Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 284: A solution that doesn’t take 10 days

Chapter 697 A solution that doesn’t require 10 days

The long and difficult to pronounce incantations were recited by Hermione accurately one by one.

On the snow-white skin, from the center of the eyebrows, silver-white lines began to spread.

Seeing this, Ryan also smiled slightly, and a clear and clear voice full of texture began to sound.

"You also have to imagine that you wake up from a trance when a ray of morning light touches your cheek. You have just regained awareness of your own existence."

Around her, Ryan's words seemed to be filled with a convincing magic power.

Let her relax her body subconsciously.

Fell into a state of half-asleep and half-awake.

But it didn't affect the spell at all, causing it to be interrupted.

As the last sentence of the mantra was spoken.

The wonderful Gubler fairy fire floated out from the palm of Ryan's hand like a dandelion blown by the wind, and landed on Hermione's eyebrows.

A white, transparent flame mark was left behind.

The silver lines disappeared into it like mud cows entering the sea.

"Okay." Ryan knocked on the table.

Hermione opened her eyes.

It was as if she was at the bottom of a hot spring.

His whole body was wrapped in a wave of heat.

At the same time, the lingering hunger in her stomach because she had eaten very little at noon also disappeared with the heat.

She is full.

"How long has it been?" Hermione asked subconsciously after learning that she had succeeded.

She looked around again. According to her expectation, it is estimated to be two o'clock now.

The deans of each college had said before when they led them to the auditorium that the competition would begin at 2 o'clock.

But she looked left and right, and there was no change at all.

Dumbledore's seat at the staff table was still empty.

The headmasters of several other schools and Arthur Weasley from the Ministry of Magic were also missing.

"You should have guessed it." Ryan shrugged, "Including the 3 minutes of chanting the spell. A total of 4 minutes and 15 seconds."

"So fast?" Hermione exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Ryan tapped the air.

A silver mirror appeared in front of Hermione in the thin air, floating in the air.

Hermione touched her eyebrows in surprise. There was a mark of flames there.

Ryan said at this time: "You discovered it.

The celestial fire of Kublai still burns between your brows.

This magic is not as simple as you think.

Only when it completely disappears can you truly learn the magic.

You can only absorb the power of the magic magnetic field through it now, that's all.

You say, is it fast? "

“I’m unhappy.

But, how long will it take for me to officially learn it.

And do you really need to recite the incantation before each use like you said before?

It takes three minutes.

This is not very tasteless.

I can finish it in three minutes if I eat quickly. "Hermione looked in the mirror and rubbed her eyebrows.

Ryan waved his wand lightly, and the silver mirror turned into flying smoke and disappeared into the air.

He put away his wand, and golden circles lit up in his moon-white eyes. He looked at Hermione up and down and said, "When will you officially learn it?

See if you use it diligently.

If you insist on giving up your normal diet for 10 days.

This mark will disappear.

As for the spell?

This is not necessary.

I said this before just to make you take it seriously.

Avoid making mistakes.

Focus your mind on the center of your eyebrows and imagine a flame burning there.

The magic of giving up food will be activated. "

"10 days? Three times a day.

That’s 30 times.

That means I have to use it 30 times in total.

I'll give it a try. "Hermione closed her eyes and tightened her face.

The mark of the flame between his eyebrows lit up again and again.

It's like a light bulb with poor contact that flickers on and off.

The mark itself also cycles from a simple pattern to an animation of burning flames.

Hermione opened her eyes again dissatisfied.

It seems to have failed.

"What's going on?

I obviously did what you said.

But every time I start it, my settled mind is ejected.

The reason why Gubulai Fairy Fire can always absorb the power of the magic magnetic field.

That's because it is fire itself.

Unstable plasma.

It has been in a state of ‘loss’.

Only then can one accept the power of the magic magnetic field.

Your own hunger is your ‘deficiency’.

Before the things transformed by the magic magnetic field that can serve as body nutrients are digested.

You are always in a 'full' state.

What you pour in only overflows.

This is why you fail. "

"It's not magic.

I’ve digested half of the nutrients, can’t I use them again?

Like except three meals a day.

There are also people who eat smaller meals more frequently. "

"This substance is not really a satiating food.

It is a force that frees you from the concept of diet and keeps you full, healthy, and functioning normally.

before this substance disappears.

You will remain unaware of hunger.

When you feel hungry, it means that you have digested all the food. ” Ryan explained.

“Wait, let’s put it this way.

If I sleep, it is completely digested.

Will I wake up hungry? "Hermione thought of a possibility.

“Normally no.

Although people consume energy while sleeping, most muscles are in a low-activity state.

Especially the nervous system, the nerves in the limbs are basically inactive.

Only low-consumption activities such as heartbeat, breathing, and intestinal peristalsis.

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Compared to the daytime, it is much lower. "

"Aha! I know!"

"What do you know?"

"If I do high-intensity exercise, I will get hungry faster."

"It can be like this," Ryan's eyes rolled, and he suddenly stretched out his tone, "I suddenly remembered--

Thirst can be considered hungry in a sense. "

"What did you say?" Hermione twisted her buttocks uneasily.

She suddenly felt that Ryan in front of her seemed to have turned into a big bad wolf who wanted to eat her alive.

"I said-although you are too young.

But I can--"

"What can I do? "Hermione lowered her head, her voice was like a mosquito's buzz.

As the last word came out, time stopped flowing.

The noise in the hall stopped abruptly.

Only the breathing of Hermione and Ryan remained.

A gray film emerged from the air and passed through the bodies of the two.

An hour later.

The hall of Hogwarts.

The two appeared again.

Time also began to flow.

However, this time, the fire between Hermione's eyebrows burned normally and lit up a silver-white light.

However, Hermione kept her head down.

Looking at the table.

It was as if the most profound magical knowledge was engraved on the table.

No matter how many times Ryan teased her, she remained silent and lowered her head.

Just when Ryan thought Hermione would continue like this, a shout like a landslide and tsunami came from the mouths of students near the hall.

Hermione raised her head slightly and looked at the hall with Ryan.

In front of the tall oak door, a spiral staircase made of clouds appeared and soared into the sky.

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