Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 262 The Unchanging Guardian

Chapter 734 The Unchanging Patronus

"These are all excuses!" Professor Snape was extremely angry, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been targeted by Voldemort at all!"

"In fact, we would have. We escaped his pursuit three times.

As long as we are in the Order of the Phoenix, it would have happened.

This day just came earlier.

Although I can't explain the prophecy in detail.

But I know more than you.

Even without you, Voldemort would still know it under the guidance of a higher level of power."

"I killed a lot of Muggles! Half-breed wizards! I'm a murderer!" Snape looked fierce and smiled.

It seems that he thinks his identity as a bad guy is certain.

However, the voice from Dumbledore that made Snape panic again sounded, "He is lying!

If he really did these, even if he surrendered to us, I would not accept him!

He is a speculator like Lucius.

Lucius is because of wealth, his father's relationship with Voldemort.

Severus was exempted from participating in the Death Eater induction activity - killing a Muggle - by his level of potions."

"Albus Dumbledore! Get out of here!" Snape seemed to be about to collapse.

He slumped to the ground.

Lily sighed, "Sever, even if Albus didn't explain, I know.

I have always been paying attention to you.

Everything after you became a Death Eater.

The dead in Britain during that period.

I have visited them all. You can't hide it from me."

"Can't I go abroad?" Snape asked tentatively with hope.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity, Severus. I know you have never been abroad." Dumbledore's voice sounded again.

Just like before, only heard the voice but not seen.

He then added, "Oh, there is one more thing. Snape's patronus is a doe. It has always been."

On the other side, Kate raised her own question.

"I don't know what magic Snape learned from you.

But he deliberately made himself so clean and energetic.

He obviously wants to be... Well, to use what you said before, Ryan, he wants to be a thief.

When he appeared, he also obviously had this impulse.

Even Harry could see this impulse.

Why is he now bent on tarnishing his image in front of Harry's mother?"

Ryan sighed, "A loser is a loser.

If it were James Potter. He would not clarify the so-called misunderstanding at all.

Instead, he would show himself and get together with Lily in a logical way.

But Snape.

He may not be very good morally.

But for love Love, his only pure land.

Like he has mysophobia.

Before he saw Lily, he might have thought of being Harry's father.

But when he really faced her, all he thought about was repentance.

And he had a deep inferiority complex.

He thought that he, who had been a Death Eater and killed Lily, was not worthy of being with her.

In order to achieve this goal, he even lied.

Even Dumbledore, who was ready to laugh at him, couldn't help but stand up and speak for him.

I dare say that if Dumbledore didn't stand up.

Next, Snape would take on other "sins" - such as Harry's childhood, which was also his decision. "

"Is that so." Penelope's eyes were complicated.

Although this is indeed very touching.

But I'm afraid that if Snape continues like this.

In a fair situation, even if it happens a hundred times, Snape is a loser.

Because James Potter has a high moral standard.

But in the battle for love, he will do everything.

For Lily, he can use any despicable means.

And Snape

On the other hand, Lily thought the same way.

During her marriage with James and the years in the afterlife.

They had spent more than seven years together.

She had long seen through the tricks James was playing in his pursuit.

James was indeed very upright, dared to speak for the weak, did not bully the weak (after the fifth grade), was friendly (except Slytherin), and had all the positive qualities of a qualified husband and friend.

And Snape, when he was young, he was ambitious, looked down on Muggles, Muggle-born wizards (except Lily), was a little kind but limited, did not like cleanliness, and liked to study the dark arts.

The reason why she chose James instead of Snape at that time.

It was entirely because James was willing to change himself for her.

And Snape, even though she had repeatedly stated that she did not like his bad friends, still went on the path of the Death Eaters without looking back.

But now, she understood.

James actually did not change from the beginning.

He was just doing superficial work.

Still secretly bullying his friends and Snape.

At most, he deliberately didn't fight back in front of her.

In this way, he won her sympathy and made her hate Snape.

This was very successful.

This made her willing to date James in the seventh grade.

And married him after graduation.

But now, James and Snape are on an equal footing in her heart.

Although James is her husband and Harry's father.

But seven years have passed, and love has long turned into family affection.

Although there is no oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea in the afterlife.

But as time goes by, there are also those characteristics that James gradually reveals that she doesn't like.

Moreover, Snape was also her childhood sweetheart, and now he was willing to really change for her, the one who had once moved his heart.

Although this did not mean that she had to be with Snape.

But, if so, what was wrong.

"Can I see your Patronus?" Lily said softly, as if nothing had happened in the world outside her thoughts.

But her slightly red cheeks and the steps that she unconsciously moved slightly towards Snape revealed her inner unrest.

"Do you want to see it?" Snape asked in a gentle tone that Harry had never heard before, and he pulled out his wand, "Expecto Patronus!"

The silver doe popped out of the tip of his wand.

It landed on the floor, jumped lightly to the other end of the room, and flew out of the window.

Lily watched it go away, watched its silver light disappear, and then turned to look at Snape, her eyes filled with tears.

"It's still like this after so long?"

"It's always been like this." Snape said.

The scene changed. Snape's Patronus did not disappear after flying out of the window.

As a manifestation of the mind.

It is also good at finding people.

Following the connection between Snape and Dumbledore's minds, which was not far away.

Soon, Dumbledore's trace was found in another empty classroom on the third floor.

The silver doe leaped into the room from the window.

To Snape's surprise, this small room was full of people.

The fake Philosopher's Stone was placed on the table like the black Resurrection Stone.

The people in the room watched everything in their room through the screen projected by the fake Philosopher's Stone.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprout, Lupin, and Hagrid all had red eyes.

He seemed to hear Professor McGonagall whispering to Sprout: "I'm sorry James.

But I bet 1 Galleon. They will kiss in ten minutes."

Sirius on the side gritted his teeth and seemed to be about to rush out of the room at any time.

And Hagrid's big hand pressed him down hard.

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the silver doe that suddenly broke into the room - his patronus.

Snape's patronus has always been a doe in the original book, which should have been revealed when Harry Potter was in the sixth grade.

I may have written about early exposure before.

But I don't remember whether it was revealed or not.

Let's just assume it was.

Whether Snape had killed anyone or not is not described in the original book.

The only one who had it was Dumbledore.

For this book, I will just assume that it was not.

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