harry really hates cats.

But for Ryan's sake, he didn't show this even to Jerry, the black cat who put his life in danger.

But it's the same with Crookshanks.

And the dramatic thing is that Ron, who was very incompatible with Crookshanks in the original world line, has no malice towards Crookshanks.

On the contrary, he has some good feelings for him.

This is all because Scabbers has become a real mouse.

As a cat-kneel hybrid, Crookshanks is very smart.

It can distinguish between domestic and wild mice.

So Crookshanks no longer chases Scabbers all day like in the original world line.

In this way, the source of the bad relationship between Ron and Crookshanks is gone.

In addition, it has no desire to prey on Scabbers.

This good feeling came like this.

However, Ryan finally figured it out today - he didn't get the result directly by 'thinking'.

Not far away, facing the blue-skinned catkin Pell who was fluttering in the lounge, Harry showed an unnatural and more obvious rejection than Crookshanks in front of him.

The names of Mr. Claw, Tick, Cher, and Maomao emerged in Ryan's mind.

He suddenly remembered one thing. Mrs. Figg, a Squib, raised these cats that Harry remembered deeply, but they were actually mixed-blood catkins like Crookshanks.

It was common sense that made Ryan ignore this point - wizards who raise catkins must first obtain a license.

Mrs. Figg probably relied on Dumbledore's relationship, and the fact that these were mixed-bloods, plus the loophole that she was not a wizard.

Let's not talk about these for now.

Harry hated catkins from beginning to end.

Cats were just incidental.

Crookshanks was not hated by him in the original world line.

It was just because he didn't have Jerry the Black Cat, a cat that he thought was very dangerous, around him at that time, which reminded him of his rejection of cats, which were actually raccoons.

Thanks to Phantom 1 Wing and Yue Wang Ren Jian Re Wang Yue for their monthly tickets and other classmates for their recommendations!

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