Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Fortunately

Then, the direction of the plot completely turned upside down.

Ron did not take out Scabbers the mouse, but instead opened the first volume of "Doraemon". He was so happy that he started sharing it with Harry, and Harry unexpectedly liked it very much. In his words, it was Luke Skye. Walker's experience at school gave him a sense of immediacy, just like his own experience at school.

Then Ron once again truly understood Harry's difficulty.

"Harry, if someone asks you next time about your previous experiences in the Muggle world, just say it was the same as Luke's experience in Jedi Primary School!" Ron then verbally criticized Harry again for what he said about his relationship with the bully Darth... Harry's cousin, Dudley, is as annoying as Vader.

It was a pity for Ryan. In this situation, no matter how strong Harry's perception was, he probably wouldn't be able to notice him. So he took out a cup of hot black tea and began to observe Harry, borrowing the Lord God's calculations. Strength, together with the proficiency of the love skill.

Soon, lunch time came. During this period, Harry in the original book said Voldemort's name directly, worrying that he was not as good as a student in the wizarding world. If he couldn't keep up with his study progress, he would be buried in a copy of "Doraemon".

The two of them were chatting and laughing along with the ups and downs of the plot. If the salesperson who had never been named in the original book appeared at 12:30, interrupting everything, they probably wouldn't even be able to think of lunch.

This woman with a nice smile and dimples opened the compartment door and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food for the car?"

Harry, who was already very hungry, jumped up, while Ron began to feel inferior again, his ears turned red, and he muttered that he had brought a sandwich, so there was no need to buy it.

Harry, who had never had any change to buy sweets in the Muggle world, spent eleven silver Sickles and seven bronze Knuts in one go, buying some of each type of food.

This made Ryan stunned. Ryan always thought that he bought one of each kind of food, but it turned out that he bought some of each kind. No wonder Malfoy's follower Goyle couldn't help but want to eat, and then he was bitten by Scabbers in the snack pile. Take a bite.

Ron, on the other hand, looked directly at the food that Harry had poured into the empty space, including a large pile of Bibi's multi-flavor beans, Bubble Super Bubble Gum, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pie, pot cakes, licorice magic wands, etc.

Under the influence of hunger, Ron also noticed Ryan next to the snacks and was stunned.

"What are you doing? --You are----, what are you doing?" Ron stammered.

"Isn't Ryan always here?" Harry replied.

Ryan, on the other hand, was reading a book, eating the sandwich prepared by Jack, and nodded as a greeting.

After Ron was briefly surprised, he couldn't help but look at the pile of snacks and took out a sandwich from the bulging carton. Then, the considerate Harry noticed and forcibly exchanged the pumpkin pie for the sandwich. Ryan reluctantly joined the food exchange.

Harry and Ron sat together, munching on the pies and cakes Harry had bought, and occasionally discussing the issue of chocolate frogs.

This time, Harry did not draw a picture of Dumbledore from the chocolate frog for the first time, but a picture of the funny weirdo Urick.

For some unknown reason, the sandwiches made by Ryan and Mrs. Weasley were also ignored by Ron and Harry.

This is not surprising to Ryan. After all, the two of them are brothers in need. Harry has not had the opportunity to eat snacks since he was a child, and Ron, with so many people in his family, rarely has the opportunity to eat so many snacks at once.

Unlike Ron and Harry, Ryan picked up the canned corned beef sandwich that was very dry in Ron's mouth and ate his own sandwich. It was surprisingly delicious. Ron didn't think it tasted good because he was probably tired of eating too much. .

After a while, Harry pulled out Dumbledore from the chocolate frog. He also had Morgana, Hangis, Alboric, Ses, Parather, Merlin and the Druids. Cards for characters such as the cultist Cleona.

After a while, Harry walked out of the chocolate frog carnival and stretched out his chocolate-covered hand to Bibi's multi-flavored beans.

Ron on the side warned, be careful when eating this. For example, his brother George had the misfortune to eat a bean that smelled like dried beef.

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted Ron and Harry's conversation.

"I'm sorry, I want to ask, have you seen my toad?" A boy with a round face was full of tears. This must be Neville.

And Ryan noticed that Neville actually glanced at him.

After Harry and Ron shook their heads in unison, they started crying again, "I lost it again! It always wants to run away from me!"

Harry stood up and comforted him, and soon the room became calm again, while Ron complained that if he bought a toad, he would find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

But now that I have taken Banban with me, I have nothing to say.

"Scabbers? That's it?" Harry asked curiously.

Ron didn't answer. He reached into his inner pocket and pulled out a fat gray mouse. It was sleeping.

"His name is Scabbers, and he's useless and sleeps all day long. Percy became a prefect, and my dad gave him an owl, and they couldn't afford it—I mean, they gave me the mouse. ." Ron's ears turned red and he fell into inferiority again.

Harry smiled and said nothing.

Fortunately, at this time, a little girl with thick hair and a pair of big front teeth opened the door and walked in. She had changed into Hogwarts clothes. After glancing at the "Doraemon" that Ron carefully placed aside, she asked again directly if he had seen Neville's toad. After getting the answer that no, she left neatly.

Unlike the original book, perhaps Hermione did not interrupt Ron's pretense (using the magic wand to cast a spell on Scabbers, failed, and made a fool of herself), said a long paragraph to show off her knowledge, and did not point out that there was something dirty on the tip of Ron's nose like in the movie. Her appearance just happened to ease the embarrassment.

This made Harry and Ron have a good impression of her.

"So the boy's name is Neville."

"But she is really nice. What's her name." Ron muttered to himself. Good guy, Ron really likes this one, and now he reads it. Ryan shook his head and felt speechless.

"She didn't say." Harry said.

Then the two guys started to feast again.

Fortunately, Hermione is a beauty from Ryan's adult aesthetics, but she just doesn't know how to dress up. But she obviously has no similarities with Emma's version of Hermione in the movie, otherwise it would be difficult for me to control myself from being a jerk to her.

If she is very similar to Emma, ​​I probably can't control the feelings of a fan meeting a star. You know, this is different from the bad-reputation Miss Watson in real life. This is the real movie version of Hermione.

In that case, I would be sorry for Penelope and Kate, fortunately.

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