Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 307 A Good Show

Chapter 779 A good show

Eileen Prince Snape!

Looking at the name, Harry froze on the spot.

After a long time, he touched the gilt letters on the crib.

“The traces of magic are new, very recent.

So." Harry guessed at once that the girl was born very recently.

Combined with the size of the crib, traces of magic can undoubtedly be seen.

But he wasn't surprised for long.

After being surprised, he recalled that when he first arrived in this room, he felt as if he had been scanned by X-rays.

But a certain part of the magic in his heart responded.

The feeling disappeared.

It was the magic of his mother's love that she sacrificed for him.

Rounding is actually his mother's magic.

And the detection magic of this mansion ignored him because of this part of the magic.

There is no magic like alarm or attack.

This made Harry's face darken.

Her mother actually spent the night here.

And the long black hair on the pillow undoubtedly revealed something.

If he hadn't personally resurrected his mother in April.

He may even think that the child belongs to her mother.

But the location of the crib combined with the name.

Harry understood immediately.

This might be Snape's adopted child.

"How insidious, you actually want to tie up my mother with a child!" Harry snorted unpleasantly.

What made him even more anxious was that Snape's trick seemed to be working.

These days, his mother's attention has really shifted away from him and Mei Ling.

Combined with what he saw last time, the book "Good Wizards Start with Names" in his mother's hand.

I'm afraid the child was also named after his mother.

Harry looked at the pacifier-shaped portkey and picked it up.

His reason told him that he should return to Hogwarts as soon as possible.

He did the same.

But the magic power entered into the door key was like a cow in mud entering the sea, with no reaction at all.

"This is a single-line door key." Harry understood immediately. I was afraid that if he wanted to return to Hogwarts, he could only go through the fireplace.

But there is no fireplace in this room.

Moreover, his mother and Snape suddenly disappeared from Hogwarts, and it is possible that they came to this mansion.

Pass redundant portable door keys.

They are not here now, probably just taking their children out for shopping.

If he were to go to the fireplace in the other room.

One is the possibility of running into them.

The second is Hogwarts, where all professor-specific fireplaces approved by the principal are recorded.

Had he passed the fireplace, he would have been recorded.

So, it’s better to just wait here.

Harry thought of this and sat on the edge of the bed.

Not realizing a thing at all.

He somehow ignored the mirror world.

He could obviously reach the Mirror World through the mirror and use it as a transit point to return to Hogwarts.


On the other hand, Snape and the children received unprecedented courtesy at the Dursley's.

This made Dursley very confused. The delicate features on his broad purple face were all crowded together.

He didn't understand that Snape was also a wizard.

Not unlike that James Potter.

And his nephew Harry is also Petunia's sister's child.

How come when it was Snape's and Erin's turn, Petunia's appearance changed.

Is it because the child is a girl?

However, he soon got the answer from his lover.


We haven't seen each other for almost twenty years.

But it was so good.

It will be you with Lily. "Penny wiped her eyes, "For me, the only weirdo I can accept who can be with Lily is you.

You also saved Lily!

Dudley also often receives your care at school. "

It was only now that Dursley reacted.

It turns out that this gloomy man is the Potions Professor Dudley mentioned.

He was also the one who saved Penny's sister.

It wasn't like Dursley hadn't heard Dudley and Petunia mention it before.

It's just that he has never been able to remember the weird names of wizards.

He didn't even remember Harry's name until half a month after he was adopted.

I think the reason why Petunia welcomed Slap and his children so much was because Slap was kind to Dudley.

"Good for Dudley?" Dursley's heart skipped a beat.

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

"We haven't seen each other for more than twenty years?

And from the previous conversation, Penny and Slap are childhood sweethearts!

Could it be that Petunia hated her sister so much before because her sister stole her boyfriend - this Sleap!

No wonder!

Why is this Snape so nice to Dudley (Dursley was so excited that he forgot that Dudley said that Snape was nicer to Harry)!

It's all because Slap and Penny have an old relationship!

Penny likes this girl named Erin so much,

Also my love for Snape! "A tornado began to blow in Dursley's heart.

His breathing also became rapid.

So, he quickly squeezed in front of Snape, "Sorry. I just remembered that there are important business guests tonight. Mr. Snape -"

"My name is Snape!"

"Okay, Mr. Snape. That customer has a bad temper and hates children because he is sterile." Dursley stopped Petunia who wanted to speak, "Even I have known him for many years. , I only dare to invite him when his child is not at school."

"So. Are you reminding me that it's time to leave?" Snape narrowed his eyes.

He knew immediately that the annoying Muggle in front of him was lying.

It was as if he could tell that Penny's welcome to him was so sincere and warm that it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But as he looked, he saw more.

"Is he jealous? Afraid? He thinks Petunia likes me!" Snape was a little flustered.

Since he has never been married, he subconsciously thinks that husbands understand their wives.

Combined with Penny being so welcoming to him.

He subconsciously believed Dursley's judgment.

So, he quickly hugged the child,

Before Dursley could answer, Petunia asked him to stay.

He said: "It just so happens that I have something to do.

It's exam day for students at Hogwarts.

I still have to grade test papers!

I'm leaving first!

I won’t bother you!

I'll come with Lily next time! "After the words fell, Snape was already holding the child and walked out of the door.

The door slammed shut.

He and Dursley inside the door wiped cold sweat almost at the same time.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening to Penny's voice coming from the room behind her.

"How dare you lie!

Get rid of my brother-in-law!


Go and stop Severus! "

Snape quickly disappeared.

On Harry's side, he was lying on a four-poster bed that smelled like his mother and looked like a dormitory, and he had already fallen asleep.

The phoenix in Harry's heart seemed to smell the magic of love from its mother, Lily, which was the scent of Lily's magic.

Close the narrow phoenix eyes.

Infected by the magic of the phoenix, which was also the patron saint, Harry slept deeply and soundly.

So much so that Harry didn't even notice Snape's cold and piercing gaze.

After Snape hurried home, went upstairs and put the child in the crib, he saw the bulge in the bed.

He even discovered who that bulge was.

That's Harry Pott!

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