Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 224: Hypocrite Ron

Chapter 667 Hypocrite Ron

This Christmas holiday was really a crazy and magical nine days for Ryan.

While Harry was depressed about Ron and devoted his energy to TV, he was living a magnificent holiday with many threads.

Ethereal and elegant Luna.

Hermione is dull and serious but cute, with rabbit teeth.

The elegant, charming hibiscus.

Nagini is both wild and innocent.

The gentle, charming and bookish Penello.

And finally, the key character who makes Ryan feel confused about this vacation-the quirky and cute Kate.

Let's put it this way, because of Kate.

He could no longer look at Harry, Draco, and Ron with normal eyes.

Only Neville escaped because his mother was cute but not beautiful.

Kate is so sinful.

And after leaving that era, Kate, who had borrowed the shadow, could reappear again.

This really confused Ryan.

He wanted to say no.

But the awakened beast in his heart refused to lie dormant anymore after tasting blood.

Each one has been knocked down by time or still retains its charm.

And it also has a special identity role,

Their looks when they were young were played by Kate.

He sometimes even mistakenly thought Harry and the others were his sons.

It gives people a sense of confusion of time, space and identity.

This sequelae has not been eliminated until now.

The first day of the new semester - January 3, 1994, the first period on Monday morning was herbal medicine class.

The ground was still covered with thick snow, and fine droplets of water condensed on the windows of the greenhouse, making the scene outside the window particularly blurry.

Hermione was at his side handling jumping beans, a magical plant that looked like peanuts and had fruits buried underground.

After its fruit leaves the ground, it will consume all the magic power it contains and continue to bounce in the opposite direction of the mother plant.

This made even Hermione, whose physical fitness was better than that of wizards of her age due to drinking the 'magic potion', feel a little confused.

She held a wooden 6-inch bowl and kept tipping it upside down on the table.

Trying to collect these lively beans,

And in accordance with Professor Sprout's request,

Bury them in a pot filled with soil.

Ryan, on the other hand, rested his chin on his hands and looked out the blurry window.

Eyes empty,

His ears twitched slightly,

Listening to the students currently chatting in the castle,

Content that he found interesting.

The top three mentioned keywords are TV, Harry, and Rose Garden.

Most of the students who mentioned television were complaining.

Complaining about the lack of TV programs in school.

After enjoying the new entertainment methods, they can no longer accept the backward entertainment in Hogwarts today.

The crackling exploding card is inexplicable.

Gobstone is a bit boring.

Wizard chess, a waste of brain power.

And other outdoor activities, such as the most popular broomstick.

and a snorkel swim in the Black Lagoon.

They were all defeated by the biting cold wind and icy snowflakes.

What they prefer now is,

Stay in the warm lounge,

Eating Bibi multi-flavor beans and other snacks,

Watch funny TV.

As for reading books, the only thing that can compete with TV is the "Doraemon" series of books.

It's like a book-shaped cartoon,

There are sounds and animations.

But in the "Doraemon" series, most wizards already know its contents by heart.

No way to kill time.

They complained one after another,

And prepare to write a letter to the principal,

The lounges of each college are required to install TVs like the current bars.

The reason is that you can learn knowledge from it.

For example, you can learn many useful tips from "Adventures with Bell".

Ryan agrees with this.

He reviews all the programs that can be shown on TV.

Like some programs with bad intentions, he will not pass at all.

For example, Fudge's Connelly family is going to produce a program looking back at the various Ministers of Magic.

Among them, for the period when Fudge himself was imprisoned, they activated the Time History Book skill.

Fudge is portrayed as a modest, kind-hearted, soft-eared character.

Every crime he committed became Umbridge's fault.

They are all traitors who harm the country and have nothing to do with Minister Fudge.

This program was canceled by Ryan.

He could not have imagined that even if Fudge stepped down, there would still be so much political legacy.

You can even pass the preliminary review of the program, only to be rejected by him.

As for Umbridge being wrongly accused, Ryan thinks this is normal.

After all, Umbridge herself does not have a prominent family lineage.

Her father, Orford Umbridge, had been just an ordinary clerk at the Ministry of Magic all his life.

A floor-sweeping janitor in the Department of Magical Maintenance.

However, judging from her rise to power, she is quite inspirational.

From an ordinary mixed-race witch with no background,

In itself, I look very ugly,

Having a Muggle mother and a Squib brother,

When the level of magic is not very high.

By working hard to cultivate interpersonal relationships with powerful officials, adhering to the Patronus Charm, and estranged relationships with family members,

Lie that he is pure blood,

His father was a member of the Wizengamot and a series of other behaviors,

At the age of forty, he climbed to the position of Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic.

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For this reason, Ryan's suggestion back mentioned that instead of introducing Fudge.

Might as well introduce Dolores Umbridge.

See how a witch with a discriminatory attitude toward non-magical groups and a (so-called) phobia of non-humans, or creatures that are not quite human, climbed the ranks of the Ministry of Magic so quickly.

To Ryan's pity, his proposal was treated as if he didn't see it.

This show is gone.

The people who mentioned the keywords Harry and Rose Garden were actually the same group of people.

Harry and Ron's 'breakup' was talked about by students who stayed at Hogwarts after Christmas.

Those wizards who returned to school after the holidays were even more interested in this.

They also made a bet to see when Harry and Ron would reconcile.

Some people also speculated that the two of them had completely broken up.

But there are very few such people.

When mentioning the two of them, it is impossible to avoid mentioning the rose garden.

Those wizards who returned to school after the holidays felt regret and loss for the disappearance of the rose garden.

Most of them regretted going home for Christmas.

If they stayed at Hogwarts, they might find a partner to go to the rose garden with.

Then ascend to Dua Lang.

However, the wizards who mentioned the Rose Garden did not all focus on Harry, Ginny, and Ron.

What they are more concerned about is who has been to the rose garden.

Among them,

Together with the Weasley twins, the masters of pranks at Hogwarts,

Because Ron stopped me,

And Angelina Jensen, the black pearl of Gryffindor, was discovered,

Became the center of conversation besides Ginny and Harry.

Besides her, there were Ron and Lavender.

The pair were seen running back to the castle at one o'clock in the evening.

Because of this, Ron's reputation began to deteriorate.

Ginny's comments about Ron,

Ron's slander against Harry (because Harry never treated Cho Chang in any special way,

Qiu Zhang herself and her friends said no),

He even bypassed his two brothers and cooperated with Dervis-Bance.

Now it's spread everywhere.

Now everyone calls him Ron the Hypocrite.

Thank you again to Mr. Xianyi for your monthly ticket and other students for their recommendations and subscriptions.

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