Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 295: The End of the Team Competition

Chapter 767 The Ending of the Team Competition

Draco was very nervous.

He regretted having to wait in line at the end of the line just to chat with Pansy a little longer.

This leads to one thing.

In the final step of completing the group potion, each student stepped forward to stir the potion counterclockwise. The last student of the week was himself.

What's even more outrageous is that after he finished the operation, he couldn't step down and had to wait by the crucible.

All eyes were now focused on him and the hawthorn wand he inserted into the cauldron.

He even noticed Ron's jealous gaze.

But he himself is not the same as Ron.

Can get pleasure from the gaze of others.

He just felt nervous. and the perception is stretched as if the passage of time slows down.

A bang.

Draco finally pulled out his wand.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

What appeared in front of him at this moment was a large pot of purple liquid that seemed to have the texture of amber.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

But unexpectedly, I caught an unconcealable ecstasy on Professor Pollachi's face.

"Great! Well done!" Professor Pollach shouted.

Draco looked at the three cauldrons from other schools.

He found that, in terms of color.

They are all nearly the same shade of purple.

However, what he couldn't understand the most was why the professor was so happy.

It was as if Ron had won the grand prize of a thousand gold galleons.

Luna in the audience was also a little confused about this.

"Blake Dumbledore (an article in The Quibbler) said that Castle Pollach was actually Dumbledore.

It was just because of the relationship between the Dumbledore family and the Pollachi family that he was adopted.

His original name was Blake. Because of his black skin. Luna believed this article) Why are you so happy? "

“I’ve actually said it many times.

The so-called alchemy and group potion classes are all about earning student labor for free in an aboveboard way.

Not really a course at all.

Among them, the group potions class was even more extreme. "Ryan looked at Nevinci Volkanova with disgust, who looked as happy as Castor Pollach.

"How do you say that?" Hermione was intrigued by Ryan's statement.

“What I am refining this time is the eternal potion.

That is to say, as long as you don't scoop out 3 standard capacity potions at once, it can always regenerate automatically.

It was obvious that this time Kastrubshe provided what seemed like a huge expenditure - the formula and materials for refining the eternal potion.

Thus gaining ownership of these potions.

But in fact, the most expensive one is the wizard.

Except for schools, it is difficult to have such a large institution that can bring together so much free and high-quality labor.

If you recruit workers, this is a huge expense.

It’s an astronomical figure. "

"And these potions can always be regenerated." Hermione finally understood what Ryan meant.

At the same time, Professor Pollachi on the stage had regained his composure.

He took out four basin-sized toads and placed them in front of the crucible.

"These four are the judges for our competition today." He pointed at the four toads and said.

Then he waved his wand, and four school logos appeared on the back of them.

Only this time, the school badges are all uniformly bright yellow.

It can only be distinguished by appearance.

“The potion that you all spent so long refining.

You must be all curious about its efficacy.

In fact, when refining potion materials and equipment, there are also considerations for letting you choose lighting spells.

Light has always had the meaning of dispelling darkness and curses since ancient times.

Purified by such magic, all wizards long for the potion brewed by its successful birth.

Naturally, it also has the effect of dispelling negative effects - that is, black magic.

Later, I'll have Professor Riddle at Hogwarts plant a curse based on the names of these four toads.

Since they have the same name, the power of the curse is equal.

I won’t explain the specific principle.

If you want to know more, you can borrow the "Book of Curses" with the permission of your school professor.

There are detailed explanations inside.

You don’t have to worry about Professor Riddle’s curse harming the lives of these little cuties.

In fact, the curse cast this time mainly targets the skin of the cuties.

It turns their skin all bright yellow.

That is, the same color as the school badge on their backs.

At that time, all four toads will be doused with a teaspoon of potion (Draco nodded in realization. He understood what he was left with).

At that time, the degree of completion of the potion can be judged by the clarity of the school badge.

The clearer the school badge, the higher the degree of completion of the corresponding school's potions.

Professor Riddle, are you ready? Pollach looked at Riddle, who had his eyes closed and looked like a praying priest on the staff table.

"I'm ready." After he finished speaking, a string of dark characters appeared in Riddle's pupils.

The wizard present, who was highly skilled in black magic, had just sensed a hint of dark and strange magic.

Then he disappeared again.

It seemed like just a dream.

"Actually, it's over." Professor Riddle closed his eyes again.

Snape glanced at Riddle with fear.

Dumbledore just smiled.

Ryan also raised his eyebrows.


Because only one second had passed from the curse to the end.

It was hard not to make those who knew the matter wary.

The four toads turned bright yellow.

The bright yellow on their backs, and the school emblems of their respective schools, seemed to disappear because of their color changes.

"Really smart." The counterfeit immortal Polacchi praised dryly.

In fact, he didn't even notice how the toad in front of him was cursed.

"Okay, please pick up the teaspoons in your hands, the four students who just stayed.

Then scoop a spoonful of potion and pour it on the back of the toad in front of you." Draco heard this, and together with the three students next to him, scooped a spoonful of potion from the crucible beside him.

Carefully poured it towards the toad in front of him.

An amazing scene happened.

The purple amber-like liquid in the teaspoon turned into light after leaving the teaspoon.

At this moment, the teaspoon seemed to have become the barrel of a flashlight.

The light shot from the 'barrel' to the toad.

On the toad's back, the bright yellow color was fading rapidly.

The bright yellow school badge just printed by Professor Pollach was revealed.

"The results are now very clear.

The school badge of Castrumbusch is the clearest.

The second is Hogwarts.

Then Beauxbatons.

Durmstrang is the most blurred.

Here, I will give bonus points to the warriors of the four schools.

The first place is 10 points.

The second place is 5 points.

The third place is 3 points.

The fourth place is 1 point.

The final result is:

Harry Potter - 84+5=89 points!

Viktor Krum - 64+1=65 points!

Fleur Delacour - 92+3=95 points!

Hufflepuff Elvas - 70+10=80 points!

These scores will be used as positive weights for the last game, the third individual game.

You can understand that the higher the score.

The more help the warrior will get in the game. "

There will be another chapter to be posted later.

ps: Thanks to Taishi Yumixu for his monthly ticket and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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