Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 189: Methods to capture Helena and Firebolt

Chapter 632 Methods to capture Helena and Firebolt

Ryan's lie this time was not exaggerated.

The reason why Ryan dared to ignore Ms. Grey for a month.

It was all because he found that Ms. Grey kept changing her position and wanted to avoid him.

In this way, Ryan only needed to appear after Ms. Grey stopped changing her position frequently, or find a time to appear during this period.

He just needed to pretend that he had been looking for a long time.

A trembling voice and emotion would get him through this stage.

Speaking of Ms. Grey, that is, Helena, she is actually very easy to understand.

That is to make her feel involved.

Tom Riddle relied on the descendant of Slytherin.

In addition, he pretended to be inferior, thinking that he was not worthy of the status of the heir of Slytherin, and his handsome face and just the right words made Helena feel, "He is the same as me~"

And these elements are the methods of capture that Riddle explored in the extremely limited conversation.

Ryan, who returned to the past, had seen Riddle's capture process.

It was like dancing on the edge of a cliff.

It can be said that if you say one wrong thing, Helena will block you and ignore you.

But Riddle found the key point in just three short sentences.

It was just like "three sentences made the thousand-year-old ghost open her heart to me".

What's more, he is very handsome.

This made Ryan learn a lot.

The language logic of his sweet words to Helena just now was learned from Tom Riddle.

This also made Ryan learn the key point of conquering Helena.

That is her mother.

The previous substitution method has been used by Riddle, and what's more terrible is that he also smashed the bridge.

So forget about the substitution method.

But Riddle's logical understanding is that Helena cares about her mother very much.

And now she cares about the magic developed by her mother.

Nick actually said the key to conquering Helena now-she believes that as a daughter of Ravenclaw, she has the responsibility to study her mother's achievements clearly.

And Ryan has a great advantage in this regard.

Then Ryan got familiar with Helena through this.

And let her discover his neglected characteristics without leaving any trace.

Act pitiful.

Arouse her sympathy.

Ryan used this trick on Hermione.

But the key to this trick is that the other party must have it.

If Ryan hadn't first used ghost magic to draw a relationship with her.

In addition, Ryan's handsome face is more handsome than Riddle.

This step can't be taken so quickly.

The next step is to pretend to touch her accidentally.

After all, Helena has sympathy.

If you want to comfort her, it is inevitable to bump into things.

This is the method of boiling a frog in warm water.

Slowly let her get used to physical touches and keep testing the bottom line.

Then mix in the dry goods of ghost magic and a few jokes.

The purpose of all this is to reduce her sense of disobedience.

Wait until she comes to her senses.

She has your shadow in her heart and no longer resists your touch.

You are handsome and valuable to her.

It is the goal she can give everything for - an indispensable part of figuring out her mother's magic.

Ryan then used the discussion of ghost magic to talk about whether ghosts can reproduce after eating ghost food.

The rest was a natural process.

Ryan relied on the above steps to fast-forward her relationship with Helena to union within three days.

Of course, this is related to the fact that ghosts don't need to sleep.

Calculated according to the normal work and rest time of humans, it should be six days.

Helena and Ryan are back to normal.

But this also means one thing.

That is, Ryan now has one more multi-threaded operation line.

Especially since she is a ghost and doesn't need to rest.

She hardly misses any time to contact Ryan.

This puts Ryan under great pressure.

So much so that on the real Halloween, November 1, Ryan had no interest.

He only knew that Ron was happy because of Harry's gift to him - a Firebolt.

Harry also bought one.

But Ryan also knew that the main reason was that there was a discount for buying two.

And Sirius Black invested in the studio of Randolph Badmore, the creator of the Firebolt.

All this is related to the dead James Potter.

After solving the problems of Harry and his brother.

Because James also likes Quidditch, Sirius set his sights on the flying broom market.

That is why he invested in ten well-known broom makers at once.

Among them is Randolph Badmore.

Thus, the fastest broom in the world was born.

It can accelerate from a standstill to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds, has a magical braking effect, and can automatically hover at a suitable height, making it easy to operate, making it beat the Nimbus 2001.

And its workmanship is also very exquisite.

Compared with the mass-produced boutique Nimbus 2001, it is more like a high-end custom product.

Each Firebolt has its own registration number.

Its broom handle is made of polished ebony, and the tail branch is made of birch or hazel branches according to personal preference.

The birch twig gives the broom more "momentum" when lifted, while the hazel twig gives the broom more maneuverability.

(Harry chose the hazel twig, he is the Seeker.

He chose the birch one for Ron, who was more interested in the goalie. This "impulse" is very useful in goalkeeping)

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The metal components in the broomstick use goblin iron, which is the first of its kind in a flying broomstick. It can improve the stability and power of the broomstick in harsh conditions and prevent the pedals from slipping.

But this also makes its output very impressive.

Because the goblin craftsmen involved in the production of patented ironware are prone to strike at the slightest provocation.

Therefore, the Firebolt is actually a high-end art piece in the broom world that is difficult to buy even if you have money.

This shows how happy this makes the knowledgeable Ron.

As soon as he received the gift, he gave Anthony the obsolete Nimbus 2000 that Harry gave him.

Then he ran out of the lounge without changing his clothes.

Whenever he meets someone, he shouts, "I have a Firebolt! I have a Firebolt!"

After meeting his three brothers - Fred, George, and Percy, he hugged them directly.

Jumping in circles.

This really brought some happiness to Ryan, who was happy and suffering because of Helena.

Then Fred, George, and Percy found out and gave Ron a coma spell.

This was given by Percy. The explanation he gave to the people around him was that he was afraid that Ron would be too happy to be in bad health.

Fred then added a floating zombie.

Ron's body floated towards Ravenclaw's tower under Fred's command.

George walked ahead to clear the way.

After meeting Harry who was about to go to Hogsmeade again, he was stopped.

However, this made Harry regretful.

Because after waking up, Ron also shouted to go.

I have to go with the Firebolt.

So, Harry and Ginny were going to Mrs. Puddy's Tea House.

He had no choice but to change the location - the secret base between the rocks on the mountainside outside Hogsmeade Village.

He and Ron rode their respective Firebolts, while Ginny rode Harry's eliminated 2001 towards their destination.

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