Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 358 Harry's Lies

Chapter 829 Harry’s lies

"Seven demigods?" Luna raised her eyebrows.

Power never increases out of thin air, it just shifts.


"Voldemort's divine power has been digested?" Luna guessed.

"Of course.

Before Voldemort was resurrected, it was just the Pinduoduo version of the Kingdom of God.

But it can be considered as touching the power of God.

Therefore, he could be regarded as a demigod wizard with a trace of divine power just one second before his resurrection.

With his genius idea,

Divide your self, who is about to be resurrected, into pieces,

The bodies of seven slaves were buried in the cemetery through the Dark Mark,

The power of God is temporarily retained. .

It is true that after the full resurrection this incomplete divine power disappears.

However, this is for Voldemort himself.

As for his men, they are elites who have been in the field of black magic for many years.

With Voldemort's treasure trove of knowledge,

And after surpassing the power of gods in the realm of demigods,

They also took advantage of the situation and became demigods.

Well, the weakest kind.

But seven can be considered a great tonic. "

Bella had no idea that she was about to become the Big Tonic.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!"

She has lost her mind now, and only has crazy thoughts in her heart to destroy the girl in front of her.

Black magic is called black magic.

It's because to use it, you must have evil thoughts.

It will promote the mind of the wizard who uses it to develop in an evil direction.

The three unforgivable curses are among the best.

Bella's current madness perfectly fits the Cruciatus Curse.

It can be said that even Voldemort would not have such skill as her in this spell.

The Cruciatus Curse is only used to torture people.

But she used it as a powerful and destructive spell.

The Azkaban prison, which can be called a hundred-meter-tall building, turned into ruins under her spell.

Ginny also had to disintegrate her physical body and merge with the endless sea of ​​bats.

The fantasy version of Youquan Blood Demon is born!

Bats cover the sky. Only occasional green lightning flashes through the bats, revealing themselves in the sunlight.

At this moment, Bella relied on her crazy thoughts to suppress one-seventh of Voldemort's power, and restored her true nature and dominance.

A girl with black skin, ragged clothes, fragile body, beautiful face, and sexy body dances and chops her wand among the bats.

Lightning bursts out that wraps around the entire body.

Ginny's voice, which was stacked together with the blessing of the bat swarm, sounded very evil, "Kill me?

Let's count these bats at least, maybe ten thousand.

You killed one.

There are also nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bats.

Each bat can revive me once.

If you want to kill me, kill me nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times!

Bitch! You haven't done enough classes yet!

However, if you let me kill you once, you will turn into nothing! "

Ginny was filled with jealousy when faced with the beautiful and pitiful Bella who had returned to her true self.

He didn't even notice that he was now speaking as a villain.

With the ‘big villain’ Ginny as a foil.

Even Harry, who knew the cause and effect, couldn't help feeling a little pity for Bella for a moment.

From his shadow, a 'him' with white hair and dark skin, completely opposite to him, stepped out.

Facing the mirror that reflected Bella's figure, it was a quick and agile shot with blue light, "Avada Kedavra!"

This blue light passed through the mirror.

It hit Bella right in the heart.

The blue killing curse with mercy killed Bella and drove away Voldemort's power.

Bella's smile froze and her eyes seemed to bulge out.

At that moment she knew what had happened, and then she fell to the ground.

She sensed that the love in that spell contained the power emanating from the pupils that reflected the same love for her many years ago.

The snake eyes of Voldemort who still loved her before making the locket Horcrux.

At the moment of death, she connected that with Ginny's jealousy.

She has always been loved.

The master's love never goes away.

So, in Ginny's eyes.

Bella's smile, which fell to the ground, was no longer crazy, but full of relief.

In her bat nose and in her heart, there was the obvious smell of Harry.

"Harry!" The bat swarm formed, and Ginny roared into the sky.

A water mirror appeared in mid-air, covering Bella's body and Ginny, and passed through them.

Ryan, who was supposed to complete Ginny's goal, regain his strength, and pull Ginny back, was 'accidentally' a step too late.

Then, the bodies of Ginny and Bella, who still had the power of Ebony Rattus, appeared in front of Harry.

Ginny didn't target Bella's body.

She just lunged forward, using her hands and feet, and began beating every inch of Harry within her reach.

Ginny wasn't using magic, she was just adding a punch to every word she said.

"You - this - bastard!"

"Ryan, you just stopped talking." Luna looked dissatisfied, "Also, why don't you bring Ginny back."

Ryan rubbed the back of his head, "I can't get involved in their young couple's affairs."

"It's Voldemort!" Harry pointed at the white-haired, dark-skinned self on his back, "You should know that I once looked for the Resurrection Stone in order to resurrect my mother.

Voldemort didn't know it was the Resurrection Stone.

I just thought it was a ring representing Gunter.

My dark side absorbed him.

However, it also contained Voldemort's love for Bella.

Voldemort did not understand love and thought it was a disease, so he made a Horcrux with his soul fragments.

Therefore, my dark side also contained love for that woman.

Just now, it appeared involuntarily and killed Bella.

To prevent her from being tortured. "Harry used his power of [Lies] to the fullest.

In order to make the logic coherent, he even changed the Horcrux containing love from a locket to a resurrection stone.

And Ginny, after all, is not a real demigod.

And even Dumbledore was successfully deceived by Harry.

So, she believed Harry's words at once.

"Does it hurt, Harry?"

"That's not the problem. "Harry pointed to the back of Ginny.

There was a 'Ginny' with flaming red hair, who looked exactly like Ginny before she received Ebony Ratus.

Her hands and feet were tied up by the tentacles formed by the water flow, and she was floating in the air in the shape of a 'big'.

Her mouth was also glued together by magic.

She was hesitating and didn't know what to say.

"Is that the evil side of me?" Ginny pointed at herself.

Harry nodded, "Fortunately, she didn't inherit your weird power."

"Otherwise, I would be miserable." Harry secretly complained.

This 'Ginny' obviously didn't believe his nonsense.

Wanted to beat him up.

Maybe she would use magic.

"How could it be!" Voldemort's roar rang in the minds of the remaining five Death Eaters.

The five Death Eaters asked cautiously.

"Bella is dead! "Voldemort replied.

However, they didn't know.

Voldemort was not sad because of Bella's death.

He found that he only got his own backflow power.

Bella's Cruciatus Curse, her power that he also coveted.

He didn't get a single cent.

"Could it be that Crouch Jr.'s was just a coincidence?" Voldemort thought.

He was going to find a Death Eater to do an experiment.

Thanks to Taishi Yumixu, the original appearance 123, Yuchi Jinyin for their monthly tickets, and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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