It has been a few days since Ryan's new book was sold.

Today is July 31, 1991, Ryan's birthday, and also the birthday of Harry Potter, the boy who survived a catastrophe.

Presumably, by this time, he should have known his identity as a wizard, met the gamekeeper, the last Hagrid, and the king of monsters - Rubeus Hagrid.

As for why it is said to be the last, the original book did not mention that Hagrid and Madame Maxime, the headmaster of Beauxbatons, France, continued to be together and gave birth to offspring.

Seventeen years after Voldemort's death, when Harry's child went to school, he only mentioned that his son should remember to go to Hagrid's hut for tea. Presumably, Hagrid should still be in Hogwarts at that time, and even still teaching magical biology.

It is noon now, and Ryan's birthday is spent in Smith Castle. In order to welcome the guests, with the help of the main god of the castle's hearth, Ryan completed the largest alchemical work that surpassed the previous Smiths in these three years.

That is a new, large-scale work that is consistent with the previous castle. It serves as a substitute for the real castle and a projection of the present world, while the real residence, the core, is hidden in the new dimension that Ryan opened up with the help of the Lord God.

Yes, dimension. The Fidelius Spell is also based on this principle. Find a wizard as the secret keeper for the address of the place you want to hide, and hide it in the soul of the secret keeper, or in the heart of the secret keeper.

After the magic takes effect, the hidden residence is like being in another dimension. As long as the secret keeper does not reveal the secret, according to the original words of Professor Riverivey who introduced this magic: "As long as the secret keeper refuses to speak, the mysterious man will never find them even if he searches the village where the Potters have lived for many years, even if he flattens his nose on the glass window outside their living room!"

And the Lord God is the secret keeper, an immortal and indestructible spirit that cannot be read by others. In this way, Smith Castle is truly independent from this world, and Ryan is invincible.

Ryan looked at the time. In the open space of the castle, the teleportation array gradually lit up, and Penelope and Kate, who were wearing bracelets that served as the keys to the teleportation array, appeared.

A piece of lawn in front of the castle has been turned into a cave, with twinkling fairy lights inside - this means there are hundreds of living fairies.

They are either sitting in the rose bushes created by magic, or flapping their wings on the statues. Those statues look like various mighty magical creatures. At a glance, the more common ones are phoenixes and thunderbirds.

However, the beautiful scenery that Ryan prepared in advance was greatly overshadowed by the two beautiful ladies.

Penelope has blonde hair and looks full of intellectuality. She is wearing a flowing blue robe, but it can't hide her tall and hot figure.

Kate has a black doll head and is also wearing a white dress robe for wizards to participate in the party. She is small and cute.

"Welcome to Smith Castle!"

"Happy birthday, Ryan!" Penelope said, handing Ryan a gift.

"Happy birthday, little brat! This is a gift!" Kate almost jumped to Ryan's side and took out a necklace and put it around Ryan's neck.

"Why is it not wrapped?" Ryan fumbled with the necklace and pretended to complain. This is just an ordinary necklace with a magic to keep it clean. As long as it is in an environment with many wizards or is worn by a wizard, it will never rust.

"Who are these fairies?" Penelope asked in confusion.

"These little people were found in a forest not far away. You know they are vain creatures and often allow wizards to use them as decorations. It is precisely because of this vanity that they will constantly dress themselves up."

"This also makes their aesthetics far superior to wizards, which allows them to decorate the castle for me and escape their natural enemy, the divination bird."

"And their insect-like, transparent, colorful, renewable, painless to remove, purely decorative wings are also very useful and can be used as potion materials."

"The only bad thing is that taking off their wings will make them very angry and feel that they are not beautiful. If you want to raise them, you also need to drive away the tree guards around them. They sometimes eat fairy eggs." Ryan explained.

"Decorate the castle? I heard from you, Ryan, that you want them to decorate the castle, not as decorations." Kate was surprised.

"How did you do it, Ryan? They were originally used as holiday decorations by many wizards, but with their low intelligence and the fact that they can only make buzzing sounds, they can't communicate at all. How did you get them to design the castle?" Penelope was also surprised.

"Okay, okay, can't I communicate with other creatures without speaking?"

"Today is my birthday. Come and see what the castle looks like now."

Ryan's thoughts have been connected to the Lord God. As everyone walked into the hall, the music started automatically, and the decoration of the castle changed accordingly. The handrails of the marble staircase began to be hung with icicles that never melted. Various small toys began to emerge from the trees that were usually placed in the auditorium, from the shiny holly berries to the living golden phoenix that kept chirping.

The Gublai fairy fire, which served as a light, also turned into a beautiful jungle fairy, singing birthday songs with the music.

At this time, the entire castle seemed to be condensed with white frost, and from a distance, it looked like gingerbread cookies covered with icing sugar.

Delicious food suddenly appeared on the empty table, including a variety of desserts, stews, and fried foods, all of which were Ryan, Kate, and Penelope's favorite dishes.

Then, the host and the guests had a great time, and time soon came to the evening. Penelope and Kate came forward one by one to hug and say goodbye.

Soon, Ryan was the only one left in the castle that was just bustling.

"At this time, it should be the time when Harry Potter has just finished visiting Diagon Alley, bought school supplies, and returned to the Muggle world he hates with Hagrid." Ryan thought while looking at the dim sky.

Bored, Ryan suddenly came to Paddington Station-the home of the Dursleys at No. 4 Privet Drive.

Ryan appeared in the crowd and no one noticed.

Not far away, a tall figure was waving goodbye to the departing train. It was a thin boy who knelt in front of the window, his nose pressed against the window, staring at the tall figure until he went away.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 4 (normal limit is 10)

Constitution: 17 (normal limit is 10)

Magic: 30 (normal limit is 10)

Skills: Parseltongue lv5 (34%) Mathematics lv3 (12%)...

These are Harry Potter's data. He has a strong potential for magic, especially when compared to the more outstanding Aurors among adult wizards who are in their twenties.

However, wizards' magic grows very slowly. There is no sound training method at all. They can only let it grow with age.

Even Rubeus Hagrid, a descendant of Hagrid, has only improved his magic a little bit in the past few years, to 26.

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