Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 273 Good Friend Ryan

Chapter 686 Good friend Ryan


In the room on the eighth floor,

Luxurious big bed,

Kate yawned as she put on her clothes.

Looking at the scene in mid-air, he said: "Is this why you screamed?"

Penelope waved her wand;

The scene in mid-air returned to when the child appeared in Rabastan Lestrange's arms.

She frowned, "Wait, something's wrong!

This child must have been conceived at that time!

But then I thought about it, school hasn’t started yet.

In July, when the hibiscus comes.

Counting the time, it’s only been about 6 months now.

Premature birth? "

Kate shook her head when she heard this, "That's not right! When I watched "Death Eaters", I noticed that they ate very nutritiously.

There were so many rats, bats, and cockroaches that we couldn’t eat them all.

And there's Hawklap!

Although it looks disgusting, it is very filling! "

Penello nodded, "Ryan said before that Voldemort is the providence of that island now.

There would be no physical problems with his Death Eaters.

So premature birth is impossible.

And during this period of time when we were watching the show, Bellatrix's belly was always in a flat state. "

"What's going on?" X2

Kate and Penello asked simultaneously.

Ryan suppressed a laugh and said: “This child is not normal.

I have said before that now the entire Azkaban, the entire island has been separated from the real world and is in the dimension of Voldemort's incarnation.

Although he will recover when Voldemort is resurrected, this is still a characteristic of ancient wizards (gods).

His disciples were also freed from some of their mundane characteristics with the help of the dark devil's mark on their hands.

It's a bit like the Star Lord in my Moon Fantasy body.

That time, driven by my magic power, Providence (Voldemort's subconscious) replaced the poison in the fish with a positive state that temporarily enhanced the wizard's sensibility, but also confused the wizard.

What I didn't expect was that in this state, the wizard's genetic material also underwent a kind of degradation.

The child's predecessor, the fertilized egg, was combined with the genetic material invested by three wizards at that time.

As well as Voldemort's magic, and then in August, Harry Potter invested Bella's flesh and blood in his dream at the Burrow.

So it's not in a normal uterus.

Rather, it is in the mind of a wizard, in an illusory dream. "

Unlike Penelo who was still in shock, Kate quickly came to her senses.

And asked: "So, Rodolphus Lestrange really found traces of the Lestrange child in that child?"

Ryan nodded, "Of course.

So the Lestrange brothers, Crouch Jr., Harry Potter, Bella, Voldemort,

Their traces can be found on that child.

And, although Bella never gave birth.

But when that child came from Bella's dream to reality, it read the feeling of real childbirth that was inscribed in her genes.

And through the authority of their biological father Voldemort to a certain extent, they all had delusions.

The Lestrange brothers and Bella herself mistakenly thought she was pregnant and stayed in the room.

And gave birth to the child like a normal mother.

Other Death Eaters also believed that Bella was feeling unwell and had not been out recently. "

"Wait, what?

Are Voldemort and Harry Potter also considered the biological fathers of that child?

Forget it about Voldemort.

He is now that dimension itself.

But what about Harry Potter?

Wasn't he always at the Burrow?

Could it be the Sequence Nine magic potion ‘Dark Wizard’ that you refined? "Penello's eyes widened.


Please recall the description of the ‘Dark Wizard’:

Users will have extraordinary adaptability to black magic, like a natural malignant mind, and be proficient in hundreds of jinxes, poison spells, and curses. They can easily learn all kinds of black magic. There is no black magic that cannot be started.

The ingredients for this potion,

That is the dark shadow in the mirror world,

That is, the remnants of Voldemort,

Its power truly comes from Voldemort himself, who has transformed into a dimension.

When Harry Potter digests Voldemort's power,

Using the remaining memories of the locket that had been swallowed by Jerry in the mirror world,

Bringing in Voldemort himself,

And because the memory is filled with Voldemort's unknown love for Bella.

So through dreams,

The egg originally in the uterus, which contains three genetic materials,

Under Harry's guidance,

The bones and blood injected in the dream are under the power of Voldemort, who is now in a state similar to that of the ancient wizard.

Turn imaginary into reality,

Let this egg, which has no life due to special degeneration, develop into an embryo,

Also settled in illusory dreams. "

"Wait, Ryan, what do you mean?

Harry Potter borrows Voldemort's power,

Jean contains the genetic material of the Lestrange brothers, Crouch Jr., and the inanimate degraded material of Bella's egg as the base,

directly turned into an embryo,

Then it turns reality into fiction,

Grow through Bella's dream,

Last born? ” Kate thought this was outrageous.

“This is the manifestation of the miraculous character of magic.

Magic is omnipotent.

There is nothing you can't think of and nothing you can't do. " Ryan sighed.

"I think if you hadn't helped and added fuel to Harry's power just now, Bellatrix wouldn't have been able to strangle that child to death.

After all, her birth was so unusual.

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When she was still an unformed embryo, she could influence these Death Eaters.

Although it was borrowed from Voldemort's power.

But it was also amazing. "Penelope guessed.

"That's true.

But if so, the baby girl will kill her mother-by transferring the damage she suffered.

Her original blank nature will also lean towards evil and darkness.

This is terrible.

In any case, whether it is the mother killing the daughter or the daughter killing the mother, this should not happen.

Family affection should not be toyed with.

So, when Harry summoned the child through a dream, I chose to push it. "

"Dream? Summon? Why is there no second possibility?

If Ryan, you don't help, the child will enter Harry Potter's dream and finally be reborn in Hogwarts through his body. "Kate thought of a more interesting possibility.

Ryan shook his head, "The child will not choose this way.

In Azkaban, there are Bella, the Lestrange brothers, Crouch Jr., Bella, and Voldemort.

And there is only Harry in Hogwarts.

Well, there is also a young version of Voldemort.

If this is really the case.

Why should I intervene. Isn't this more interesting. "

Kate stuck out her tongue, "I thought it was because you were kind and didn't want to trick Harry too much."

"That's too much, this is more interesting.

In my abandoned case, there is also a plan to let Ron drink the male-female potion with Harry's genetic material!"

"Then why did you give up." Penelope asked.

For the first time in her life, she felt sorry for Harry.

With a friend like Ryan, there is no need to worry about life not being colorful enough.

Ryan shrugged, "Because of this child. One more will be a little boring. "

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