Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 275: Accidental

Chapter 688: Accidental

"Five or six months?" Harry muttered to himself.

His memory went back to that time.

Because he was trapped in illusory memories all day long due to digesting Voldemort's residue,

At that time, he thought of himself as Voldemort all day long,

and had sex with young Bella many times in his dreams.

Now recalling it, it is indeed strange.

He clearly felt that the genetic material was expelled from his body.

But when he woke up, he felt very refreshed.

Perhaps those things were transmitted to Bella in the prison in the middle of the North Sea through dreams.

As for Rodolphus's performance in today's dream.

Perhaps it can also be understood as the anger of discovering that the child is not Lestrange.

The reason why he was so calm may be that his anger was burned to the extreme.

Because he clearly knew that Bella had the urge to kill the child.

Still handed the child to Bella.

And let them stay alone.

"Maybe. She is really my child.

I have always had the illusion that she is related by blood.

The time is right.

At that time, I might have behaved like a child.

In the mirror world." Harry said hoarsely.

He said half-truths.

But due to his ability to lie, even Dumbledore, who could see through people's behavior without Legilimency, did not see the "falsehood" in Harry's words.

"Where is the child's mother?" Professor McGonagall asked hurriedly.

Harry shook his head.

"Maybe there is no mother.

This child seems to be born from an illusory dimension, combining Harry's power and blood." Dumbledore explained.

But he added in his heart, "The mother may be Tom."

After the summer vacation, he found that although Harry was still a Horcrux, Voldemort's soul fragments were completely digested.

If he hadn't known Harry's identity as a Horcrux long ago.

I am afraid that he would not have discovered the almost non-existent connection between Harry and Voldemort.

And he just found a familiar breath on this child.

It came from Voldemort, but not the current him.

Nor is it the teenage Riddle.

But he is close to middle age.

Combined with Voldemort's magical transformation of his own body.

Converted to the time when he killed the Potter family and created Harry, the Horcrux.

It is right.

Perhaps, when Harry merged with the evil side,

a part of Voldemort that had been hidden for a long time was eliminated,

and combined with Harry's own power,

and the special environment of the mirror world,

this child was conceived.

And tonight, through the connection with Harry, he was born in Hogwarts.

And Professor McGonagall on the side, "Bone and blood? Adolescent children! Really!"

Her face flushed, and I don't know what she thought of.

"What about this child?" Harry said.

He just wanted to take his child with him.

Go to school together.

As for her mother, it will always be a secret.

After all, only he can enter the mirror world.

As Dumbledore said, she has no mother.

"Leave this child with Harry." Dumbledore said.

In his heart, he was thinking about how to tell Riddle about this.

After all, this is Riddle's child.

Professor McGonagall, who was standing by, looked at the child's cute face and nodded subconsciously.

But she came to her senses immediately, "This is a school, this...is not good.

What should I do with this child when Harry is in class?

I really want to take care of her.

But what if Harry and I are not free?

Harry is still a child.

And what if Ginny has objections?

These are all things that we professors need to consider."

Dumbledore shook his head, "I will send the house elves to take care of her when Harry is in class.

You and other professors can also take care of her together.

As for why I want to keep her in Hogwarts.

This is all because the child was born in an abnormal way.

It belongs to the unknown area of ​​magic that we have not yet touched.

I checked and she is healthy.

She is a wizard.

She has good talents.

But she seems to need to stay with her blood relatives.

When I cut off her contact with Harry just now, I noticed that the child's magic began to be unstable.

I don't know if this is because she is unhappy about her father's departure, or it is a reaction of the magic itself.

But for the sake of the child, it is better not to let her leave Harry."

"What if it is the latter?" Harry frowned.

He was worried that this abnormal birth method would cause the child to have defects.

Professor McGonagall was also anxious.

Dumbledore smiled, "The latter? You don't have to worry about that.

Even if it's the latter, this reaction will disappear after the child has self-awareness.

Although the birth of this child is beyond the existing magic field.

But I'm not bragging, my research on magic has surpassed most wizards.

This is not a big problem."

"How long can the child be separated from Harry at most?" Professor McGonagall asked.

She was already thinking about how to take care of the child.

How many baby items to buy for her.

"If it's the latter, according to my calculations, it's about thirteen hours." Dumbledore pushed his glasses.

"Then I take the child back?" Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking lovingly at the little face of his daughter in the swaddling clothes hanging on his chest.

However, Professor McGonagall pulled Harry back and said, "You have no experience in raising children.

Just stay with me, kid. Come back after class tomorrow.

You just heard Dumbledore say that you can leave her for thirteen hours. "

Harry: ""

He wanted to curse.

He finally had a daughter.

And robbed him.

Harry was so angry that he wanted to point out that Professor McGonagall had never had children either.

Just as inexperienced.

But in reality, he could only say dullly: "Okay."

"Then go to bed quickly, Potter." Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and the swaddling clothes' straps automatically loosened and flew away from Harry.

She shook her wand again, and the low stool beside her turned into an exquisite baby cradle.

The swaddled baby slowly fell inside.

"You must take good care of her." Harry turned around and left the study.

before leaving,

Professor McGonagall's voice came from the crack in the door, "Albus, you should go and rest quickly.

Soon the child woke up and frightened her. "

Inside the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts,

Because Penello went to maintain order,

Kate, who was bored and had been watching everything around the baby, asked Ryan: "This child's magic is unstable.

It wasn't the reaction of the magic itself as Dumbledore and others suspected.

You said that this child could influence other people while it was still an embryo.

It shows that her consciousness is not as ignorant as that of a newborn baby.

Instead, she may have the intelligence to communicate.

Can even talk.

Therefore, when Dumbledore used magic to briefly isolate her from Harry,

It was because she was unhappy about leaving one of her fathers (Harry).

But why, Harry just left.

Why didn't she react? "

Ryan smiled, "As you said.

The child's intelligence is not low.

So she clearly realized that her father did not want to leave her.

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore in front of her were also trustworthy beings.

Unlike her crazy mother who wanted to kill her child. "

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