Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 215: Rose Garden and Fairies

Chapter 658 Rose Garden and Fairy

“I’m the lead singer—Myron Wagtell!”

"I'm the double bass player - Donahan Temlett!"

"I'm the sound guitarist - Heathcote Barbary!"

".Lead Guitarist - Curley Duke!"

".Piper—Gideon Crumb!"

".Drummer—Orsino Slaston!"

".Cellist—Merton Graves!"

".Lute player—Herman Wintingham!"

After the eight members of the Weird Sisters reported their names one by one, they almost started playing.

"I think I've seen that Heathcote Barbary before," Harry said.

Ryan, who got rid of Mrs. Maxim's entanglement, yawned and replied: "When we were in the first grade, he was just in the seventh grade.

Gryffindor student. "

Seeing that Ryan finally spoke to him, Harry wanted to say something else.

But suddenly, the lanterns on the other tables went out.

Fleur, Ryan, the other warriors and their dance partners all stood up.

"I think, Harry, it's time for you and Ginny to come on as lead dancers," Ryan whispered.

As his words fell, the magic ceiling above cast a white light on Harry and Ginny, enveloping them.

Everyone looked at them.

Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley were the first to applaud.

What followed was thunderous applause.

The Weird Sisters play a slow, melancholy tune.

Holding hands, Harry and Ginny walked onto the now-dark dance floor, illuminated by the lights above.

Fortunately, these days of training allowed him to make no mistakes even under the glare of the lights and the gaze of almost everyone.

His left hand skillfully placed on Ginny's waist, and his right hand pulled Ginny around in a circle.

Then, another blue beam of light shot down from the ceiling, falling on the other warriors and their dance partners.

They also hit the dance floor.

Harry paid attention.

After Ryan and Fleur hit the dance floor.

There were far fewer eyes looking at him.

Unlike the slow waltz where he and Ginny kept spinning in circles.

Ryan and Fleur chose the bull dance.

Ryan is as majestic and powerful as a matador, with clean and neat steps.

Furong followed in Lane's footsteps, with a heroic appearance and charming dance.

Soon, many people also entered the dance floor. Except for Ryan and Fleur, the other warriors were no longer the center of everyone's attention.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall jumped together.

Judging from Dumbledore's brisk pace, it was hard to imagine that he was a centenarian.

Madame Maxime waltzed with Hagrid.

However, for such a big woman, her dance steps are quite elegant.

Hagrid clumsily controlled his feet under Madame Maxime's guidance.


I don’t know how much time passed. Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the last trembling note of the organ.

Because it means the end of the song.

The Weird Sisters stopped playing and the auditorium burst into warm applause again. Harry immediately pulled Ginny out of the dance floor.

"Let's find a place to sit."

"Uh-ok." Ginny nodded.

At this time, the Weird Sisters started playing a new song, the rhythm was much faster than before.

Soon, they found Ron and Lavender in the corner, who had also escaped from the dance floor.

"I knew it!" Ron handed over a bottle of Butterbeer, "I didn't know what was so good about dancing."

Harry just took the beer.

No conversation was made.

Because he found that Lavender was obviously looking at the dance floor.

Apparently, Ron's dance partner didn't share his dislike of dancing.

“We might as well go for a walk.

The professors seem to have used magic to build many buildings that we have never seen before. Harry suggested.


Ten minutes later, outside the castle.

Ron looked at everything in front of him in surprise, "Haha, just let Neville and the others stay on the dance floor! Is this still Hogwarts?"

What appeared in front of the four of them was a rose garden composed of low shrubs, ornately decorated winding paths, huge stone statues, and fountains sparkling in the moonlight.

Especially since it also sparkles with fairy light.

And it seems they weren't the only ones to sneak out.

Occasionally they could see people sitting on carved benches.

Lower your head and make out.

And in some flowers, there are sparse black shadows among them.

The sound of um um ah ah was faintly hidden under the cover of the water in the fountain.

"Harry, how about you and Ginny go first.

Lavender and I were a little thirsty and wanted to get some drinks. " Ron said.

However, Harry didn't wait for an answer.

He pulled Lavender and walked in the opposite direction of the castle, deep into the flowers.

Harry and Ginny could only continue walking along the path.

“It’s unbelievable.

There are so many students outside.

They all seem to be ‘very busy’!

Are all the school teachers crazy?

Build such a large garden outside the castle.

I didn't even see any snow. ” Ginny looked furious.

However, her voice was high-pitched and thin, like a mosquito buzzing.

He didn't look angry at all.

The base of her ears were red.

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He stared at the cobblestone ground as he spoke.

And intentionally or unintentionally, he pulled Harry deeper.

Obviously, she also wanted to be 'busy' with Harry.

In response, Ryan's expression on the dance floor after dancing another song with Fleur was very exciting.

Rose garden outside the castle.

It also appeared in the original world line.

Even with everything shown in the pure eyes of Harry at that time,

In vulgar terms,

It is a large, outdoor love hotel built by the school for students.

The kind that lets students release their hormones.

Especially for the variety of roses, thornless flame roses are specially selected to dispel the cold.

In this way, the flowers become the best place for a tryst.

I'm not afraid of getting pricked, and it's still warm, so I won't be afraid even if I take off my clothes.

This isn’t Ryan talking nonsense.

Right now, in his thoughts, there were several pairs of men and women enjoying the great harmony of life among the flowers.

Lane suspected that the design was intentional.

And in the original world line, except for the single Snape, who deliberately drew out his wand to drive away several couples of men and women making out among the flowers.

The rest of the professors turned a blind eye.

Obviously, they are trying to combat the declining birth rate in the wizarding world.

Plus, let these men and women take the right path toward magic in this world.

No wonder, many students get married as soon as they graduate.

Except for the honest ones, I guess.

For example, Harry in the original world line.

Others probably gave up their virginity around fifth grade.

However, there was only one thing Ryan didn't understand.

This was the main reason why he was now on the dance floor instead of finding a spot among the flowers with Fleur.

That's how they tolerated these fairies in the flowers, making love in front of them.

You know, these fairies look similar to human women.

Just more wings.

They are all beautiful too.

Some of them were a little too small before they even had their clothes on.

But they never noticed this.

It was as if these fairies were no different from the roses in the bushes or the birds landing on the treetops.

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