Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 370 Final Chapter Fifteen Years Later

Chapter 841 Final Chapter Fifteen Years Later

The fall of 2009 seems to have arrived all of a sudden.

The morning of September 1st was as crisp and golden as an apple.

The small family walked briskly across the road to the huge, blackened train station amidst the sound of cars. The exhaust fumes from the cars and the vapor exhaled by pedestrians sparkled like spider webs and floated in the cool air.

A large cage rattled on the roof of the luggage cart pushed by the parents, and the owl in the cage hooted dissatisfiedly.

“Dad, I still don’t understand why Britain still has cars and Hogwarts still uses trains.

Other countries and magic schools have used light-powered flying cars and random doors.

Also, I am obviously already in 4th grade, and starting from this year I will be in 5th grade!

Why do you still need to send it? "

The little black-haired girl raised her eyebrows.

"Mei Ling, you are still a child.

This is tradition.

At any time, the British tradition cannot be lost. " Harry explained awkwardly.

Ginny held Harry's arm and rolled her eyes, "It's almost 11 o'clock. You two, please stop dawdling."

"It's not my fault!" Mei Ling puffed up her face, "It's obviously Ryan.

He kept clamoring to come along.

Has he forgotten that he is still in preschool?

It's unbelievable that he deserves the same name as Uncle Smith. "

After Mei Ling made a small complaint, the family walked through the crowd towards the partition wall between platforms 9 and 10. The passengers stared at the owl curiously, and then started discussing openly.

"Are they wizards?"

"It must be. That man is Harry Potter. Our British interstellar spaceman."

"Well, if only I were a wizard."

"Yes, interstellar spacemen are basically either wizards or slammers. We ordinary people cannot meet the requirements at all."

"But the nebula gas is too expensive! The wolf virus is cheaper."

"You are crazy, we are not squibs. We can become wizards by relying on the lycanthropic virus. I don't want to become a lycanthropic patient."

"Who is calling Dr. Evolto an American? We in the UK want to use his products, there are extra tariffs."

Harry looked normal, he was used to these discussions.

The same goes for Mei Ling and Ginny.

The family disappeared directly into the wall in front of a large group of Muggles who were curious about wizards.

Came to platform 9.

The platform was shrouded in a large amount of white mist sprayed by the red Hogwarts Express train. Blurred figures surged in the mist, making it difficult to see people's faces clearly.

The unseen voices sounded unusually loud.

Harry seemed to hear Dudley bragging that his cousin was the only interstellar spaceman in Great Britain.

He was glad he didn't have to stop and say hello.

"Look, that's Ron," Ginny said suddenly.

Four people appeared in the mist, standing next to the last carriage.

"And Draco," Harry added.

Ron and Lavender married right after graduation.

gave birth to Luke.

Not like him and Ginny.

Maybe it's because there is already Mei Ling.

Ryan was born three years after he graduated.

Today is the day that Luke officially goes to Hogwarts.

It's a little strange that Draco is here, though.

He and Pansy were the remaining Scorpius in their second year after graduation.

Ron was obviously curious about this too.

But due to the presence of the child, he didn't ask anything.

After sending Meiling and Luke to the train, Ginny, Lavender, and the other female parents left,

He said he was going to the newly opened Tuofan clothing store not far away to look at the new season's clothes.

The three grown men, Harry, Ron, and Draco, were left alone.

The troublesome person is gone.

Ron rubbed the belly of Scabbers, his pet rat whose lifespan was so long.

Asked the question he'd always wanted to ask, "Draco, why are you here today? I remember little Scorpius wasn't old enough to go to Hogwarts yet."

Draco raised his jaw proudly, "Stupid Weasley.

The existence of preschool means that some better wizard children no longer have to wait until they are 11 years old to enroll in Hogwarts. "

Draco woke up and said, "In fact, the youngest son, Spico Malfoy, was able to enter Hogwarts two years early as the first in his class at London Wizarding Kindergarten."

He turned to look at Harry, "I remember Harry, your son, Ryan Potter, can also enter school early.

He was also number one at Cheshire Cat Kindergarten in Devon. "

"Harry!" Harry looked at Ron who questioned him in a woman-like tone and shrank his neck.

He coughed and said, "I think children should have their own childhood. Have fun at the age they should."

Draco's eyes widened and he said loudly: "I don't agree with this!

The world today can develop at a rapid pace.

The wizarding and Muggle worlds are officially connected.

Governments exist in name only.

Earth Peace United TPC appears.

With the alliance of wizards and Muggles, the Age of Development emerged.

Our footprints are beginning to appear on various planets.

Looking for a job is no longer like our time, as long as you have an N.E.W.T level certificate.

If you want to make progress, you need to further study in academics. Physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc. are indispensable. "

Ron shouted: "But we are wizards."

Harry nodded. In today's society, as long as he is a wizard, no matter how bad he is.

All can enjoy privileged status.

"Wizards are worthless!

Muggle scientist Evolto invented Nebula Gas, an automatically derived gaseous potion that was accidentally born and allowed Muggles to become magical creatures.

They have magic too! "

"But Ryan said that wizards can't make Muggles become wizards.

The Slammers, created from the nebular gas, are just Muggles with magic.

In essence, he is not a wizard at all, but more of a scientific creation based on existing rules.

Not idealistic. " Harry prompted.

hiss! hiss!

Draco and Ron gasped.

Draco asked in a trembling voice: "Could it be that you are still in contact with Ryan?"

Ron was also very excited.

Ryan killed Voldemort 15 years ago.

It is no longer often revealed in the world.

Instead, he has been controlling everything in the afterlife.

They could only occasionally see him around Luna and Hermione, who were still attending Hogwarts.

But Ryan's story still kept ringing in their ears.

The integration of the wizarding and Muggle worlds is his leading role.

The same is true for the establishment of TPC.

Recently, the real Hogwarts was built on Mars,

He also founded a magical university dedicated to further learning in magic.

There are many advanced courses in it.

Animagus Advancement Course - can transform into magical creatures.

Advanced Apparition Course - No longer traveling through the slit in the real world, but through the gap between the real world and the mirror world. Space travel between countries can be easily achieved.

Biology class - transform yourself, extend your life, and implant external organs.

"He?" Harry touched the back of his head, "You also know that Ginny and Luna have a very good relationship.

And, in a sense, he never left.

Maybe, right now, he is in the coffee shop in the square, drinking coffee and looking at us. "

In the coffee shop, Ryan touched his chin.

The sun shines through the glass onto his jade-like skin.

Yeah, he never left.

Hermione became the Director-General of the United Nations, also known as the TPC Director.

Luna has been traveling through the stars.

Fleur taught at the real Hogwarts.

Penello is in charge of the Skywalker Alchemy Workshop.

Kate traveled around the afterlife and became a famous historian.

Nagini seems to prefer being a snake.

Play with Dr. Hamster Flywheel, Jerry and the others all day long.

And he has always guided the development of the world.

Over the next hundred years, new knightly powers will be inserted into the world.

Ryan looked at the murky liquid in the coffee cup.

It has been 21 years since he came to this world.

His story will continue, forever.

It’s really a finale. When I finish my closing remarks, the book will officially be finished.

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