Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 355 It’s broken! Voldemort has a brain!

Chapter 826 It's broken! Voldemort has a brain!

"Hahaha! Now, your opponent is the greatest white wizard - Albus Dumbledore.

His lover, the former Dark Lord - Gattler Grindelwald.

And another young, naive, disgusting me."

The seven Voldemorts did not open or close their mouths. But Voldemort's voice came from them.

"Dumbledore, a very smart move.

Find a large number of wizards on the periphery to block the power of Azkaban.

At the same time, find a Horcrux and give him the identity of the main soul.

Replace me with his murder of me.

Destroy my immortality.

But, unfortunately, there are seven of me now.

How can you, your lover, and the naive apprentice deal with the extra four of me?"

Voldemort's cold voice sounded at the edge of the island.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald looked at each other.

It's broken! Voldemort has a brain!

Riddle's eyes were cold and fierce, "A naive apprentice?

Backward old antique, go back to the old times!

There is no ship in the new world that can carry you!"

The soft, sacred, and most pious saints, the singing of the skilled choir musicians sounded.

White feathers fell from the sky and flew towards the seven people on the opposite side.

In response, the seven Voldemorts responded in completely different ways.

One Voldemort's head grew countless snake heads, and it preserved itself under the light feathers by constantly sacrificing their lives.

One Voldemort directly released the light net composed of Avatar.

One Voldemort vaporized his flesh, causing the light feathers that automatically searched for the enemy to lose their target.

The last Voldemort directly raised a head.

The head opened its mouth and absorbed all the light feathers that approached.

"Weak! Ridiculous!

Is this the trick you learned from licking Dumbledore's toes?

You are not the little boy trained by the foster nurse in Wu's orphanage."

When the seven Voldemorts dealt with Guangyu, Voldemort's cold voice kept ringing.

Later, he pinched his throat and said like a little boy: "Mammy, it is God who gave us food.

Little Tom knows he is wrong."

The light feathers gathered more and more.

Dumbledore on the side was shocked.

Voldemort, who used to be able to break the defense by calling him Tom, can now mock people with his childhood that he didn't want to mention.

From this, he understood almost immediately.

The Voldemort in front of him had somehow regained his sanity.

And he was cold and ruthless. He didn't even have the basic sense of shame.

And a terrible possibility flashed through his mind.

"Snake head. Rodolphus?

Avada? Travers?

Vaporized flesh old Mulciber?

Hehehe? Such a crazy, identical laugh to Voldemort is only Bellatrix.

Is that old Crouch's head. Little Crouch?"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and identified the true identities of all Voldemorts one by one.

"These seven are all your servants in disguise.

You yourself. No, they are the complete you together!"

Grindelwald, who had been preparing to find an opportunity to give seven Voldemorts a blow, could not help but speak up when he heard this.

"All seven are you?

Stupid kid!

You don't think that your power will not be dispersed as the number increases!"

The blue flames that had been burning around turned into a giant snake a hundred meters long, raising its head to choose someone to bite.

This special devil flame with a blue color officially unfolded its fangs.

"Didn't you see?" Voldemort's voice changed its target, "You should be thankful.

You are facing me now.

Not me a few days ago.

My energy is indeed dispersed.

But it is my energy one second before resurrection that is dispersed.

I was able to retain some of my divine power.

In such a funny way."

The giant snake opened its mouth and bit down, showing its master's attitude.

The seven Voldemorts stopped their respective responses and raised their wands at the same time.

A tall, 100-meter-tall shadow of Voldemort's upper body enveloped the seven people.

"Come on, mortals! Come and face your gods! The future ruler of the world!"

There were bursts of exclamations from the small boats in the distance.

What did they see?

A towering Voldemort!

"Don't stop!" Moody scolded, holding his wand tightly.

While the continuous termination spell in his hand remained stable, he said calmly: "Our headmaster (British wizards who can enter the Ministry of Magic are almost all from Hogwarts) is encircling Voldemort in the front!

As long as you idiots don't drag us down, we can win!

You just need to output steadily as you practiced before!"

In Hogwarts, the light balls of group magic cast by students from four schools condensed together and disappeared out of thin air.

This huge collection of magical energy.

It transcends space.

Following the goals in the students' hearts, it automatically appeared in the bodies of Harry in the mirror world and Dumbledore in Azkaban Island.

In the mirror world, Harry was stunned.

His body had unconsciously withdrawn from dragonization.

He kept staring at the picture reflected on the sea.

This was the first time that the Cruciatus Curse was used in this way.

The painful magic gathered.

Voldemort wielded green lightning snakes, eroding the light feathers, making bursts of hissing sounds.

He himself also stuck out his tongue and kept making devilish laughs.

However, according to Harry's intuition and Dumbledore's analysis.

This hairless monster,

snake-like face,

entity ghost,

turned out to be the beautiful, sexy, and seductive black elf - Bella!

Harry's heart was broken.

He almost forgot the mirror space that maintained the connection between Dumbledore and Hogwarts.

Fortunately, the blessings from the students of Beauxbatons,

the overwhelming competitive spirit and all kinds of good wishes, woke him up.

In the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.

Ryan hugged Luna.

He played with her hair carelessly.

From time to time, he used it to gently tickle Luna's crystal clear earlobe.

The TV in front of them played everything in the mirror world on the island of Azkaban.

Ginny was watching the TV with full concentration.

The fingers pinched the wand, and it turned white.

It's confirmed!

Harry called out Bella!

The whole person even entered the dragon transformation.

And now, watching Harry take a half step back after knowing that one of the seven ugly ghosts was Bella.

Ginny was angry and amused.

"When are you going to take action?" Ryan yawned, "Under my power, everyone will ignore you.

Similarly, I can also make Bella's version of Voldemort temporarily forgotten by Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Then, you can personally take action to understand her."

"Wait a little longer," Ginny gritted her teeth, "I don't want everyone to ignore my fight with that crazy woman.

I want Harry to see with his own eyes that I kill that woman!"

Ginny's expression made Ryan gasp.

In the original world line, Ginny's mother Molly,

because Bella ridiculed her dead son, fought back angrily,

when she killed her, she probably looked like this.

Like an angry, swollen hen and tiger combined.

Ryan coughed, "Then wait another ten minutes.

Soon this shadow of Voldemort will be broken by Dumbledore's joining.

The seven Voldemorts will also separate.

By then, you can take action under Harry's attention."

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