Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 343: The Transformed Veela Bloodline

Chapter 814: The Transcendent Veela Bloodline

"You are really strong now." Krum exclaimed when he found one of Harry's feet in the dent while picking up the wand.

He frowned, "Why are you so surprised? I remember Dumbledore said that [Dakuwaga] can transform me into a shark.

Well. Actually, my Transfiguration seems to have improved a lot.

If my level in the past was 60 points. Now it is at least 100 points."

"Let me say something," Dumbledore waved his hand, "If you choose [Animagus] as your development direction, your Transfiguration may improve even more.

The magic of [Glory of the Warrior] gives you power not in vain. Middle Pavilion.

In fact, what you just showed is a kind of advanced human body transformation.

In order to enable you to do this step.

You will naturally be improved in Transfiguration accordingly.

Just like Harry was given superb martial arts and gained fighting experience. "

Dumbledore paused and smiled wickedly, "I noticed it just now. After Harry opened his eyes, he looked at your neck several times.

It seems that he wants to use the wand to give you a direct physical blow. "

"I said why my neck is cold." Krum leaned towards Elvas.

"Is it?" Harry touched the back of his head while pulling his right hand out of his pocket and releasing the wand.

To ease the embarrassment, he looked at Fleur who had not woken up yet.

Fleur was still closing her eyes lightly as they had just talked.

From the outside, there was no change on her surface.

But only Fleur knew how shocking the changes had taken place in her body at this moment.

All the magical creatures and humanoid races today were born under the indirect and direct influence of wizards.

What's more, it is directly the wizards themselves who are transformed by magic or born by curse.

The fairies, veelas and other humanoid races that can compete with wizards are almost the same.

Therefore, there is no reproductive isolation between wizards and them.

This is why the mixed-blood veelas are so perfect.

But Furong is not an ordinary mixed-blood veela.

After taking Ryan's potion many times, the veela blood in her body has been upgraded and leaped many times.

At the same time, it has been perfectly transformed into an aspect of the essence of wizards, existing as a pure talent.

But things will turn into the opposite. After touching the barrier between demigods and gods, her unprecedentedly powerful veela blood began to trace back to a more primitive and powerful direction.

That is, the first one, because of the love of beauty, she transformed herself, and then because she attracted too much attention from male wizards, she was cursed by jealousy and had a witch with a human-faced bird form, and changed into a veela.

It can be said that if Ryan had not often debugged through physical connection, Furong might have a more powerful and terrifying human-faced bird form while becoming more beautiful.

Obviously, this was something Furong herself did not want to do.

And now, the real opportunity for her to completely abandon the human-faced bird form has arrived.

With the help of the fresh potion that Ryan had just connected and injected into her, the ethereal power of attention turned into a substantial and charming magical vitality.

It injected a structure called DNA that was even smaller than a cell and spirally intertwined.

It broke apart, and under the blessing of that vitality, it continued to reorganize and leaped towards a more perfect and powerful direction.

Furong only felt that the warm liquid that had just been injected into her body was constantly evaporating and heating up.

The food-giving magic she had learned before was working like the whistle of a train.

Her perception was also confused by all this.

It was as if she just shuddered.

It only took a moment.

Everything was over.

She opened her eyes.

She scanned the people who were all focusing on her, and the surroundings.

It was obvious that more than a second had just passed.

She now seemed to have a keen sense of magic.

In her perception, Krum's magic began to be filled with the breath of the ocean, and there was a shark roaring faintly.

Just like Professor McGonagall, whose magic kept meowing when she borrowed Ryan's vision before.

As for Harry Potter.

His tight robe, the embarrassing exposed trouser legs, and the big pit that appeared out of thin air not far away already explained everything.

He seemed to have changed physically.

The magic was still the same as when she borrowed Ryan's vision before - holy and corrupt, full of the taste of fire dragons and phoenixes.

However, at the moment, everyone looked at her with a little dazed eyes.

Even Dumbledore, who could always look at her with clear eyes.

"It's over, I won't fall in love with a woman." At this moment, Dumbledore thought so.

For the first time in his life, he felt moved by a woman.

A girl who was nearly a hundred years younger than him.

You know, even when he faced Grindelwald, his heart was as calm as water.

After this girl opened her eyes, everything changed.

The sky seemed to be bright again, the sun drove away the moon and hung in the sky.

The withered flowers bloomed, and the fragrance of tulips was faintly wafted in the air.

But the girl herself was no longer so breathtakingly beautiful.

Her skin no longer glowed, and her hair no longer shone with silver light without the wind.

In short, the extraordinary and obviously abnormal part of her beauty disappeared.

It is also different from the first individual competition, after the war magic.

Now, her beauty is natural,

A lotus flower emerges from clear water, naturally without any decoration.

Unconsciously, she has walked into your heart.

Like a sudden gust of wind that cannot be stopped or pondered.

Until "What's wrong with you!"

This crisp and charming voice sounded.

Dumbledore and others woke up at this time.

In the room of all wishes, Kate's mouth was pouting, almost enough to hang a bottle of oil.

"Little brat, this is not fair!" Then, Kate stood up and yelled, "I also want to learn this magic and become beautiful!"

Ryan coughed, "Remind you, the hard condition for entering the Warrior's Glory is to be famous enough.

Harry and his friends have gained enough fame through the live broadcast of the championship in Europe and even the entire wizarding world. And you-"

Ryan stretched out his index finger and shook it left and right.

"Besides, you have to give people the feeling of a great beauty.

At least the kind that is well-known.

Kate, I'm not saying that you are not beautiful. On the contrary, I think you are very cute.

The kind that is at the top of my heart.

But your beauty is too cruel." Ryan sighed as he looked at Kate, whose figure was no different from that of a twelve-year-old girl.

"Then you can study it for me. I know you can do it." Kate looked at her toes and said angrily.

"Why don't we watch something interesting." Ryan decided to change the subject, "For example, next Thursday, June 30th.

How about the preview of the night when Voldemort gradually regained his form before his resurrection?"

"Is it interesting?" Kate wiped her tears.

"Very interesting."

Thanks to Long Tianxiu and Taishi Yumixu for their monthly tickets and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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