Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 76 King's Cross Station

"Oh, the power from Harry is back." Ryan smiled slightly.

In addition, he suddenly thought that Ludo Bagman's capture would not affect anything, and Ryan suddenly felt a little fortunate.

In this way, Voldemort would use Harry's blood to revive, and his daily life would not be affected or broken.

The next second, this kind of relief was shaken by the sudden shame.

Ryan suddenly found that an innocent witch was affected in the process.

Morality is not a necessity for people who are at risk of their own survival.

But Ryan clearly understood that he was different. He was different from those ordinary time travelers. For Ryan now, maintaining the plot is not a necessity.

In the case that he can protect himself in this world, or even be invincible, morality is not something that can be abandoned.

Compared with Harry Potter, who accompanied him in his childhood, Bertha Jorkins is just a minor supporting role, an unimportant role.

But in the real world, she is also a living life, and she also has people who care about her and care about her.

Bertha Jorkins, a witch who originally had an extraordinary memory and liked to pry into people's privacy, was cast into the Forgetting Spell because she unfortunately discovered Crouch's secret, and finally became forgetful.

In the summer vacation after Harry's third year, when he was traveling in Albania, he discovered Wormtail out of curiosity and followed him, and was finally subdued by Wormtail.

Out of some creepy and evil taste, Voldemort did not read Bertha Jorkins' memory directly, but tortured her many times to make her reveal a lot of things.

For example, the matter of the Triwizard Tournament, the old Auror Moody was going to teach at Hogwarts.

This may be because Voldemort's magic level easily saw through the fact that Bertha was cast into the Forgetting Spell. In this case, even Legilimency could not read the memory that even the host himself had forgotten.

Finally, under continued high-intensity torture, Voldemort broke the Forgetting Spell cast by Crouch with intense and uninterrupted pain, letting Voldemort know that there was another loyal Death Eater.

What a terrible torture this is, although in Sirius' mouth, she is a silly guy.

She is particularly nosy, but she has no brains, absolutely no brains.

It is easy to fall into other people's traps.

But this does not mean that she deserves to die.

Time soon came to September 1st. In order not to cause criticism, Ryan came to King's Cross Station alone, instead of choosing to be with Penelope and Kate.

Of course, the main reason is to watch a movie, a real movie.

Ryan clearly remembered that Harry Potter arrived at the station at 10:30, because he couldn't find the entrance, he dragged it to 10:50, and there were still 10 minutes before the departure. Only with the help of the Weasley family did he find the entrance.

Now it is 10:30, Ryan took out the pocket watch from his pocket, not to check the time, but to inadvertently show that he still needs a pocket watch to confirm the time, like a normal wizard.

After all, Ryan's thinking space has the most accurate clock imaginable, which allows Ryan to know exactly what minute and second it is anytime and anywhere.

Sure enough, two figures appeared not far away. At first glance, they might be misunderstood as having a good relationship. The fat middle-aged man stood in front of the car, gently put the skinny boy's suitcase on the handcart, and helped him push it into the station.

Then he stopped at the platform, and the fat middle-aged man grinned with ulterior motives.

"Okay, you're here, kid, platform 9-platform 10. Your platform should be between these two platforms, but it looks like it hasn't been built yet, right?"

"Good luck with your semester," the fat middle-aged man said with another grin, which seemed even more unkind. He returned to the car leisurely and laughed with the other two people on the car (a thin woman with a long neck and a boy who was so fat that his neck could not be seen), as if they had won the lottery.

Between a platform with a big plastic sign with the number 9 and another with a big plastic sign with the number 10, the boy stood alone, his lips seemed a little dry, and he couldn't stop licking them.

This is Harry Potter. When Harry was about to stop a passing guard because of Hedwig, Ryan patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Hey, you are also a freshman at Hogwarts, hello, my name is Ryan Smith." Ryan said with a cynical smile.

"Well, yes, you are too, but" Harry nodded hurriedly, and what came into his eyes was a boy who was as perfect as a god, with big moon-like eyes, black and beautiful hair and a mouthful of white and neat teeth.

Harry couldn't help blushing, but strangely, there was no one around who was attracted by the boy's appearance.

And what's even stranger is that this freshman was lightly dressed and had no other salutes at all.

"Um, did you put your luggage on the bus?" Harry licked his lips and replied nervously.

"No, no, no, it's right on me. Oh, I'm almost 40."

"You are Harry Potter, right? Harry, platform 9 and 3/4 is at the third pillar between platforms 9 and 10. Just go straight to the ticket gate between platforms 9 and 10."

"Don't stop, don't be afraid, just rush in, this is very important. If you are nervous, just run." Ryan pointed out, copying Mrs. Weasley's words in the original book.

"Oh - okay."

"But how did you--" Harry said, Ryan didn't reply, pointing to Harry's forehead, where the lightning-shaped scar was.

So with Ryan's help, the car turned around.

Harry's eyes stared at the entrance Ryan said, and he gritted his teeth and walked towards it.

In Ryan's perspective, just as Harry walked to the junction of platforms 9 and 10, a large group of passengers suddenly rushed in front of Ryan, and when the last large canvas backpack was moved away, Harry disappeared.

"It's really interesting, this is the way to prevent Muggles from seeing the new students? There are Muggles among these passengers, not all of them are disguised as wizards." Thinking, Ryan also rushed into the entrance.

Ryan opened his eyes.

A crimson steam locomotive stopped next to the platform full of passengers. The sign on the train read: Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock.

Ryan looked back and saw that the place where the ticket gate used to be had now become a wrought iron archway with the words: Platform 9 3/4 written on it.

The smoke from the steam locomotive lingered above the chattering crowd, and cats of various colors darted around under people's feet.

Amid the buzzing of the crowd and the noise of dragging heavy luggage, owls also hooted harshly, one calling the other. The first few carriages were already filled with students, some of them leaning out of the windows to talk to their families, and some playing around in their seats.

Harry, pushing a cart, stood not far away and waved at Ryan. Looking closely, Harry had already covered the scar on his forehead tightly with his hair.

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