Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 258 The Beautiful World After Death

Chapter 730 The wonderful world after death

Snape stroked the face in front of the mirror as if possessed.

From the facial features, it is indeed himself.

But the skin color and temperament are completely different.

That big nose, under all these changes, has become the finishing touch of his face at this moment.

It makes him exude an elegant and gentle temperament.

"My master told me to maintain a healthy routine, adjust my diet, and keep fit, but I turned out to be like this——

If I were like this from the beginning, Lily."

“Robert is a very kind person and often shares his cooking skills with friends.

His apple pie is one of a kind.

He also asked James and me for magic knowledge.

Isobel often asked us students how well her daughter was teaching.

You can tell she's very proud of you. "In the empty room on the third floor of Hogwarts, Lily was talking.

She held Mei Ling in her arms.

Opposite is Professor McGonagall.

Her eyes were slightly red and she kept wiping away tears, "My father is such a person.

He is the minister of the Muggle Presbyterian Church.

My mother also used to hide her identity as a wizard from him. Fear of affecting marriage.

But after I was born, he accepted me and my mom.

He abandoned his faith and spent his time at home pretending to be a wizard.

He won't disturb you. "

Harry was very embarrassed and wanted to disappear from this room like Aberforth who left angrily before.

Dumbledore seemed to see this.

But he just smiled mischievously and winked.

The news of his sister's happiness seemed to make him let go of something, and he felt much more relaxed.

He looks like a naughty old man compared to before.

He had been naughty before, but at least he looked enigmatic, kind, and dignified.

But now——

"Not really." Lily smiled, "But he and his fellow Calvinists,

Very surprised that I didn't go to heaven.

But soon the surprise disappeared—because they saw God and Jesus himself.

in that world. "

Lily suddenly stuck out her tongue playfully, "Have you heard of the name Dougal McGregor?"

Professor McGonagall coughed awkwardly and motioned to Dumbledore and Harry to go out.

Dumbledore was seen standing still and holding Harry's arm firmly.

She could only say helplessly: "We can be considered neighbors. We all live on the outskirts of Caithness County in the Scottish Highlands."

"It's that simple," Lily teased, "but I heard your mother Isobel said that he is more suitable to be your husband."

In response, Professor McGonagall turned pale and blurted out: "Don't they like him?"

"Who are you referring to?" Lily pretended not to guess.

"You should know!" Professor McGonagall said with a livid face.

Harry and Dumbledore behind him made eye contact, "Has my mother (referring to Lily) always been so naughty?"

Seeing that Professor McGonagall was really angry, Lily quickly said: "Okay, I do know.

Although I was 21 years old, I passed away on October 31, 1981, along with James.

But, probably four years later, I heard the name Elphinstone Elcott from Isobel’s mouth. "

"What about him, my mother?"

"Ercott is more than ten years older than you, and he was your boss once.

And Dougal is your neighbor, and Isobel watched him grow up.

Moreover, although you did not want to give up everything in the magical world, you left him when he wanted to turn the relationship into a marriage.

But Dugel still waited for you for two years before you chose the next relationship without contacting him again. "

"Does she think Elphinstone and I got together because of work?" Professor McGonagall complained, "Besides, Dougal is not our neighbor.

Although we all live in the suburbs. Well,

My mother may have known him for a long time, but I didn’t meet him until I was eighteen.

He didn't wait for me for two years either.

To be precise, he married the daughter of another farmer two years later! "

Professor McGonagall spoke like a machine gun, and there was a sense of coquettishness in her words.

It was as if, as a daughter, she was talking through Lily to her mother who had passed away many years ago.

"I want to be fair," Dumbledore stood up, obviously not satisfied with simply eating melon.

He said with a malicious smile: "When McGregor got married, you cried a lot.

Told me everything.

Mr. McGregor has been writing to you through your mother, Isobel.

And you really haven't replied.

Just hide the letter under the bed. Didn't even look at it. "

“What’s wrong with Elphinstone?

He had a crush on me when I was still working at the Ministry of Magic.

He continued to propose to me for decades, despite my many rejections, until I agreed in 1982.

Because of our age we don’t even have children.

Coming from a well-known pure-blood family, he even allowed me to keep my Muggle father's surname instead of taking my husband's surname.

This made him almost a joke in the wizarding world.

My mother also met him when she was alive.

Although he was my friend at that time.

Why did everything change after death? "Professor McGonagall did not directly answer Dumbledore's question, but just expressed confusion.

Lily saw that she had made enough jokes, and after coughing, she returned to her seriousness, "Isobel thinks that he is not worthy of you.

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She thinks that a man who is worthy of her daughter must be handsome, smart, and humorous enough.

Like Dougal.

And Elcott is suitable as a friend.

But as a husband, he is too stupid and not handsome enough.

It does not meet her view of choosing a spouse.

Like Robert, he is handsome enough."

Professor McGonagall adjusted her glasses in confusion, "My dad. Handsome?"

She could not associate this word with her father.

"Aha, I understand." Lily tapped her left hand, "You haven't seen Robert's appearance when he was young?

Let's put it this way. In the afterlife, unless you maintain it yourself.

We all look like young people.

Even if some people are more accustomed to the state of old age.

But in that world, if you continue to live like this forever, and have a partner, or want to find a partner.

Sooner or later, you will give up maintaining it."

"Always live?" Dumbledore keenly noticed the key words.

He subconsciously looked at Harry, "Did I do something wrong?

Perhaps you should cut off your connection with Riddle.

I knew that world was beautiful before.

But I didn't think it was so beautiful.

This way, immortality is not beautiful.

It's a nightmare.

You and your friends and lovers will be separated forever."

"Albus, what do you mean?" Professor McGonagall guessed the meaning of the words, "Mr. Potter has been immortal because of his connection with Professor Riddle?"

"Harry!" The sense of relief that had been overflowing on Lily's face since her resurrection disappeared.

Replaced by full of worries.

But she didn't look up at Dumbledore.

She seemed to have thought of another possibility.

"I talked to Dumbledore.

This is a necessary sacrifice.

And, with the development of magic, maybe one day, the passage between that world and this world will be opened.

I have done it too.

Although it depends on the Resurrection Stone." Harry raised the black stone in his hand.

Finally got the dish.

This chapter should have been posted a long time ago.

But you have to keep track of the time to grab the dish.

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