Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 326: Waterman's accent

Chapter 798 Waterman accent?

The front hoof of this sea monster with a horse-head and fish-tail was still wrapped with a piece of kelp that fluttered with the waves.

Harry finally understood the reason. Judging from the freshness of the kelp, it was estimated that it had just left the sea and came to fresh water not long ago.

It is very likely that it has never eaten the ball fish.

So it will not regard the ball fish as its life like its other peers.

"I know it! Harry must not be scared to death!" Mr. Weasley shouted excitedly outside the maze.

On the screen, Harry was thinking, motionless.

The same was true for the sea monster with a horse-head and fish-tail.

It was obvious that Harry did not do nothing just now.

Instead, he quietly cast some hidden immobilization magic.

This was indeed the case.

After Harry finished thinking, he had the idea of ​​getting the Durmstrang badge in the next second.

His water friend took action.

The result was that the movement of the sea monster with a horse-head and fish-tail froze, like a beetle in amber.

The Durmstrang badge also broke away from the rock and flew into Harry's hand.

This scene was quite similar to the scene when Fleur took the Beauxbatons badge just now.

"Professor Dumbledore, is Harry's strange way of moving before also related to this? I mean the control of water." On the stands, Ron, who had thrown Lavender's letter and boredom into his pocket, asked curiously.

Dumbledore nodded, his blue eyes shining with a kind of bright light, as if he had penetrated the screen and observed something.

"You have good observation skills.

Harry's performance really surprised me.

If it were me, I could easily manipulate the water by injecting magic into it.

Turning it into a cage or changing its properties.

No spells are needed either.

But Harry's is different.

The lake water seemed to come alive.

Just to help him.

Not direct command and manipulation like me, but communication like friends.

I have never seen such magic.

What's even more bizarre is that this is not based on mainstream spells, but tends to be an auxiliary potion."

"But isn't Miss Dracula the same? And it seems to have gone one step further than Harry."

Dumbledore shook his head, "She was like the monarch of water in that state.

For the manipulation of water Control, still command.

It's no different from me.

Water in our hands is lifeless.

Even if it is alive, it is a temporary, false life given by us.

And Harry is really communicating with water.

Water comes alive without the blessing of external forces.

No, or it is already alive.

It's just that we don't know this language and can't communicate with it.

Just like Parseltongue to snakes.

In our understanding, snakes are also creatures with only animality and no brains.

In Muggle science, snakes don't have high intelligence.

But if you use Parseltongue, you will find a snake with wisdom and communication.

Will it be the same with water?

Harry learned Parseltongue through that gillyweed"

Ron was confused.

Dumbledore was completely immersed in his own world.

The following words became more and more profound.

Ron couldn't understand it at all. He had to look at the big screen.

Harry has now received two badges.

Tied for second place with Krum.

However, Ron moved his eyes to the middle of the four screens.

Because after Fleur obtained all the badges, another distribution map appeared in the center of the four screens.

The three warriors were three dots, and the colors were the colors of their respective school robes.

So Krum's behavior gradually became obvious.

The path of the red dot representing him clearly overlapped with the path of Harry's black dot.

Mr. Weasley, the commentator, also discovered, "Merlin's beard!

Krum's shark nose can actually smell the traces of other warriors.

He chose Harry!

He is now swimming towards the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster!

And so fast!

Krum, who turned into a shark, swims so fast!

Is Harry's just-achieved second place with Krum going to disappear? Come on, Harry!

Elvas still adopted a steady and steady approach.

While swimming left and right along the S shape, he looked up and down.

He has come to the cave that Dracula had been to before.

But, Without the warrior uniform and war magic, can he really get the badge in front of the giant squid Kraken?

Harry finally accelerated!

Did he notice Krum's movements?

He was now like lying in the lake, and the water around him was pushing him.

He was heading to... Let me see the distribution map. It was the mermaid statue!

And now Krum has not reached the position of the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster.

Who will win the second place?

Or will the two arrive at the same time, get the badge, and still tie for second place?"

Harry's acceleration is indeed related to Krum.

But it has more to do with Fleur.

After the monarch who dominated the entire Black Lake left.

Harry's water friends became active.

In contrast, they can do more.

After taking the badge of Durmstrang from the guard of the horse-headed fish-tailed sea monster,

Harry also learned from his water friends that,

A fish that they had never seen before but had seen frequently recently, and only the upper half of which matched, was swimming towards him.

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There is no doubt that it was Krum.

Krum may have changed more thoroughly now, and the whole person is a shark.

Then Harry felt a sense of crisis and directly asked his water friend to help him move faster.

The direction of movement was where other warriors had stayed for a long time before, but he had not been to.

And his water friend happened to choose the mermaid statue.

Avoided the cave where the warriors had already sneaked into.


"Dracula has put on his shoes and left the water.

But it's a pity that she has turned back to her original form." Mr. Weasley paused, and he felt a chill on his scalp again. "It seems that the first one should be Fleur Dracula of Beauxbatons.

Let's follow her and see what the end of the tunnel looks like - the door that requires four badges to open!

Also, the changes in the maze."

The red fireball danced in the air, circling around Fleur.

Surprisingly, there was no trace of water on her body.

She was dry, as if she had never dived into the Black Lake.

Soon, she came to the end.

At the end of the stairs was a white ceiling.

It was the stone door.

As Fleur approached, it began to shake.

A suction force came from the stone door.

However, the suction force did not cause any movement of dust or sand.

The hem of Fleur's skirt was also (a burst of lost sighs came from the stands).

Only four badges flew out of Furong's pocket.

They were sucked into the smooth stone slab, creating ripples like water waves.

Buzz buzz buzz - the stone door opened.

The dark starry sky was revealed. And an elegant female voice.

It was the head of a beautiful woman.

Her long almond eyes were full of teasing.

"Hello, can you answer my riddle? Otherwise, I can't let you out."

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