Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 298 The complicated third match

Chapter 770 The complicated third match

"How can knights be compared with heroes? Knights don't have any lords. They fight for justice in their hearts."

"But don't knights also fight for the creeds they firmly believe in, such as the eight virtues." Penelope retorted.

"But knights in history are just executioners who oppress ordinary people in the name of faith."

"Knights are the same. As far as I know, there is a special saying. Let me think about it. 'Knights break the law with force, and scholars break the law with literature.'"

Seeing that Ryan was about to refute again, Kate quickly stood up.

"Stop arguing. Haven't you noticed?

Lily Evans and Professor Snape's child seems to have been born?"

"What's so strange about that?" Penelope raised her eyebrows. "In the video we watched at that time, Professor Snape said that the baby would be born in about a month.

It was April at that time, and now it's almost June."

"I gave Snape a birth gift.

Kate, don't you know?

I also asked you what to give to the newborn baby.

You said that we could give our own products. The bamboo dragonfly is very good." Ryan was also a little confused.

But then he thought that Kate was probably trying to divert their attention.

To avoid a real quarrel.

"You, you." Ryan put his right hand on Kate's head and kept stroking it with the method of stroking a kitten.

Time, 5:30 pm.

After the last class of this semester, everyone ran to the lounge.

To prepare for tomorrow's exam. But Harry was kept by Professor McGonagall.

Ron also stayed. He doesn't look like someone with a girlfriend at all.

Like Neville, even though he saw Harry was left behind, he still walked towards the Hufflepuff common room without hesitation.

He went to find his girlfriend Hannah.

The same goes for Draco. Since he and Pansy got together, he rarely participated in their group activities.

He was more with his girlfriend.

And Ginny, she waited in front of the classroom early. Seeing that Harry hadn't come out, she walked in directly.

"Ron, you are really inseparable from Harry. I almost thought you were Ginny." Professor McGonagall paused, "Oh, just when I mentioned Ginny, Ginny came.

Then I'll say it directly.

This is not a secret. You two can go too." She raised her eyelids and looked at Harry, "You go to the Quidditch field downstairs at nine o'clock tonight, and Arthur will be there to tell the warriors what the third event is."

So, at half past eight that night, Harry, Ron, and Ginny came downstairs together.

Neville was busy reviewing with Hannah, so he didn't go together.

However, this time Draco chose to join.

As they walked through the entrance hall, Draco was coming out of the Slytherin common room.

"What do you think it will be?" Draco asked Harry as they walked down the stone steps and merged into the cloudy night. "Pansy kept nagging about the underground tunnels.

She thinks we are looking for treasure.

And Crabbe and Goyle, they both think that this game will be in the water.

We have both the sky and the ground, so it should be underwater.

I think it is very likely. Maybe it is in the Black Lake.

But in this case, we Slytherin students might as well stay in the common room.

That way we can see the whole picture of the game through the transparent glass."

"Aha, you are wrong!" Ron laughed before Harry answered, "This time it is the Quidditch field again.

I think Pansy might be right. It is in the underground tunnels."

Ron's laughter attracted Elvas and Krum.

They got off the boat and the redwood respectively, and then met on the lawn.

Because of the sound, they saw Harry and the others walking towards the lawn.

"So you can bring people with you!" said Elvas cheerfully.

"But I don't have anything to bring with me." Krum smiled bitterly.

"They will be punished. Just like the cursed Karkaroff.

And you are a world-class Quidditch star. It's not your loss if they stay away from you. It's their loss." Ron looked at the big boat in the middle of the lake with dissatisfaction.

"Let's go together." Harry smiled and nodded, and walked towards the Quidditch field with Ginny in his arms.

Draco and the others followed behind.

Ten minutes later, the field arrived.

"It seems that Pansy really guessed right." Draco shook his head.

The Quidditch field is no longer flat and smooth. It seems that someone has dug countless depressions here. These depressions are everywhere and extremely dark.

It looks bottomless.

"It's a tunnel!" Harry said, looking down and carefully observing the depression closest to him.

He found that the edge of the depression was a staircase made of mud.

If you go down, it is a winding tunnel that leads in all directions.

"Hello!" a cheerful voice shouted.

Mr. Weasley stood in the middle of the court.

Then he jumped up excitedly and waved his hand, "Hey! Ron, Ginny. You are here too!"

Fleur stood far away, looking around casually.

"Dad!" Ron left Harry and the others, crossed the depressions, and ran towards Mr. Weasley.

Finally, he jumped straight into his arms.

"How is it?" Mr. Weasley patted Ron on the back and said with a smile: "You all found it.

The tunnels in these depressions.

Over the next month we would plant shrubs along the hollows and Hagrid would make them twenty feet tall.

You all should have guessed what is the first problem you have to overcome in this competition, right? "

No one spoke for a moment, and Harry looked at Ervas.

He straightened up and looked at Krum.

Harry thought that Ervas might have anticipated Krum's answer.

"Maze." Krum actually spoke.

"That's right!" Mr. Weasley let go of Ron and hugged Ginny who rushed towards him, "It's a maze.

At that time, you will need to use your memory and your own magical literacy to pass through the maze and the magic traps set inside.

Find recesses throughout the maze.

Only one warrior can enter each tunnel in these depressions.

The depression will automatically close when there are people inside and when the warrior comes out.

And among these depressions, only four can directly reach the bottom of the Black Lake.

Others will harbor terrifying dark creatures. "

"Dad, Harry and the others don't want to dive anymore.

Can I use a underwater snorkel? Ron asked, "It should be okay."

The Snorkel is a product of Skywalker's Alchemy Workshop.

They also have investment in this game. "

"I almost forgot," Mr. Weasley patted his forehead, then looked at Harry and the others, "No.

After you find the correct depression and reach the bottom of the black lake.

What you still have to do is what Ron said, dive into the Black Lake.

You can only rely on yourself to breathe in water, and you cannot use finished products like underwater snorkels.

In Black Lake, what you need to do is to collect the badges of four schools.

Each badge will be guarded by a ferocious magical aquatic creature.

After collecting them, you can go back to the previous tunnel and use the badge in your hand to open the closed depression.

At this point, you should also understand.

The gist of this game is actually quite simple.

The first warrior with four badges to get out of the maze and return to the starting point is the champion. "

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