Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 366: The Origin of the Sacred Line of Destiny

Chapter 837 The Origin of the Sacred Fate Line

Wherever Ryan looked, the figure of the young man on the bronze throne began to travel back in time.

The magic text code designed in the corpse of the God of Death seems to have sensed the threat.

His eyes were opened.

It’s different from the one in the photo of the necklace machine in the cemetery.

It's no longer black.

But it is the same azure blue as the huge head before.

With the sight of each other. A stream of information was transmitted to Ryan's heart one after another with his sight.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the true information about the afterlife.

Its beauty and justice are as far as the eye can see.

If he were a moral wizard like Dumbledore, he would probably give up the idea of ​​fighting Death at this point.

The next thing is related to Ryan, the opponent of the God of Death.

He traveled through time and saw his parents in person for the first time.

A record of the happy and peaceful life of George and Lucia Smith in the afterlife.

Bit by bit, things emerged from Ryan's mind.

He couldn't help but indulge in it.

At this point, most wizards will surrender.

Because no matter how selfish a person is, they all have their own weaknesses.

The God of Death controls the world after death and possesses the souls of the people who have passed away in the entire world.

He holds the weakness of all people, the people they care about.

After knowing that He determines the living environment of the people he cares about and treats them well.

It is really difficult and I dare not be hostile to death.

But Ryan is different.

He knew Death was a good guy.

No matter what he does.

Even the God of Death would not threaten his parents.

So when he accepted this step of information, he still had the energy and determination to maintain the magic of returning time.

The last thing is a huge flow of information.

It is all the true information collected by the God of Death over thousands of years.

This information comes from Himself, the memory of all life in the afterlife.

At this point, no matter how selfish you are.

But the foundation, the brain and the soul's endurance determined by the length of life are all limited.

No one can survive the bombardment of these information flows.

Death himself was equally unable to bear it.

The reason why He was able to retain this information was

It's entirely because of those who bear them,

It is the body of a divine wizard, based on the source of magic power, and constructed from inanimate magic words.

A product of pure rationality and logic like a super computer.

Naturally, the opponent of the God of Death, his attacks on the God of Death and even the afterlife will also stop.

But Ryan is different.

He has a level 6 [Thinking] ability.

Among the thousands of stars in the Kingdom of God, real life is nurtured.

Although they are weak, they are similar to bacteria.

But in terms of life level and intelligence, they are the same as humans.

These information flows are completely borne, digested, and absorbed by them.

It is still one step away from the afterlife that surrounds the entire earth and is rated as level 4 by the system panel as the last and strongest god - the God of Death. The Phantom Body of the Moon is at level 3.

Its progress continues to leap forward under the impact of these information flows.

Moon Phantom lv4 (1%)

Evaluation: The power to change everything, contains the cosmic eggs of thousands of stars.

A place where the lost lives go.

The true form of the soul - the silent moon that governs all things.

Can be downgraded to: Phoenix, Cronus, Vishnu, Ra, Odin, Jehovah.

Ryan's phantom body of the moon has reached the same realm as the afterlife.

There is also a new entry: the place where the past lives that have been lost.

"Is this the trump card of the God of Death?" Ryan couldn't help but be moved.

If it weren't for his [thinking] ability developed through the system.

The Kingdom of God was born based on this research and development.

He might lose himself like those defeated gods.

Being pulled into the afterlife.

As a part of it.

However, most of Ryan's calculation power and intuition are focused on the magic of going back in time.

Therefore, he did not guess based on intuition: In fact, there is no god at all, and the immortal has reached the third level.

That is, bombardment with information torrent.

This also results in, even the construct of the Grim Reaper having no self.

He was also lost for a moment.

Immediately, based on logical deduction and using his eyes, he sent Ryan the final message - the sacred destiny line.

Even if Zhou Yi did not travel through time, Harry would inherit the throne of Death.

And the reason why Harry was chosen as the heir.

"It turns out it's for human beings." Ryan suddenly realized.

He finally understood something.

That is because the wizard race, under the influence of group thinking, has changed from a state of being like gods to a second-class disabled person who can hardly use magic without a wand.

Why do Muggles (muggles: idiots, idiots) in the eyes of wizards still develop modern technology under the influence of group thinking?

It's all the God of Death who is responsible for this.

At the cost of complete death, He swallowed up these negative influences of groupthink against humanity.

This is why he has a corpse with such a powerful source of magic power, and the intelligence constructed by the magic text has never generated itself.

They were all taken as part of the price and disappeared forever.

There is no possibility of regeneration.

However, the previous generation of Death, Ignotus Peverell, set an iron rule in the Death style.

To prevent the Death God from taking office for too long and performing unqualified behaviors after being worn out.

Every thousand years, the Death God must be replaced.

Among the direct descendants (here refers to the direct descendants of the first Death God).

And the replacement of the Death God will break the magic that engulfs the collective thoughts of the human race.

Only the heirs who are willing to inherit the name of God, give up power, and do not change the rules of the afterlife.

Will not affect this magic.

And Harry is the only one.

In other futures predicted by the Death God.

Tom Riddle, who was not affected by the Death God and was born under the love potion, did not become Voldemort.

He did not do anything to rule Muggles or pure bloodism.

Instead, he became a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts as soon as he graduated.

Later he became the headmaster.

But as a perfect Slytherin, he put power first.

He was unwilling to give up his power as the inheritor of the afterlife.

So the magic was broken.

And the afterlife was transformed into a world where only wizards have the right to create matter.

Neville compromised and chose half and half.

Humans will not be negatively affected.

But wizards are the same.

So, the spirit wizards reappeared.

Humans fell into the rule of wizards.

Although the afterlife is still invincible because of the mechanism of the previous generation of death gods against spirit wizards and immortals.

It is a paradise.

But it is still not the future that Ignotus wants.

Ryan, who has not been traveled through, is as inconspicuous as the previous Smiths and pursues secrecy.

He directly cut off the connection between heaven and earth.

Pulled the wizarding world into the afterlife.

The wizarding world is directly in another dimension.

It can no longer be discovered by Muggles.

All born Muggle wizards will die and enter the afterlife at the moment of their birth.

In the world of the living in the afterlife, it turned out that the wizarding world opened an orphanage to grow up.

"It's outrageous!" Ryan couldn't help but sigh in the silver moon.

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