Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Spellcasting Overview

I was not used to it. Maybe it was because we were in the sea. There was no music at breakfast. According to the nature of horror trips, there should be beautiful music of different styles at breakfast.

These music are not circulated in the magic radios on the market, at least Ryan has never heard them.

At this time, we should have arrived at the shallow water area. As for why, it was not because Ryan used a higher level of vision, but because he saw that the environment of the living room had changed to look like a large aquarium.

If it were a Slytherin student, he would probably feel very familiar and a little strange.

It was familiar because the Slytherin lounge was next to the Black Lake and also looked like a large aquarium.

It was strange because even the floor here was transparent.

Although it was obvious that the surrounding environment was still relatively deep at this time, and the sunlight did not completely penetrate like the surrounding seawater, it was obviously much better.

This made Kate very happy. From time to time, she pointed the wand and manipulated a paper man to jump up and down.

Judging from the appearance of the paper man, it should be the parchment used for homework, and it was cut into the appearance of the vampire hunter in the thinking game yesterday by magic.

Around this paper man, there are also very careless monsters that look like paper balls, flying towards the paper man from time to time, pretending to attack.

"Kate, if Professor McGonagall sees this, she will definitely say: 'Ten points for Ravenclaw!'" Ryan walked to Kate leisurely, picked up a sandwich, and said while eating.

"My Transfiguration is not good."

"But, Ryan, you want to use magic to control the transformed things, this is not magic!" Kate put away her wand and threw the paper man aside casually.

"What do you mean that the transformed can't be controlled by spells? Kate, you are not good at transformation, but you are not good at theory either. But you are only in the first grade." Ryan sighed, covering his forehead.

"Do you know the spell Avis (flocks of birds)?"

"Yes, Ryan, you mentioned it when you introduced the classification of spells. Well, it's a transformation spell." Kate replied.

"You also know that this is a transformation spell. Then what about Oppugno (a volley of bullets)?"

"A volley of bullets?" Kate looked puzzled.

"Remember? Charm refers to a spell that causes abnormal physical changes to objects. The objects here are not limited to those that have not been changed by the spell."

"Million Bullets is a useful spell that matches the Flock of Birds."

"Use the Flock of Birds several times first, maintain them, and let this group of golden birds continue to fly around you. It is best to make it look like a solar system model, a circle, so that the magic power can be output more evenly and effortlessly."

"Finally, use the Million Bullets."

"These birds that are plasticized by the Transfiguration Spell are difficult to be changed by other Transfiguration Spells. This is far more useful than using some sharp tools directly."

"If, I throw a knife at you, as long as you are familiar with Transfiguration, you can turn the knife into something harmless, such as a paper airplane, with a wave of the wand, without even aiming." Ryan concluded, drinking a sip of milk.

"Oh, so it can be done this way. But isn't this too demanding? You have to use Transfiguration to shape it, and you have to use spells to be careful not to destroy its shape to attack it." Kate touched her chin and thought.

"Yes, sometimes, using more and more powerful spells does not mean you are the strongest."

"Some simple Transfiguration spells, combined with spells, can be comparable to poison spells, evil spells, and even curses."

"Just like the slide spell I taught you when dealing with zombies, sometimes transforming a wizard or attacking him consumes magic power that makes it difficult for the wizard to spend in one breath, and it also consumes more energy. At this time, it is a better choice to change the surrounding environment and let them help you fight."

"Make fog, hide your body, and the clouds are misty."

"Make thunderclouds and harass the opponent. This is a weather spell."


"Kate, when you deal with zombies, the poison spell you chose at the beginning, the shoes stick to the ground, is a good choice If you are dealing with a wizard, the same is true. "

"First, it does not directly affect the wizard himself, but the shoes and the ground. Of course, if you deal with a wizard without shoes, you need to spend more magic power. If you deal with a wizard with much stronger willpower than you (that is, a wizard with deeper magic skills than you, not necessarily in magic theory), you may not even be able to interfere with him. "

"Second, it is the combination of multiple spells. Even the most lame wizards will not stand still and output after a little training. They will move. And your sticky feet spell will suddenly make the opponent lose balance, and then add a powerful output spell, such as fainting. "Ryan finally said to Kate earnestly.

Kate, who was on the side, had already taken out a notebook and started to remember.

As expected of Ravenclaw, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

The Poseidon was sailing slower and slower, and it must have been close to the destination, but the dwarf wizard said that it would arrive at night. It was estimated that it was so slow that Ryan and Kate were prepared to slowly appreciate this mysterious sea area.

Sure enough, a huge rectangular object appeared not far away.

It was probably underwater in Bimini Island, which was discovered by Muggle scholars in 1967.

Kate also discovered it, happily lying on the sofa and watching curiously.

The most eye-catching thing was a stone wall that was estimated to be about 2 kilometers long, followed by a stone street, and various patterns were arranged with rectangular or polygonal stones.

There are even flat-topped pyramids, which make people feel as if they have come to Egypt.

This is one of the cities that Poseidon sank to the bottom of the sea. It is very prosperous. Docks and port equipment are everywhere in the city, and there are marble statues full of religious meanings standing in the center.

Along the way, there are abandoned pyramids and lost cities all around. It seems that pyramids should be very popular among the wizard community at that time.

Kate finally took out the camera. I have never seen Kate use it before. She kept taking pictures along the way.

The camera is one of the Muggle inventions that has long entered the wizarding world. It’s just that wizards can take pictures of activities without applying additional developing potions. Some poor wizards like to use cameras made by Muggles or picked up from garbage dumps and repaired to their original state, and use them with developing potions.

However, not all pyramids have been abandoned. Along the way, Ryan and Kate also found pyramids that only wizards can see. The whole body is made of glass or glass-like materials, which looks very smooth.

As expected, there was another manual on the table, which introduced that this was the residence of the local wizard community. It was so romantic that they hid under the sea.

With so many wizards living here, it was no wonder that the world-famous navigator Columbus, the first person in Muggle history to experience the Bermuda Triangle, failed to work when approaching Bermuda.

This is the same principle as the fact that electrical appliances cannot be used in Hogwarts.

The wizarding world, no, this magical world, is much larger than what is described in the seven books of Harry Potter.

It's really interesting.

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