Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Lantern Festival

Chapter 693 Lantern Festival

While everyone else, even Harry, was distracted by the majestic buildings in the sky, Ryan was enjoying his personal vacation.

It was a large, high-ceilinged room, as big as the auditorium above, with many gleaming copper pots and basins stacked around the stone walls and a large brick fireplace at the far end.

In the corner closet, which is carved and hollowed out from a single piece of stone, a small gold cup engraved with a badger and two exquisite earrings is shining under the reflection of sparks.

House elves in Hogwarts uniforms were busy in this room carrying silver trays, cups and other tableware.

But the strange thing is that there is clearly a wizard sitting at the Eight Immortals Table that comes from nowhere and eating.

You know, I thought that if a wizard came, they would all rush to serve the arriving wizard.

Moreover, the tableware he used was out of place here—two mahogany branches that had been polished and wrapped in gold at the ends;

A bowl with a large mouth and a small bottom, with a rooster casually painted on the outside in simple colors such as red, dark green, and black;

A porcelain plate with pine and bamboo painted with a few hasty strokes of monotonous black paint.

The food the wizard ate was also strange.

The dumplings wrapped in white flour look waxy after being separated by 'branches'.

Like pastries.

But it is placed in the soup with a little green onion.

There's no doubt it's Ryan.

February 24th, in the eyes of others at Hogwarts, is just the time when the individual competition begins.

But today,

It also has another name in the mouths of Lane and people who still maintain the Chinese customs of that ancient country in the Far East - Lantern Festival.

This is why Ryan eats glutinous rice balls next to the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, the source of the halo of gourmet food.

But the glutinous rice balls that Ryan ate were salty.

The filling is minced pork with green and red peppers and some spices.

This is how it was eaten at home when Ryan was still Zhou Yi.

However, Ryan is still a little bit pity.

Like Qiu Zhang, Sue Lee, a supporting cast member in the same grade as Ryan, and other Chinese Americans,

None of them seemed to notice this day.

They all seemed to have no concept of celebrating the New Year.

Since February 10th, the first day of the Lunar New Year, until now.

Ryan has already enjoyed 14 days of vacation.

During the holidays, he deliberately did not go to class.

He has none of it.

Hermione, Luna has been taking classes alone these days.

Only when the bell rings will he appear next to them in the classroom.

Except for Potions, of course.

Ryan did not attend Potions class at all.

Instead, he ate hot pot under the resentful eyes of his employee Snape.

But Ryan wasn't always happy during these holidays.

February 14th is Valentine's Day.

As we all know, for most boys with girlfriends, celebrating festivals often means overcoming disaster.

On this day, girls will use magnifying glasses to check every move of boys.

The preparation of gifts and the thoughts represented in them are just basic requirements.

If necessary, they will also look through the diary to compare your current performance with usual performance.

If you are not making progress, it means you are not taking the holidays to heart.

Then it further escalates to the relationship between the two.

Fortunately, Luna is a very rare straight girl among girls.

I don't care about any sense of ritual at all.

And the other girls are not like the little fairies of later generations from the Far East.

Likes to deliberately find faults and amplify.

The British wizarding world in the 20th century was not filled with messages that lead to antagonism between men and women, such as Douyin, Microwave, and Little Sweet Potato.

A biased media platform.

If so, Ryan suspected that Hermione would evolve into the number one known monkey in the British wizarding world.

After all, even after being taught by Ryan, Hermione was still complaining about Bellatrix recently.

He said something like, "Children should stay with their mothers. This is too cruel to a mother."

Although I showed it to her later in Lane,

The child was at Bella's place, the mother died and the child lived, and he shut up after heading towards a dark future.

But Ryan still felt that Hermione's thinking logic should not be overestimated.

All Hermione has learned over the years is that it is better to have no books than to have all the books.

No more superstitious books.

In other respects, there are still weaknesses in her thinking and logic in the original world line.

She is indeed kind, but her one-sided vision leads her to wrong logic.

This is something that cannot be saved by her awakened imaginary reasoning ability and the sharp insight that is almost prophetic.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Ryan doesn't love Hermione anymore.

Hermione's shortcomings and stubbornness were also part of the person Ryan fell in love with.

It would be nice if Hermione could change.

He couldn't change it, and he didn't force it.

But don't blame him for slandering him in private.

Not complaining to others is his greatest tolerance.


When Ryan in the kitchen was privately criticizing Hermione's brain for being prone to short circuits,

After marveling at the miracle in the sky, Harry finally thought of Ginny.

The first thing he found was Luna.

After greeting the other Ryan, he learned from Luna that Ginny also had no class this morning.

Then he came to the auditorium.

He bumped into Ron, who was flirting with Lavender after a long absence.

Seeing Harry coming over, Ron quickly put down his hand that was hugging Lavender's shoulder.

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It was as if he ran into his husband's wife while having an affair.

Lavender mistakenly thought they had something to say in private.

She went straight back to her best friend Parvati at the Gryffindor table.

As for this weird atmosphere, she did not notice it immediately as she did in the original world, and locked on the correct target-Hermione.

After all, after three years of refuting the rumors, people around Harry no longer doubted that Ron and him really had something.

The same was true for Lavender.

But Harry knew that Ron still had a Ron in his heart.

He saw that Ron was abnormal at first sight.

He almost forgot about Ginny.

Just accused: "You are not normal.

I know your relationship with Lavender. She is a good girl. You shouldn't treat her like this."

Ron subconsciously passed the buck, "I. I am angry!

Yes, I am angry. Angry that you didn't return to the dormitory last night.

You must have crossed the line with Ginny again! Don't change the subject!"

Harry smiled bitterly and was about to refute.

But Ginny's name also reminded him of the real thing to do, "Ron, have you seen Ginny?

I found her missing early in the morning!"

"Humph, you are really changing the subject. Didn't Ginny spend the night with you last night?" (Harry quickly cast a whispering spell around him,

glared at Ron who was talking loudly) "Why are you glaring at me? Can glaring at me clear your fault of leading Ginny astray?"

"Yes, but Ginny disappeared as soon as she got up. I couldn't find her anywhere." Harry said annoyed.

Then, a familiar voice came.

"What are you talking about? Why is there no sound at all."

It was Krum.

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