Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 305: Examination Arrangements

Chapter 777 Exam Arrangement

The next morning, Harry and the others were stunned.

Looking at the schedule posted on the door.

The first column of this schedule reads:

Friday 9 o'clock, History of Magic

10:30, Arithmancy


1 o'clock, Muggle Studies

3 o'clock, Herbology

"What's going on?

We don't need to take Arithmancy and Muggle Studies!

Are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Divination classes scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday?

Or next Monday!" Ron paced in a restless manner.

He has already thought about how to play tomorrow!

Whether the remaining two classes are on Saturday or next Monday, it means that he can't have fun tomorrow.

It's outrageous!

"It's easy to understand, isn't it?

Other students must have chosen Arithmancy and Muggle Studies." Harry shrugged.

He acted very relaxed.

Because he didn't need to take the exam.

But he sincerely hoped that the remaining two classes could be taken on Saturday.

Instead of next Monday.

If it is the latter, it means that Draco will not be able to celebrate his birthday on Sunday.

After all, Draco still needs to prepare for the exam the next day.

Neville: "I think it should be Monday.

Just like the O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts that fifth and seventh graders have to take.

They are only from Monday to Friday.

Almost only one subject is tested every day.

Therefore, their exams will take two weeks.

Theory in the morning, practical in the afternoon.

Of course, the practical of astronomy class must be at midnight.

Every day at 9:30, they will take exams in the auditorium.

The four college tables will be moved away, of course there are seven now, and they will be replaced with many single small tables, all facing the staff table at the end of the auditorium.

At this time, the invigilator above is still the professor of our school."

"This is not right.

When we had lunch at noon, the auditorium was the same as usual.

And according to you, the invigilator in the afternoon is not our professor?

In the past few years, why haven't I seen them taking exams in the auditorium." Michael questioned.

"That's because the hall will be restored to its original state during lunch.

Theoretical classes are much faster than practical classes.

The time they usually end is about the same as the time our normal exams end.

The practical class exams in the afternoon are held in a small room next to the hall.

There is also a bewitching spell against wizards inside.

No one except the candidates and the invigilators will notice it.

At that time, the invigilators will be the old men and women of the Wizard Examination Bureau.

It's scary to think about it. Some of them were Dumbledore's invigilators back then!" Neville shuddered at the end.

Harry suddenly realized, "I was wondering why the hall was locked tightly in the morning.

I had to take a detour and jump out of the second-floor window.

It turned out that the fifth graders were taking the exam."

He then asked, "What about the seventh graders?

The students who can take the N.E.W.Ts exams are rare.

They should not need a large venue."

Neville shook his head, "I don't know.

Like O.W.Ls exams,

In order to prevent cheating, the written test papers and the entire venue are subject to the most stringent anti-cheating spells,

such as automatic answering feather pens, memory balls, and detachable clip sleeves. Props like mouth and automatic error correction ink can't even enter the examination hall.

And the students who can take the N.E.W.Ts exam are the best of all the students.

If they want to cheat, the anti-cheating measures of the O.W.Ls exam may not work for them at all.

I think the hidden and unknown location of the exam is probably also a way to prevent them from cheating.

The invigilators of their theory class are probably the old men and women in the Wizard Examination Bureau.

After all, those old men and women arrived at school in the morning. "

Soon, 9 o'clock arrived.

All the third-year students except Harry arrived at the History of Magic classroom.

Ryan is no exception.

Although the inexplicable disgust for the History of Magic in his blood has disappeared since the Moon's Apparition was achieved, Ryan still hates it very much.

Because it is recognized as the most boring course designed by the wizarding world.

However, the most annoying thing is not the test paper at this moment, he needs to write down all the situations about the witch hunt in the Middle Ages on the test paper.

Instead, after the History of Magic exam, he still needs to take the Arithmancy exam.

Arithmancy is a kind of divination that uses numbers to explain a person's character and destiny, or predict the future.

Another name for it is "Numerology".

Current Arithmancy is based on the Pythagorean philosophy that advocates that "the world is built on the power of numbers" and the Kabbalah tradition of Jewish mystical philosophy.

The ancient Latin alphabet was set according to numerical values, so the sum of all letters was reduced to a numerical value of 1 to 9 for divination.

The current Arithmancy is to match the letters in the order of ABC with the numbers 1 to 9 (returning to the number 1 for the letters J and S) to perform divination.

To be honest, Ryan thinks this is outrageous.

In this world that tends to cast spells based on emotions, mathematics is actually used in divination, which requires the most emotions.

What’s even more outrageous is that after Ryan ‘thought’, he found that it was not a nonsense subject.

It can only be regarded as a way to use the third eye.

Tea residue analysis, bird physiognomy, seven-character learning, crystal ball, magic stone divination, dream deconstruction are also.

In Ryan’s opinion, for wizards with third eyes, there is actually no need to learn so many divination methods.

You only need to test the method that suits you best and then learn it, and understand the others.

Just like Professor Trelawney, the most suitable for her is actually poker divination.

Rather than the crystal ball she holds in her hand all day.

Logically speaking, Ryan, who thinks that the course arrangement is unreasonable and the teacher is unreliable, should not choose divination, but arithmetic divination.

But he still chose it, and even chose 12 courses.

This is unique to Scorpio Poop when the time converter is considered a threat and no longer applies to students.

If Ryan could not make extra shapes and make himself ignored, it would be impossible to actually choose courses.

The reason for all this is that Kate and Penelope also chose 12 courses that year.

When it was Ryan's turn, they didn't want Ryan to slack off or relax.

Because they had been caught in the rain that year, now they want to tear up people's umbrellas.

For this, they also suggested that Ryan write another article in "The Quibbler".

Solve the problem that the time converter is not dared to be used now.

In other words, publish a simple magic that creates an extra body and can only be used to learn knowledge.

Let other juniors and juniors enjoy the joy of taking 12 courses.

The result is conceivable, Ryan refused.

But the result is that Penelope and Kate will act as teachers and check Ryan's attendance in elective courses at any time.

And now, Ryan still needs to take 12 courses.

So Ryan decided to give Harry a surprise.

He really couldn't bear that Harry was bored and could only wander around because he couldn't take the exam.

This is the basic operation of being a good friend and a good roommate.

I hope Harry can

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