Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 221 Analysis Collapse

Chapter 664 Analysis of Collapse

When Harry woke up on Monday morning, it took him a while to remember why he felt so sad and anxious.

At first he mistakenly thought it was because he had to go to class today.

But then, he immediately realized that it was still vacation.

What happened last night suddenly came to mind.

He sat up,

Pulling back the curtains on his four-poster bed,

I want to talk to Ron,

Even if there was another argument - only to find Ron's bed empty, he had obviously gone downstairs for breakfast.

Harry got dressed and walked down the spiral staircase to the common room below.

As soon as he emerged, he saw Ginny waving to him.

Along with Ginny, there were Neville and Draco.

His heart, which had been worrying about Ron's absence just now, suddenly sank.

"What's wrong? Is it Ron?" Ginny could see something was wrong with her boyfriend at a glance.

Neville nodded, "It's probably Ron. Harry and Ron went to bed very early last night."

Draco further saw Harry's reluctance, "You don't want to say it? What are your concerns?"

I feel like the relationship between Ginny and Ron is already bad.

Harry, who might have further deteriorated their relationship if he told what happened yesterday, nodded.

Draco stretched out his right hand and put it on Harry's shoulder, "Some problems will always remain problems if you don't speak them out.

All you worry about is the pain of solving the problem.

And I also think that Ginny won't be as emotional as Ron. "

"Draco is better, unlike Ron, who doesn't even understand good words." Harry thought this first.

But then he thought of Ryan's words, Ron really had that kind of feeling for him.

And Draco,

He is so considerate,


Harry quickly took a step back and removed Draco's right hand from his shoulder without leaving a trace.

And leaned against Ginny.

In order to prevent Draco from noticing, he quickly said: "I said! This all started from last night."

Ten minutes later, Harry had already explained the whole story of last night.

Just skip Ryan and Yue Cheng.

Harry was surprised to find that Ginny was not as angry as he had imagined.

Even Neville and Draco looked very understanding.

Although Harry didn't understand.

But he finally had the courage to ask Ginny: "Do you think the relationship between Ron and I can still be eased?"

Ginny glanced at Harry and said calmly: "What are we trying to make peace with? It's obviously his fault, why are we trying to make peace with him?"

Neville comforted:

"Harry, just leave it alone.

No matter what your relationship is like.

But there is one thing that both he and you can never defeat.

You know, you and he are roommates and brothers-in-law who share the same bed. "

Draco pointed out the reason clearly: "He is jealous."

As soon as Draco's words came out, Harry had no intention of responding to Ginny and Neville.

"Jealous?" Harry asked in disbelief, "Jealous for what? Is he willing to make a fool of himself in front of the whole school?"

“That’s normal for Ron.

You forgot that when the three of us were rumored to be having an affair, we didn’t dare to go out.

It was as if he had hit the jackpot.

Wherever there are people throughout the day, there is him.

As for jealousy.

You forget that you have been a man of the hour since you entered school.

As a student, I defeated the professor twice.

Dumbledore and other professors complimented you on that strange red sparkle.

In the scandal, you were also the one that Ron and I competed for.

In the story of the Three Musketeers who defeated the poachers made up by Ron, you are also undoubtedly the C position.

Later you also protected the magic stone. "

"But he also had the same strange cloud and mist spell later on, and he even invented the smoke bottle through this.

Made a fortune in galleons.

His dad is still the great Mr. Weasley,

Head of the Department of Magical Law.

Isn't there him in other stories? "

Draco shook his head and said with a wry smile: "You forgot one thing, as long as you show up.

He is always green.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley also seemed to him to prefer you.

Fred and George, give you the Marauder's Map too.

Never thought of their brother.

Now, Bill, the only one in their family who doesn't like you, and Charlie and Percy, who don't take sides, are also on your side.

Lavender, the only one in his eyes who thought he was more important than you, didn't side with him on this matter.

From Ron's point of view, this was undoubtedly a betrayal.

Why isn't he jealous of you?

He had endured all this silently before without saying a word. I think this time he just couldn't bear it any more..."

Draco's words seemed to hit Ginny's pain point.

She stood up angrily and almost knocked Harry on the chin.

"I can't stand Ron anymore!

He had been inserting himself into my relationship with Harry as a brother before.

I have been suffering in silence.

When everyone else was in agreement, he would inexplicably object.

It seems that I am not his sister, but his vassal.

This time I couldn't bear it anymore!

Now you know what other people think of me?

Shameless slut.

Just because of him.

Is my reputation no longer a reputation?

He was clearly angry at Harry this time!

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Harry was scolded by me just like him before.

Let him think that my boyfriend is as much of an asshole as he is about this.

But Harry and I's reconciliation clearly proves that he's the only bastard!

Ridiculous hypocrite!

You all know it!

It was he and Lavender who made excuses to leave first and wanted to do things in the rose garden.

You know, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend.

Unlike Harry and I, we are both engaged.

If we weren't old enough, maybe we would both get married and have babies.

He was indeed jealous.

Jealousy that progress between me and Harry was faster than between him and Lavender.

I've already asked Lavender.

He wanted it, but she refused.

He was like this himself, but he still had the nerve to say it to Harry.

Still want to control me?

This shameless beast in heat.

If he was anything like Harry, everyone around him was blessing his relationship with Lavender.

Will Lavender refuse?

It’s not like he’s just doing nothing all day long.

Day and night.

Professor Trelawney, Parvati, and all those close to Lavender did not think highly of him.

This is all his own fault!

How dare you blame Harry.

I think we should just let him die alone! "

"Oh, you miss me so much." Ron stood at the entrance of the lounge, holding a stack of bread in his hand, his expression uncertain.

"No, Ron, Ginny is just too angry." Harry said quickly.

"You know what? I originally wanted to apologize to you.

But now I know that you are a despicable and shameless person!

Talk bad about me behind their backs. Ron said coldly, then turned to look at Ginny, "Harry Potter is the same as me.

The same day and night.

It’s just that you don’t know!

But I know!

I know your brother!

He had his eye on Ms. Gray before you, Cho Chang. "

(Qiu Zhang, who was cueed, looked suspicious of life)

"You just can't get their replacements.

You're a ungrateful, ungrateful person—"

"Lock the tongue and seal the throat!"

Draco pulled out his wand, and a blue light shot towards Ron.

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