Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 335: Power of Concern

Chapter 807 The power of concern

Harry and Krum weren't exactly talkative people.

After saying what needed to be said, neither of them spoke for the next twenty minutes,

I just listened carefully to see if there were any other sounds besides the snapping of branches and the rustling of leaves.

Because, as they went deeper, the trees became more and more dense, and the stars above their heads were no longer visible.

Only a beam of silvery white light suddenly shot out from the dead branches and leaves to guide them.

They have nothing else to do.

This silence was commensurate with the surrounding silence, until a beam of firelight faintly penetrated through the trees not far away.

"Looks like we're almost there." Krum pointed his wand at the robe and added another repair spell.

Because during the journey of at least half an hour, their clothes were often caught on low branches and thorns.

Harry nodded.

Pushing away the trees, a ball of flame jumping in the pit appeared in front of them.

That's Hephaestus.

Dumbledore, Hagrid, Ervas, Mrs. Volkanova, Castle Pollack, and Fleur stood in a circle around it.

I saw Harry and Krum walking over.

The six people's eyes were all focused on them.

"Professor, did you call us over?" Harry walked to Hagrid and looked at Dumbledore.

"You should ask Mrs. Volkanova this question. Although I also know the answer." Dumbledore shrugged.

"This is related to a magic," Mrs. Volkanova woke up and said, "This magic is a secret that is not passed down in our school, but due to some unspeakable factors, plus your respective schools have already I paid the price—"

"Wait a minute, did I hear that right? Our respective schools?" Krum looked in disbelief.

Although Durmstrang's students no longer target him too much.

But the principal's attitude towards him has not changed at all!

"Ahem, Mrs. Volkanova is right. Although, I also played a role in this." Dumbledore suppressed the embarrassment and subconsciously touched his waist with his left hand.

A feeling of resentment towards Snape automatically came to his mind.

The transsexual fertility potion invented by this guy is also very effective.

Just after giving birth to a child and returning to normal, I have so much energy that even he can't stand it.

You must know that he only looks like a centenarian, but in fact his physique is similar to that of a strong young man.

"Then I will continue," Mrs. Volkanova glared at Krum, "You may not know that the wizard's attention is also magical.

Negative, clear, intense attention is called a curse.

That positivity, adoration, and fanatical attention also have power that we don't understand.

It's just that those positive concerns are too complicated. Some hope you live a long life, some hope you have good fortune, and some are mixed with bad desires. This also leads to the fact that the power of these positive concerns cannot be understood by wizards. use.

But it is undoubtedly powerful.

This can be exemplified by negative attention.

The dark wizards in history have undoubtedly used the power of negative attention to a greater or lesser extent.

Voldemort, whom we all know, is one of the best.

Negative attention is simpler and easier to distinguish than positive attention.

There are almost no disadvantages except that absorbing it may make oneself evil, and the lack of skill may cause backlash.

The curse that Voldemort placed on his name actually mainly functions to absorb the power of negative attention more efficiently and reduce losses.

The fact that his name would be noticed by him and his men was merely an added bonus. "

"The emotion Voldemort absorbed should be fear, if I guess correctly." Harry said suddenly.

"How did you-" Mrs. Volkanova was stunned.

"Dumbledore once said don't call him You-Know-Who, just call him Voldemort.

Always use the correct name for things.

Fear of a name reinforces fear of the thing itself.

I never understood why Dumbledore taught me this.

There is obviously monitoring magic on it.

But I understand now that this was to reduce the fear of the name Voldemort. And if everyone is like this.

Voldemort couldn't detect it at all. Harry said with a smile.

"Okay." Mrs. Volkanova glanced at Harry suspiciously.

After briefly wondering if he was too close to Dumbledore, he continued: "As Mr. Potter just said.

Absorbing the power of attention also requires careful screening. You need to select the largest part of the power of attention you receive in order to absorb it to the greatest extent.

Just like Voldemort chose fear.

We also need to absorb the power of other wizards' positive attention to us. "

"Is this why Ervas clearly lost before, but you acted like you won?" Fleur raised her eyebrows, "No wonder I feel that he is much stronger.

He must have mastered the method of absorbing the power of attention that you mentioned. "

Ervas nodded.

"Does absorbing this kind of power have any effect on people?" Krum frowned.

All the changes in Ervas from the beginning to the present flashed through his mind.

He, who was relatively close to Ervas, noticed that Ervas had gradually gained a human touch during this year.

He once thought that Ervas was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

But now——could it be the influence of the so-called power of concern?

“Of course there is an impact.

But it's all good.

The power of positive care contains beautiful blessings.

What is brought to you is also the corresponding virtue.

I don't think it's a shortcoming to become better. "

"I don't want to be brainwashed by power." Krum frowned.

Harry on the side also noticed something was wrong, "If I guess correctly, this kind of power has another name - faith.

The gods developed their own religious purposes and reaped the fruits.

Just as the power of negative attention can make a wizard become evil, the power of positive attention can also make the wizard who absorbs it become less like himself. "

"Religion?" Mrs. Volkanova was a little impatient, "I said, only the attention of wizards will have power.

If you are a Muggle, even if 100 million Muggles, in your words, believe in you, and you have the method of digesting the power of attention, you will not be able to gain any power. "

"What about wizards who were born into Muggle families? They will more or less believe in a certain religion under the influence of their original family."

"Then you're right.

This magic is the secret of our school.

It's okay if you don't want to learn. I'm not very willing to teach you. said Mrs. Vokanova angrily.

"Ahem, let me explain." Dumbledore waved his hand, "Before you worry, you need to understand one thing.

Absorbing the power of attention, you are in a dominant position.

If you are worried about contaminating your mind, you can absorb it slowly.

Adjust your mentality.

And the so-called ‘pollution’,

That is, bravery, kindness, gentleness. These beautiful qualities.

You can also choose for yourself. "

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