Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 287 The ‘treasure’ on the stone platform

Chapter 700 The ‘baby’ on the stone platform

The scene returns to Ryan.

There is a corner of the stands with several seats vacant.

The whistling wind did not affect this place at all.

Luna exposed her smooth little feet to the air, and with the wisps of hot air coming out, she looked particularly tempting.

Ignoring the shape, it looks like a freshly baked meat bun.

When Ryan was still Zhou Yi, he was a day student in high school and walked to and from school every day.

At that time, in addition to fried noodles, his favorite thing was to buy a bag of hot meat buns.

Hold it in the palm of his hand.

So, he now holds Luna's little feet tightly against his belly.

That is understandable.

This is reminiscing about his hometown.

It is an irreproachable act!

And who told Luna not to like wearing shoes.

This is a lesson.

"Why are you blushing!" Ryan touched his nose with an innocent look.

"I'm cold." Luna twitched her little feet slightly.

However, Ryan didn't seem to understand her hint.

"Are you cold?" Ryan hugged Luna and her feet and said softly, "Are you still cold?"

As the two interacted, the three dragons had carried the remaining three warriors one by one and landed on the field that looked like a white cloud.

Luna puffed up her face, "I mean the wind was cold just now. They are all here now.

Can you let go?"

At the end, Luna's voice was like a mosquito buzzing.

"Do you know? Hermione just asked me to learn a very powerful magic."

When she heard Hermione's name, Luna immediately became a different person.

It was like a little white rabbit turning into a belligerent little white cat.

Although her almost prophetic intuition after her magic transformation told her that Ryan had a little bad intention.

But she also felt that Ryan was not lying.

So, she shrank into Ryan's arms and rubbed Ryan's chin with her head, "What magic?

I can. I don't want it. It's just that Hermione has it, so I have to have it too.

No, I want to be better.

Just like my Per is better than Crookshanks."

"Oh, in that case, you have to get rid of more water. No, I mean work harder."

"Then." The premonition in her intuition was getting more wrong,

but facing Hermione, who was incompatible with her and was like the opposite of the mirror,

she still stiffened her neck and said, "I want it now."

Ryan's mouth corners raised more arc, "Don't watch the game?"

Luna buried herself in Ryan's arms and said in a muffled voice, "No. Fleur will definitely win. I don't like her."

So, the figures of the two faded into the air.

On the court, Hermione, sitting on Ryan's lap, looked suspiciously not far away.

When did there become an empty seat there?

But Fleur's extremely aggressive beauty and the confidence that she exuded from the bottom of her heart still attracted her attention.

Sitting on a flying broom, with a messy hair,

he flew to the other four members of the referee's team in the air,

and came to Arthur Weasley on his own white cloud.

He waved his hand and used a sound amplification spell on his throat, "Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait!

Just now, I said that this is the starting point of the game.

But now I also want to announce that this is also the end of the game.

We took away the most precious things of the four warriors.

We hid them in this stadium."

Fleur frowned immediately when she said this.

Her watery eyes, like a blue lake, began to scan all parts of the stadium.

"Ryan, he must be fine." Harry turned his head and whispered.

"Why do you think it's Ryan?

Do you think he will be discovered by these mediocre people?

I'm looking for my sister Gabriel." Fleur raised her eyebrows.

But considering that Harry was Ryan's younger brother, she still said a few words.

But this also attracted the attention of others.

Krum and Elvas on the side spontaneously stopped looking for their own "treasures".

Moved towards Fleur and Harry without leaving a trace. .


The Leaky Cauldron.

The large group of drinkers who were almost squeezing next to the TV.

Also noticed the actions of several warriors.

"Harry Potter is chatting up that French beauty!"

"Digg, I remember Harry is engaged, right?"

"I know, that's Arthur Weasley's youngest daughter in the Order of the Phoenix where Digg is a member."

"He's also the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

The Office of Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Objects, where I registered my modified game console the day before yesterday, is under his control."

"Aha! You're so ignorant!

He used to work in that department!

I also arranged for my nephew Slack to work in that department!

So, you have to be careful! The person you're talking to now is the uncle of the future Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!"

However, the topic of Arthur Weasley soon ended.

Because the camera on TV had begun to shift.

It came to Dumbledore.

Now, all the drinkers in the bar subconsciously shrank their necks.

When they were students of their age, Dumbledore was their Defense Against the Dark Arts or Transfiguration professor.

They were all still frightened.

On TV, Dumbledore stood up, "I just noticed it.

Some warriors were already looking for their treasures, and even whispered to each other about it.

I think everyone in the stands must be curious about what that "treasure" is. "

On TV, the faint voices of students in the stands began to disappear, and it was extremely quiet.

The same was true in the bar.

Dumbledore drew his wand and pointed to the sky.

A stone platform made entirely of white marble appeared above their heads.

The picture on TV suddenly became a little dim.

The stone platform blocked the sunlight, slowly rotating itself while maintaining horizontal stability.

Then, it stopped.

Pieces of white rectangular stones fell from the stone platform one by one, and finally formed stone steps that were half suspended in the air.

The camera began to shift again.

The whole picture of the stone platform appeared on the TV and stadium screens.

On the stone platform, four carvings were carved, and a beautiful woman eventually transformed into a strange creature with a bird's head and a human body. The stone pillar of the stage totem stood in the center.

Four girls were chained to each of the four stone pillars.

They seemed to be arranged from oldest to youngest.

The one on the far left was a tall black-haired witch wearing a Hogwarts uniform with a Slytherin logo on her body.

Next was a slightly shorter witch wearing a bright green robe, who still had a bit of childishness on her face and was probably in the fourth grade.

Then there was Ginny, who had a head of flaming red hair that was obviously from the Weasley family.

The last one was an eight-year-old girl.

Her silver-blonde hair like clouds made everyone realize that she should be the sister of the warrior Fleur Delacour.

The four of them looked like they were sleeping soundly, with their heads drooping weakly on their shoulders.

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