Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 247: Everything Made Clear

Chapter 720 Everything revealed

Ryan was silent for a moment and placed his hand on Luna's head.

Luna shook her head, "I don't know.

Mother's manuscripts were all disappeared together.

I don’t know what my mother thinks about the disappearing spell.

But I am the same as my mother.

Same personality and behavior.

I studied for a long time.

In this way, I will definitely have the same idea about the disappearing spell as my mother did.

Then I can."

At the end of the sentence, Luna's voice choked up.

He bowed his head and said nothing.

Ryan hugged Luna and patted her back gently.

He still broke his promise.

In fact, among the 5 people present.

Only he, Luna, and Ginny could hear Luna's mother's story.

And Harry and Ron.

They will ignore it subconsciously.

Harry listened more and heard that Luna's mother disappeared due to the Disappearance Curse.

In this scene now, he was in a daze, as if time had stopped.

As for Ron, what he heard was that Ryan himself wanted to study the disappearing spell.

Of course, he couldn't see this scene either.

In Ryan's eyes, Luna is not fragile.

But this act of exposing one's unhealed wounds is still too cruel.

Just in front of him and Luna's best friend Ginny.

Although Ron was Ron.

But in Ron's memory, the only thing that impressed him deeply was Harry.

"Luna, I can resurrect -" Ryan said, but Luna blocked his mouth with his finger.

(Ginny was also offline like Ron and Harry) She shook her head, "But Ryan said,

If you do this, you will confront the God of Death in advance.

Harry Potter can resurrect his mother.

It's because of the Resurrection Stone and his identity as a descendant of the God of Death.

But Ryan is different. You managed to escape His gaze with great difficulty. "

"You may not know that I planted the most undetectable curse in His will not long ago.

And in a sense, He is already dead.

When Harry uses the Resurrection Stone, I can recall your mother simultaneously.

I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. "

Luna took a step forward slightly, "I don't want Ryan to mess up his plan because of me.

Isn't the world after death wonderful?

Since my mother didn't suffer.

I would rather rely on myself, or wait until you are 100% sure. "Speaking of this, she arranged her hair,

Putting his hand back into Ginny's, "Okay, it's time for you to let Ginny recover."

As her words fell, they were like specimens in amber,

Ginny, who had a worried look on her face, blinked, "Oh, Luna."

Ginny pulled Luna into her arms.

His eyes were filled with distress.

When Ginny calmed down, she just held Luna's little hand.

Immediately, Harry and Ron also woke up from their stagnation.

Harry then said to Ron with a smile, "Have you forgotten the premise?

The prerequisite for you to be able to personalize a spell is to master it to the limit and touch the invisible barrier.

I see you, you can’t learn it even after reading the book “Disappearance”.

The disappearance spell recorded above can turn everything into elementary particles. "


Time soon came to Easter Eve.

On the last weekend of the Easter holiday, Hermione squeezed time and completed the food-giving magic.

"Congratulations, it's done." In the first game, on the treehouse on the beech tree,

Ryan held up a glass of Real 82 Coke towards Hermione.

Hermione didn't seem happy. She rubbed her red and swollen lips, "I've heard enough of your congratulations!"

After each dehydration, Lane would say congratulations, congratulating her on being one step closer to completing her magic.

As unforgettable as the congratulations, there was the magical phrase "Here comes the little flying stick!"

What's even more outrageous is that this magic is clearly said to be completed in 10 days.

Faster in case of dehydration.

But Ryan suddenly said that he had new inspiration and the food-giving magic needed to be updated.

The new version is more difficult, and it is expected to take 1 month to complete without doing any extra work.

But that magic is also very exciting.

When completed the magic itself becomes a passive of the body.

There is no need to start it in the future, it will run on its own.

The body is at its peak at all times.

She can choose to eat or not eat according to her needs.

And after eating, there is no need to excrete.

In this way, she was attracted by the plus version of the food-giving magic and chose to update it.

Thinking, thinking, she took a sip of butterbeer, "Humph, the crazy girl is indeed a crazy girl!"

"What does this have to do with little Luna?" Ryan pretended not to know, frowning and scolding.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I'm not blind. I can clearly see the flame mark on her head."

After March 7th, 10 days have passed since I saw it, and the mark is still there.

She apparently chose to update as well.

However, last week, she completed the digestion of the Gubulai Immortal Fire on Monday.

Learned the plus version of the magic of giving up food. "After saying this, her face turned red.

The voice was even more like the chirping of mosquitoes, "She must be more dehydrated. The frequency is higher than mine."

"Oh." Ryan sighed heavily deliberately.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

Seeing that Hermione took the bait, Ryan started talking about Luna's mother.

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Sure enough, ten minutes later, Hermione's eyes were already red.

His lips trembled slightly, "That's what I said.

Lovegood, no, Luna did it to break the vanishing curse—

The reason why she acted so crazy was to get closer to her mother's state when she was studying magic? "

As she spoke, she lay on Ryan's chest, crying, "I...am I so bad.

Always targeting her. Shouldn't we be together?

Maybe I.leave——"

"Uh, you forgot. You're not alone." Ryan couldn't stand it anymore and reminded him.

If Hermione really wanted to separate from him, why would she remain motionless on him?

Knowing Hermione, he knew that although Hermione was kind.

But if it is related to your own interests, this kindness will come and go quickly.

"You bastard!" Hermione began to punch Ryan's chest with small fists.

After beating her tiredly, she suddenly raised her head, shed a few crystal tears, and said, "Who else is there besides me and Luna?"

Ryan shrugged, noticing that Hermione was still lying on top of him.

"Didn't you already know that?

Both you and Luna's Phoenix Avatar Awakening abilities are good at catching adulterers. "

Hermione coughed awkwardly and continued with feigned anger: "I don't understand!

Don't ramble!

Is it Angelina from Gryffindor? Montgomery sisters? India’s Patil twins? ."

Seeing Hermione point out one by one, Kate borrowed the shadow-transformed students from Hogwarts that Hermione had also met.

Ryan couldn't help but gasped slightly.

Hermione's ability to catch rape is so strong.

But if he was really that strong, she should have realized that he actually had no real relationship with them.

She just keeps avoiding the right answer.

“I’ll just say it.

Penello, the prefect of our house, and Kate, who is inseparable from her. "

"There's one more," Hermione reminded with a cold face.

"Fleur Dracula. Champion of Beauxbatons."

"I'll bite you to death, you bastard!"

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