Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 300 Discussion

Chapter 772 Discussion

"What? Harry, have you been hanging out all day?"

"Don't you know how to practice spells? The competition is on the 24th! You might as well go to the library!" After learning about Harry's schedule today, Ginny and Ron couldn't believe their ears.

"There's still nearly a month left. That's plenty of time." Harry waved his hand nonchalantly.

Since he knew the content of the game, the urgency in his heart disappeared.

How about taking note of depressions, breaking through magic traps, dealing with possible dark creatures, finding the right passage, and breathing underwater.

He had defeated Voldemort, and even surrendered the Fire Dragon physically, so this was nothing.

What's more, he still has 89 points.

Ranked second.

This score is also said to help him in the game.

So, Harry was actually quite relaxed.

Ginny could tell what her boyfriend was thinking at a glance, "What about breathing underwater?

I need to find four badges and defeat four aquatic magical creatures.

The Bubble Charm is too fragile. In terms of human body transformation, Harry, you can only use Poppy Transformation to increase your power. "

"I've already thought about it." Harry took out a book - "Mediterranean Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics".

“This book was my Christmas present last year.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am very good at Potions.

Potions are inseparable from various magical plants.

So I get a lot of books about amazing animals and plants.

This book records a magical plant that only grows in the Mediterranean - gillyweed.

It allows one to breathe in water.

A handful of gillyweed can allow a person to breathe underwater for nearly an hour. "Ginny breathed a sigh of relief, and the ferocious expression on her face gradually faded, "Then have you got this Gillweed? "

"Um," Harry took a step back subconsciously, "Not yet."

Seeing that Ginny and Ron's faces were about to drop again, he quickly added: "I've already placed an order.

We can arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If there is an accident.

I can ask Professor Snape.

He certainly has. My mother said that he had all kinds of weird potion ingredients. "

Ron blurted out, "Then go find Professor Snape.

You are a warrior, and tonight's curfew will have no effect on you.

He's almost going to be your stepfather. You have nothing to show. "

Harry's face suddenly turned foul, "Are you sure he is in the office now?

Instead of Spider End with my mom? "

Ginny coughed and said, "Let's analyze the content of the game.

Based on what my dad said.

The correct depression has tunnels that are free of dark creatures.

Well, in fact, warriors do not need to deal with dark creatures.

If there are dark creatures, just run outside.

This saves time and allows the warrior to find the correct depression as quickly as possible. "

Ron saw the mistake on Harry's face.

So after Ginny finished speaking, he quickly climbed down the pole, "Also, my dad said that the depression will be filled with 20-foot-tall shrubs.

Even if the location of the depression is known by then, the emergence of the maze will delay the warrior's time to find the depression.

And I don't think those dark creatures won't come out of the tunnel.

The depression will close while the warrior is in the tunnel.

But when the warrior reaches the exit, which is the depression, it will open again.

There is a good chance that dark creatures will escape through it. "

"This is also a strategy." Harry narrowed his eyes and said sadly: "If it is true as Ron said.

If there really is a dark creature in the first depression I find.

I can just ignore it.

Let it wreak havoc in the maze.

Finally, it creates additional obstacles for other warriors. "

At this point, Harry shook his head, "What Ginny said is more likely.

I noted the number of these depressions.

12 in total.

4 of them are correct and have no dark creatures in them.

The remaining 8 are undoubtedly lurking.

And the depression is open.

If they can really escape.

He probably ran out early.

At that point, we won't be able to tell which one is correct by whether there are dark creatures in the tunnel.

You can only go to the end and see if it is correct. This will undoubtedly waste a lot of time.

You must know that the warrior has to find the badge from four aquatic magical creatures in the black lake. "

"Why did you act like Draco just now?" Ron got goosebumps.

Harry's expression just now was exactly the same as Draco's when he was thinking of a conspiracy.

"Really?" Harry snorted coldly.

Ron's words just now made him imagine what his mother was doing in Spider End Alley.

When he thought of this, blood rushed to his head.

Ginny gave Ron a hard look and said, "I think I could borrow the magic book from Lower Egypt.

What Ron said was indeed possible.

Combined with your speculation Harry.

At that time, we may need spells to detect water vapor instead of judging whether it is correct or not by the dark creatures in the tunnel.

As for wizards in deserts like Egypt, they should have invented a spell specifically used to detect water vapor. "

"This is too troublesome. There are so many books in the library." Ron shook his head.

"Have you forgotten Mrs. Pince?

She must know.

If that doesn't work, you can also ask Hermione.

I suspect she has memorized all the books in the library.

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If she hadn't been with Ryan all the time, resulting in a weak sense of presence.

Maybe she would have a nickname like "The Immovable Library." "Ginny said unhappily.

Harry himself hadn't complained yet, but her brother Ron stood up and tried to pull Harry back.

It's definitely right to read more books.

Harry didn't need to take an exam during this period.

It's also good to kill some time in the library.

"Looking for Hermione? "Harry shook his head.

Thinking of Hermione and Ryan, he returned to normal.

But because of this, he knew very well how bad Ryan was.

Just like this time, he and Ginny forgot that the warriors didn't need to take the exam. It was probably Ryan's trick.

If he went to find Hermione, Ryan would definitely be there.

Maybe he would deliberately give a useful but bad-taste spell.

He can't find it yet.

The game is live.

If he is really pranked and then spread to the whole of Europe.

How embarrassing.

Will he still be alive.

"I'd better ask Madam Pince. You should also go to review first. You still have an exam tomorrow." Harry advised.

"No," Ron smiled brightly, "I'm not afraid of doing poorly on the exam this time.

I can completely say that I helped you, Harry, practice spells and delayed your studies.

If it doesn't work, I can also say that it's because Voldemort is about to be resurrected.

I was too scared and had nightmares all day long. "

"You, you. "Harry smiled and shook his head, "Then you can help me practice these spells."

Immediately he took out the parchment that Percy prepared for him when he just became a warrior. There were many useful spells recorded in it.

They seemed to be born for this competition.

The Obstacle Spell, it can stop the attackers - dark creatures.

The Crushing Spell, can blow up solid obstacles and open the way directly.

The Directional Spell can make his wand point to the north, so that he can judge whether he is going in the right direction in the maze.

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